LOG: Pink!

Mar 19, 2011 16:52

Date: Day 1, Month 4, Turn 25
Location: Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Toasts to new people, and those finally returning home. Sadly, the evening ends on a distinctly unhappy (and disturbing) note.

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
The Snowasis is rarely quiet, and even then, the high-ceilinged former weyr is kept from echoing by the fantastical booths tucked into its convoluted perimeter. The secluded seating spaces have been shaped from the truncated stalagmites that escaped the smoothing of the main floor, and are both softened and separated by colorful hangings that are thick and opaque enough to make each corner its own private nook.
Some of the smaller stalactites still roam the ceiling, their jagged teeth tracing a bumpy, inverted spine to the hearth. There, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches sit, their upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and clear, rich hues for winter. Small tables litter the rest of the cavern, enough to fit up to four people each, while stools stand along the smooth wooden bar behind which is the passthrough window to the kitchen. Glass-paneled cabinetry behind the bar provides a clear view of the available liquors, the many colors reflecting the soft light of glows tucked into strategic niches around the cavern.

Slowly, but steadily, spring has begun to arrive at High Reaches Weyr - though for the moment, that means 'fog and rain and chilly winds' rather than 'lovely sunny days'. Visibility is almost nil out in the bowl today, and the smell of wet wool has permeated even to the furthest reaches of the Snowasis, carried with the multitude of people intent upon whiling away what's left of the day. K'del arrives through the internal door, dryer and clearly more comfortable than most people; he heads directly for the bar, leaning back forearms upon it as he gives his order to the waitstaff on duty: "Whiskey, thanks."

Lujayn hadn't been a frequent visitor to the Snowasis in the past, but her return seems to be marked by regular patronage. Her entrance from the outer ledge brings a touch of fog to the joint, but at least it isn't raining anymore. She waits to order, taking stock of the crowd as always before moving into it. She doesn't hesitate long, picking a quieter spot along the bar until a tender can spare time for her. She isn't in a rush today, just looking tired and a little dusty. It's clearly time to unwind.

G'brion comes in from the cold and wet outside, his face set against the wind. The first thing he does is to methodically peel off the outer layer of wet riding leathers and dump them in an empty chair. Then he makes for the bar to order "one of those pink things with the orange in it, like you were making the other night." The bartender gets a sunny smile and a "please" along with that request, too, and Gabe runs a hand through his unkempt hair - despite the helmet, that's wet, too - and turns to greet K'del. "Hi, Weyrleader."

Jessek doesn't even bother trying to hide himself. Maybe a smaller man might have, but Jessek has too much height. Instead, he prowls the outer edges of the cavern bar with a casual air, letting himself be seen. Anyway, movement will keep the limbs warm and the blood flowing. Dark eyes scan the comings and goings, noting the entrance of K'del and ignoring Lujayn. He pauses in a dark corner near her table, nonetheless, arms folded across his chest and eyes on the bar for a moment.

"G'brion," greets K'del, turning on one elbow so that he can glance at the other rider. His drink arrives in short order, slid across the bar towards him, and picking it up in one hand, he adds, "Awful day for it, isn't it?" 'It' being - well, anything at all. From this position, he can see Lujayn, and while Jessek goes unnoticed for the moment, the goldrider is greeted with an even-toned, "Evening," pitched just loud enough to reach that far.

Lujayn nods a greeting to K'del, about to reply when a bartender does wander her way - it's not a difficult order, and before long the goldrider has a mug of warming amber liquid between both hands. It's a hearty gulp before she actually replies, meeting the eyes of those joining the Weyrleader. "A good one at last," There's damp in her hair but sand under her fingernails, which she picks at now. "Glad to see this place does a fair business, still."

"Yeah," Gabe agrees with an expressive roll of his eyes. "It was nice and sunny out at Healer Hall. I didn't think to check the weather before we came back. I guess that's what riding leathers are for, but still, I really hate getting a face full of rain first thing." His drink arrives not long after, and he flips a tip to the barkeeper and snatches it up, taking a hefty gulp. He nods to Lujayn and starts to say something else, but is distracted by that guy over in the corner. Jessek. G'brion's eyebrows go up, signaling his interest, and he goes quiet and leans against the bar, just watching.

Jessek keeps his head slightly turned as to catch the goldrider's side of the conversation, but his eyes still roam restlessly from table to table. Inevitably, though, they make their way back to the bar and.../him/. Jessek blinks slowly as first comprehension and then disapproval darken his expression. His jaw tightens visibly, and Jessek flexes just for the greenrider's benefit. Yet he maintains eye contact.

K'del's agreement is fervent: "Me, too. First day of actually /nice/ weather we get-- can't wait. Honestly." The greenrider's sudden silence and distraction slides the young Weyrleader's attention towards Jessek for the first time; head cocked to one side, he gives him a brief glance, followed by the faintest of nods. After that, though, he moves his attention on towards Lujayn, answering, "Reckon the weyr could be falling down around our ears, and the Snowasis'd still be going strong. Which is encouraging, somehow, though I'm not entirely sure why."

Across the Snowasis from one of the booths against the wall, sudden laughter breaks out, free and merry and largely feminine. There's a group of lower caverns workers there, a mixed group, some on the headwoman's direct staff, others more general 'weyr workers'. Including Milani. "Oh pish tosh, it'll sort itself out," her voice rings out clearly among the group as she slides out of the booth. "I'm for another drink, back soon," she tells her companions and heads over to the bar to signal the 'keep when she spots several familiar faces there. For now Jessek goes unnoticed, but G'brion earns a smile and a bright, "Hello G'brion!" and K'del, well, Millie leans in to offer the Weyrleader a hug in greeting while Lujayn gets a widening of eyes and warm: "Lujayn! Good to see you!"

"I thought it already did that," Lu grins, the beginning of a laugh faltering as her own gaze is drawn along that tense, silent line to Jessek. She takes her own moment to stare unabashedly, raising an eyebrow. Half the drink gone, she sees fit to bridge the gap of stools. "Pardon, 'scuse," She mutters, remembering why the quiet end was so inviting to begin with. But this new face makes it all worthwhile, eyes brightening again. "Milani!" Forgetting exactly where she was going, Lu's feet swerve and take her in the direction of her friend. She spreads her arms wide, but for the drink in her hand there might be a childlike embrace. "It has been AGES."

Eye contact. There's a hint of mischief in the smile that G'brion sends Jessek's way. He goes on watching for a long moment, enjoying the view and trying to work out what that mix of signals means. Finally, he grins once more and turns to have a brief conversation with the bartender. When he turns around again, Milani's there, and G'brion greets her with a friendly smile. "Hi, Milani, how's it going?" He does sneak another look or two in Jessek's direction, but he's not staring any longer. A few minutes later, a waitress saunters over with one of those pink-things-with-the-orange-in-it for Jessek. It tastes deceptively like a girly drink, but packs a substantial wallop in the intoxication department. "From that greenrider over there," the waitress informs Jessek, dimpling when she smiles.

Jessek moves as if to approach the bar, but he's cut off by Lujayn rising from her seat. He stops up short, face reddening as the big man is forced to backpedal or run into her. Fortunately, she's moving away, and now that the greenrider has turned away, he seems to think better of it and returns to his vigil. When the waitress starts heading his way, his face temporarily crumples in a look of embarassed horror, but he quickly regains his cool. He leans in to murmur something to her. She frowns a bit as she listens, then her eyes widen with understanding and she nods quickly. He stares after her, notably avoiding Gabe's face. The waitress moves back behind the bar, offering him the extra drink back. "He said he can't drink on the job," she offers by way of explanation. "Got to stay fresh on duty. He's new, so he's not really.." she leans in and waggles a hand. "..relaxed yet, you know."

K'del's light laughter, an obvious response to Lujayn's remark, is cut short at Milani's approach. The Weyrleader gives her a generous, squeezing hug in return, though one that releases her in time to seek the goldrider's hug as well. Leaning back against the bar, his gaze slips between the two women, and G'brion, though his glance in the greenrider's direction lengthens as he asks, "You know that guy?" It's pretty obvious which one he means, and made even more obvious as the waitress returns the drink. "Or-- maybe not."

"It has!" Milani agrees with Lujayn after she's stepped away from K'del to return the offered embrace from the goldrider. "How are you? And Igen?" Her attention drifts a little from Lu over to G'brion and Jessek as K'del poses that question of the greenrider, her brows lifting a little as she takes in the big guy over yonder.

Lujayn ducks to one side to avoid a sudden hulking stranger, but makes it safely to the other side - hugs and glances fly about their little corner of the Snowasis, Lujayn carefully embracing Milani without spilling a drop. Then she turns, curious as ever, watching Jessek retreat to his post. "That looks like a good one," Commenting on the pink drink, though her half-empty mug is not emptying much faster than before. "Does it have a name?"

"On duty?" G'brion says blankly, reaching out automatically to take the second drink. "Ah. Well." His face flushes deep red as he avoids looking at Jessek, trying unsuccessfully to hide his disappointment. He shrugs one shoulder at K'del. "Guess not," he says, and smiles sheepishly. When Lujayn asks about the drink, he seizes on that as a distraction from his embarrassment. "It is good, I forget what they call it, but some guys from my wing got completely plastered on these the other night. It doesn't taste like it's gonna get you drunk all that fast, but it does. Want to try it?" He holds the spare drink out to her; really, with a description like that, how could anyone refuse?

"Oh, yeah," the waitress confirms airily. "He's the new bouncer." Once again she lowers her voice to add, "But he's off soon!" And strolls away. Oblivious to this exchange, poor Jessek takes up a position a bit closer to one of the outer exits, thumbs shoved nervously into the waist band of his trousers. With K'del, Lujayn, and Milani all casting their glances his way, he's determined now /not/ to look in their direction, a vein pulsing in his forehead.

"Pity," remarks K'del, idly, though his gaze has sought out the stranger again. Heedless of G'brion's embarrassment, he muses, ""New bouncer, hm. Perhaps I ought to go introduce myself - excuse me?" The words are followed almost immediately by action; he gives Milani's arm a little squeeze, inclines his head towards the other two, then heads directly towards Jessek. Arm outstretched, obviously with the intention of seeking a handshake, he says, "Hear you're the new bouncer. I'm K'del, High Reaches' Weyrleader. Just wanted to welcome you, say hello."

"Bouncer," Milani echoes with a little grin and gives Jessek another once over that's colored by mischief, though her fingers aim a vague pat for K'del's back as he walks over to greet the newcomer. As Gabe passes his drink to Lujayn she eyes it with mock-suspicion. "It looks so pretty. It must be deceptively strong?" she queries of the greenrider and perches her forearms on the bar, leaning there comfortably.

"Naturally." Lujayn has the grace to at least set her first drink down before picking up the second, sipping delicately this time. It is clearly a thing to be savored, judging by the grin that spreads over her face. "This might be a new favorite." It takes all her willpower not to stare after K'del, but luckily there's a strong drink and happy company if she faces the other direction. She doesn't delve into the bouncer stuff, just focuses on what's in front of her. "I shouldn't be selfish," Lu picks up her own twinkly mischief, raising the glass towards Milani as if in toast. "Try?" Grin. Spread the wealth.

"Yeah - basically," G'brion says to Milani. He sends a glance after K'del that's tinged with envy, but manages to wrest his attention away from that conversation over there, and back to the one occurring right in front of him. "That's what I said the other night," he tells Lujayn with a grin. "It's, like, dangerously tasty."

Jessek flicks his dark gaze to K'del as the Weyrleader approaches him, straightening up and letting his arms rest at his sides. When the Weyrleader offers his hand, Jessek reaches out to accept the handshake after a moment's hesitation. "Thanks," he says in a surprisingly soft voice for a big guy. "Jessek...well met, Weyrleader K'del." His grip is firm, discomfort or no. "Quiet evening, isn't it?" Though his cheeks are still a little flushed, he's not afraid to look K'del in the eye, his expression not unfriendly.

K'del's grip is also firm, and turns firmer in recognition of Jessek's. The (slightly) taller man grins, inclining his head forward. "Welcome to High Reaches," he says, cheerfully enough. And as for it being a quiet evening? He glances around, shrugs. "Wouldn't necessarily say that. Well-- quiet in terms of no brawls or anything, but that would happen later, at any rate. Suppose that's what you're referring to? Being a bouncer." There's approval in his tone, just hinted at. "The waitress said you'd be finishing your shift soon. if you wanted, I could introduce you to a few people. Unless working in a bar makes you want to avoid them, after?"

Laughingly: "Sure," Milani answers Lujayn and takes the glass from her, tries a sip. "Oh shells, you're right, Gabe. /Dangerously/ tasty. You don't want to /stop/ drinking that and I can't really tell it's got anything dangerous in it at all!" She makes big eyes between green and gold riders and sneaks a little glance over at K'del and Jessek, though the expression on her face is best described as 'amused'.

Lujayn is completely willing to believe what Gabe is telling her, and apparently completely undaunted as she waves the barkeep over with more enthusiasm. "One more, please," She's not about to steal back Milani's drink, after all. "Not jumping /between/ tonight, that's a blessing." The rider laughs at her own morbidity, maybe moreso than would be normal. "So," Settling back down with a fresh, pink drink in one hand, "What's new for you two?"

"D'zuro had, like, two of them, and wound up standing on a chair singing that song the littles sing, about the little green frog that gets squashed," G'brion reports with a broad grin. "I mean, someone /did/ dare him to do it, but... it was really special. Still, they /are/ tasty." He takes another big gulp of his own drink. "Me? Just, you know, classes and things, mostly. I stuck a kid's dislocated arm back in the socket earlier today," he brags. "How about you?"

"Yeah.." Jessek casts a glance around the room that carefully skips over a certain trio with a dangerous drink shared betwix them. "I'm used to a rough crowd. This is nothing." He laughs, running a hand through his short hair. "I feel like I'm not earning my keep very well if I'm not peeling drunks apart from each other." The offer of introductions brings a shadow of wariness into his eyes. "Introduce me to who?" he asks in a cautious tone. "I don't mind getting to know my customers..they gotta know you, respect you, and all. But.." He seems at a loss for words and is too flustered to continue.

Amused; "Glacier isn't in yet. Some of the others-- things stay pretty quiet, this time of the evening, as a general rule. Which is all the better for us. Frankly, we'd much prefer you didn't have much to do, for the most part." K'del keeps to a genial tone, and, with his back to his former companions, certainly doesn't register the way Jessek skips his gaze over them. "But? Won't hurt you-- not that I'd guess that'd be a problem. Just some friendly folks. My girlfriend, a few others. It's hard, getting used to a new place; easier, once you recognise a few faces. Right?"

"Oh man and I missed that!" Milani says with big eyes again as G'brion describes and her head ducks, giggling softly, though she sobers enough to nod Lujayn's way several times. "Yes. No betweening is good when you've had a few too many of these," one fingertip taps against her glass. She takes another sip, swallows and clears her throat. "Spent some time away from the Weyr after having my second baby, been back for a bit now, but I gave up the Headwoman's knot. Just a records keeper now," she says with a smile. "It suits pretty well."

Lujayn stifles a giggle, humming a few bars but not repeating any singsong (yet). Milani's words are cause for more joy, though the two women share age their families are quite different. "Baby? /Second/ baby." Does she remember a first? How long ago was that? "I've missed so much." Apologetic, open to hearing more, but she's got her own news to tell: "Found an empty weyr for Rielsath today, one that fits proper," She beams. "Not quite official yet, a few things to sweep up in Igen, but it's right more comfy than the guest weyr." Another long sip of The Pink. "At least once I get the dustcovers off."

G'brion smirks faintly at Milani. "Yeah, it was something. How come you decided to move back?" he asks Lujayn, tilting his head to watch her curiously.

Jessek visibly thinks it over, and though he doesn't look particularly happy about it, he finally rolls his shoulders in a shrug of defeat. "Alright, then," he says. "I guess if I'm with you the boss can't object too much. Did you say girlfriend?" He gives the bronze rider a puzzled look. "Is that..er..shouldn't it be Weyrwoman? Or.." Clearly ignorant of Weyr terms, he chooses silence to allow K'del to explain, cocking his head and shifting on his feet. From his posture, he's evidently ready to follow K'del back to his companions.

Either K'del fails to notice Jessek's reluctance, or he deliberately chooses to ignore it, because, after a roar of laughter, he tips his head in the direction of the three behind them, heading in that direction. "Weyrwoman? Oh, shells, no. You haven't met the Weyrwoman, yet. No: she and I aren't involved, never have been. Never will be. No--" He breaks off, overhearing the last of Lujayn's remarks as he rejoins the group, and puts in instead: "Reckon you ought to come see me first thing in the morning, Lujayn; few things to talk through, and then--." He tips his head forward. "Anyway: this is Jessek, everyone."

"Oh that's excellent, Lu!" Milani says effusively. "I might not be headwoman's staff anymore but I /still/ know the caverns really well. Let me know if you need anything, okay?" she offers to the returning junior with a bright smile then gives Gabe a mock 'tsk'. "Who /wouldn't/ want to come back to the Reaches!" she says gaily, joking around but her affection for her home clear as well. Just then K'del arrives with big-and-brawny there and she straightens up from the bar, drink still held in one hand, the other offered to the bouncer. "Milani, well-met," she says in friendly manner.

"There was that little to-do over the meteors," Lujayn begins, tongue suitably loosened. "Ezalea came back all in a huff and -" The less diplomatic pick from her bag of answers is luckily cut short with the return of K'del and his companion. "Put my foot down. Took long enough, didn't it?" She can't resist finishing, even if it's with self-deprecating little sniff. "First thing, of course," The goldrider nods, setting an empty glass down on the bar to face that brawny wallflower from earlier. "Jessek, it's nice to meet you. I'm Lujayn, Rielsath's." Her own hands stay in her lap, not wanting to overwhelm the poor man with handshake offers. "Hope you don't mind that we took your Pink."

G'brion has had enough of the pink stuff by now to overcome his earlier embarrassment. He grins broadly and shamelessly at Jessek. "Hi there," he says. "I'm G'brion. You're new here, huh?" Brilliant. At least he has a nice smile. When Lujayn mentions the drink, he says, "There's always more where it came from, anyway. When you get off, you know."

Jessek lifts his brows in surprise at the Weyrleader's reaction. His question clearly answered, he just follows behind, letting him make his own introductions. He gives the two ladies an appraising look, and reaches out to accept Milani's handshake. "Well met," he croaks gruffly, his grip somewhat more gentle with the woman than with K'del, but not limp, not by any means. He turns his head in G'brion's direction, giving him a long, careful look as he releases Milani's hand. "I'm not a public drinker," he replies, grimacing. "But I am new, yeah." If he's uncomfortable, being so close to the green rider, he's doing admirably hiding it. Even if he does edge slightly closer to K'del. Surely big-and-brawny isn't trying to hide.

"Great," says K'del in response to Lujayn, apparently pleased. "Guess we ought to be toasting a return, as well as a newcomer." Heedless of Jessek's movements, he sidles back around to the bar to reclaim his drink, settling in alongside Milani. "Even if we have to do so /without/ Jessek." He grins at the other man, and adds, in a questioning tone, "Where'd you come from, anyway? Always like to know at least a little about a person."

Milani's handshake is firm enough for a girl, and when she draws her hand away she leans back against the bar, propped up on elbows. When K'del sidles in alongside, she leans in against him slightly, companionably. "Definitely need a toast and celebration," she agrees, tilting a smile K'del's way then wrinkles her nose a little bit at mention of meteors. "Oh shells, that whole mess. Yeah, glad /that's/ over. Though if it's led to bringing you back to the Reaches, that's definitely a good thing."

Lujayn blushes. "Well, thanks." She says to K'del, finding that old, first drink to toast with. Not nearly as pretty, nope, but it'll do. "I'd say great job so far. Not a roaring drunk in sight, not a fight to be had." As if Jessek had magicked them away before she could even notice. An aside to Milani, "Tell that to the sharding wherryhead next time you're in the desert, she'd have some words for you.."

"Ah. Well." G'brion hasn't much to say on the subject of Ezalea or meteors, so he leaves that to the two women, and offers Jessek his hand. He, too, has a firm handshake, though he's looking at the other man a bit too intently. "Good to meet you, too."

Jessek grudgingly accepts the greenrider's handshake and finds that the only seat still available to him is on G'brion's other side. He slowly sinks down, rubbing at his chin before he responds to K'del's question. "I've been many places.." He props himself on one elbow, following Milani's example. "Most recently I was assisting in protecting a Trader caravan. Knew one of their sons, a friend of mine. He thought I'd do well in the mountains...I hated traveling, and he knew it."

K'del lifts his glass, cheerfully, then draws it back so that he can take a long, careful sip from it. Nursing it in one hand, the other sliding around Milani to rest about her waist, he, too, wrinkles his nose at mention of meteors, though he doesn't let it linger. Glancing back at Jessek; "Ah. Trading life isn't for everyone, I guess. Arrived at the weyr on a tithe train, myself, and that was good-- but wouldn't want to do it forever. You intending to stay here long?"

Up comes Milani's glass to join in toasting and she leans against K'del a bit more as his arm circles around her. "Traders do always need that kind of support," she agrees with Jessek then shoots Lujayn a sympathetic look. "I think I'll keep my counsel on that one and avoid any potential arguments with goldriders," Milani notes, wryly.

Lujayn goes silent as the conversation flows around her, content to listen to Jessek's story. K'del has the questions, which is just fine with her. She sits back, wisely keeping out of the conversation. Who knows what she'd say next.

G'brion's interest is piqued by the mention of traders. "Not the Alhans?" he asks Jessek. "They're relations of mine, on my mom's side. Who was your friend?"

Jessek nods his agreement with K'del. "Too true..and it's a pretty good gig. Seems more low-key, relaxed. S'long as the job's available, I think I could stay on. M'used to bad winters." Finally, he really looks at G'brion, a curious glitter in his eye. "No, it wasn't them," he replies in that low voice of his. "Though I think I may have heard of them." He grins, more a flash of teeth than an expression of jovial humor. "I doubt your relatives would have consorted with 'em, rider."

K'del seems pleased by Jessek's words, and nods his agreement along with them, as he lifts his glass up for another sip. His brows to raise at the last of the bouncer's words, though; interest flaring obviously. "Oh-ho. We talking traders of ill repute, then? How /interesting/." Despite his words, his interest is clearly casual: pleasure, not business.

Milani takes another sip of her drink and seems about to say something else when a harried looking nanny appears in the entryway to the Snowasis and gives her a little wave with one hand, a fussy-looking Nik perched on her hip. Millie puts her drink down hastily and leans over to press a kiss to K'del's cheek. "Looks like Nik needs a little help settling down," she tells him and gives his arm a little pat. "I'll go take care of him." Then: "Jessek, a pleasure meeting you, welcome again." And Milani turns toward Lujayn again, beaming. "Lu, welcome home! We'll catch up more soon." Gabe gets a little wave, then she trots off to meet the nanny and collects her and K'del's son to carry him back off for tucking into bed.

"See you around," Lujayn is still touched by the welcomes, and with no Trader talk to give her a foothold in the conversation, can only offer her own to Jessek. "I'm glad you've come here, then. You're experienced with some shady situations.." Oh, don't deny it. The Reaches can be a little den of iniquity given the right circumstances. An apologetic smile for K'del. "If they happen again, that is. We'll be prepared with Jessek." Grin.

"Oh, they were honest enough, if they knew you well," Jessek says in defense of his old companions. "Like I said...this is not what I expected." He eyes Lujayn, accepting the compliment straight-faced. "I'll do my best," he says with unwarranted intensity.

K'del accepts that with a laugh; it's no doubt aided by the fact that he's watching Milani and his son head for the door, his whole expression softened for it. Shifting his attention back, he shrugs; "It's true enough. We have our moments. Good and quiet for the moment, now, and hoping to stay that way - still, good to have you here, Jessek."

"Quiet, then I come back.." Lujayn laughs, able to stand on her own two feet. Not /that/ tipsy. After all, she only had one of those pink things. "I'll try to keep the peace." She promises. "See you tomorrow, K'del. Jessek," She nods to the men before heading for the hall, not about to face damp weather at an even later hour.

Jessek takes in this information with a slight nod of his head. He watches Lujayn go in broody silence before he continues. "Good to be here. You hear a lot of rumors about Weyrs, and I've rarely had the chance to experience one. Another reason why I thought I'd weather out the spring here." He looks out at the gathered Weyrfolk, though many are starting to take their leave as the time stretches on. "And the summer. Nice place, this...well-removed, secluded like. Man could lose himself up here, not have to worry about things. Those valley folk.." He makes a face and eyes one of the abandoned Pink drinks almost wistfully.

"Until tomorrow," says K'del after the departing Lujayn, though she doesn't keep his attention for longer than that. Instead, it returns to Jessek, allowing him to watch the younger man in thoughtful silence. "They're different," he allows of weyrs, "but not, in my experience anyway, in a /bad/ way. Man can remake himself, if he likes. Plenty do. There's options." He can't help but notice, it seems, the way his companion eyes the drink. "Want something? Could put it in a mug, if you feel the need to /pretend/ not to be drinking." The last is, evidently, an attempt at a jest.

Jessek chuckles and shakes his head. "Nah. I don't break my word." He puts just a bit of emphasis on the I, with a tone of bitterness. His eyes take on a glazed, far away expression, seeing or remembering things that have little to do with his current surroundings. "Remake himself?" Again he rubs at his chin, one of many nervous gestures the youth seems to have. "Can always remake yourself...but that doesn't do a sharding thing about the memories, does it?" He gives K'del a glare, but there's still a distance to the expression which suggests it's not entirely directed at the other man, but at some other grievance on Jessek's mind. "S'why I don't like drinking." Evidently he's not in a jesting mood.

K'del is quite still, and quite silent for a few long moments as he digests his companion's words. Then, finally, he allows, "Suppose not. Not much can be done about memories, except time. They always fade. Some, at least. Enough to be able to move on." Of course, he says this from an advantage of all of five turns, but he seems to believe what he says: his voice is softly thoughtful, all jests abandoned.

Tense shoulders and heavy breathing slows at this response. He looks up, nodding his acceptance. "A fair answer," he allows. "I'm sorry. I hope I didn't spoil your get-together." He eyes G'drion and looks away, tapping his knuckles on the bar top as once again he scans the crowd for troublesome rabble. Jessek clears his throat.

"Not at all," insists K'del, firmly, and with a smile all of a sudden again. "It was a casual thing. Shells, I didn't know any of them would be around, and as you can see-- these things never last for long. Not at all. And anyway," he gives an easy shrug of his shoulders, "now you'll know a few more people." Beat. He eyes G'brion, who is wandering off, then lowers his voice: "Though it'd probably be a good idea to let Gabe down, er, softly."

Jessek jerks with sudden surprise at K'del's perceptiveness. He reddens considerably as he watches the other man move off, one hand clenching into a tight fist. "They didn't lie about that," he growls, a considerable change from his previous tone. Only once the other is well out of range. "He was eyeing me like..like.." The brawny man shudders, laughing only to try and shake off his nerves. "Let him down..."

K'del's eyelids flicker slightly, as he watches that reaction, but his expression is otherwise inclined towards sympathy. "It's--" He breaks off. "Took me a long time to get used to it. Just not-- my thing." He swallows; "Well. Most of them aren't so forward. Just indicate you're not interested, and you'll be fine. Easy. Or throw yourself at a woman or two - that works, too." By that point, he's smiling again.

Jessek harumphs. "Got no intention of throwing myself at any women, either. I'll try to be tactful." Giving himself another little shudder to pull it together, he gives K'del a grateful look. A comrade in arms, perhaps. "Don't want to crush his little feelings, right?" He pulls a face.

"Tactful. Yes, that's the best thing for it, really." If K'del looks faintly disbelieving at this notion of /not/ throwing himself at women, well, he manages to mask most of it behind his smile. "Right. No crushing feelings. There's no one here who won't accept no for an answer, not so far as I know." And not so far as he'll tolerate, either, if his tone is anything to go by. "He's a nice guy. Just." He probably means 'sex obsessed', not 'gay', but it's hard to tell.

Jessek is only tasteful enough to supress another nervous laugh. "Just," he repeats. Okay, tasteful enough for that, too. He stretches long arms, the joints popping with the effort as he rolls his head around on his neck. "I'm not really...interested in a relationship right now. More interested in saving up my marks, trying to see where I might head next. Family slows that down. You're lucky. People expect dragonriders not to get too attached. Am I right?"

K'del looks honestly amused by that, and laughs. "People expect that dragonriders will do as they will, and that sometimes, it's not in their control." He shifts against the bar, eyeing his mostly-empty drink, then turning his gaze back on Jessek. "Me, I didn't want a relationship, either. Slept my way through-- well." Enough said. He's not embarrassed by it; not even close. "Kind of happened anyway, though. But things are flexible, in weyrs. Makes it easier. You do what's comfortable." It's not clear whether his last remark refers to weyrs, or more specifically to Jessek.

Jessek coughs discretely, giving K'del a pained smile. Just throw it all out there, right? "I have my reasons." Pause. "And not because I'm a man lover." He does not say it kindly...if anything, he says it too forcefully. "Women...they're shifty. Never met a good, honest woman. Seems like it's beyond them." He glances in the direction Milani had departed. "How long you been with her?"

K'del's unconcerned - even smug - smile fades rapidly as the other man speaks, until it's genuinely disbelieving, his eyes seeking something in Jessek's expression. Whatever he finds, he shakes his head. "Then you've met the wrong women, my friend. And I'd be wary of saying such things - weyr women, shells, even most hold women, wouldn't take kindly to that." Despite his words, he breaks off from them to add, "Shells, I'm not even sure. Four turns, five? And casual, for longer than that."

Dark eyes smolder, his brows drawing together as he rises to his feet. "Hold women are the worst," he says with carefully contained rage. "And women in the Weyr..." He has to stop. The vein in his head is throbbing again, and Jessek temporarily closes his eyes, showing quite a bit of restraint in struggling to calm himself down. "Weyr women," he says in a softer, more controlled tone, "are just like Hold women, only their behavior is accepted as normal. So no one gives a Shell's fragment for who they sleep with."

"No," says K'del, drawing himself away from the edge of the bar, and indeed, a distance away from Jessek. "No, they aren't." The warmth is gone from his voice; his own rage is suppressed to an icy chill. "And if you think like that, I can only hope you leave /my/ weyr at your earliest convenience." He turns to leave, without so much as a second glance, or a 'fare thee well'.

Jessek watches the Weyrleader go, teeth clenched and hands balled into fists. He remains only long enough to have a few short words with the cook, then he steps out into the drizzle. He slips into the shadows, somewhere safe, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes and sobbing out loud. He huddles down in the mud and cold, alone.

lujayn, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, jessek, |k'del, $tiriana, nikalas, g'brion, $ezalea, milani

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