LOG: I Want Him Out

Nov 20, 2010 20:30

Date: Month 4(?), Turn 24
Location: K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Teris wants something from K'del that he won't give her. Sounds... about normal?

Dragon> There's no hellos or how are yous when Iskiveth's fire licks along Cadejoth's chains. << My Teris asks if your rider is available. And alone. She wishes to speak with him now. >> Now, not sooner or later. Iskiveth certainly has no concept of putting others out by her whims and maybe Teris is picking up more than she ought to from her lifemate. (Iskiveth to Cadejoth)

Dragon> There's only a very faint hint in Cadejoth's response that perhaps this isn't the best times-- some kind of suggestion of being caught out, however brief, or hidden. Otherwise, his chains rattle cheerfully for the queen, as he relates, << K'del says that if she gives him five minutes, he's all hers. >> Beat. << But ask her to be quiet, please: the baby is sleeping. >> (Cadejoth to Iskiveth)

Dragon> It probably has something to do with Iskiveth caring very much about what others could or should be doing for her when they aren't and there's a rather obvious few moments of suspicion before she responds. << She says very well and thank you. She's on her way. >> Maybe it'll take five minutes for her to get there. (Iskiveth to Cadejoth)

Teris heads in from the Weyrleaders' complex.
Teris has arrived.

Cadejoth ignores Iskiveth's suspicion with lazy cheerfulness, responding only to say, << We await her arrival, then. >> Which they do, though the bronze is not /inside/ the weyr when the Junior Weyrwoman arrives. K'del is, though, and he's crouching beside the cradle that contains (one of) his son(s), rocking it gently with one hand, his breath held, quite as though he anticipates the baby to wake up at any moment.

A final huff of wood smoke is all that Iskiveth leaves Cadejoth and his cheerfulness with, though there's some sense that she's trying to pinpoint regardless. Teris arrives soon enough, trying to humor those five minutes. And when she helps herself inside, she's silent, seeking out the Weyrleader to watch him while she waits for some acknowledgement or hint that she can, in fact, speak without waking the creature in the cradle.

A few 'mm-mmm' thoughts, all happiness and light are the last of Cadejoth's offerings to Iskiveth; perhaps he's intentionally teasing her. His rider acknowledges Teris' arrival with an upwards glance, a nod, and a lifted hand which seems to indicate 'just a minute'. It may be an awkward minute, too, because K'del takes the whole of it before he rises from the cradle to tiptoe across towards the entrance, at which point he says, quietly, but not in an outright whisper, "Hey. Something on your mind?"

Somewhat awkward. It's not a look she'd ever say suits her but Teris waits as patiently as she's learned to be. When K'del moves closer, she's looking past him toward the cradle for another moment as she nods, words quiet and ever so slightly distant, "Yes. For awhile." It's only after that that the blonde shifts her gaze and, presumably, her full attention to K'del. "And I can't ignore it anymore. If you don't do something about W'chek, I promise you that I will."

A frown overtakes K'del's expression: he clearly doesn't quite know what to make of this. Finally, after a couple of moments of silence, he indicates the seating area with his head, and moves to settle himself into one of the chairs. Leaning forward, still speaking in an undertone, he asks, "Do something about W'chek? Because of what? Know you two don't get along terribly, but-- You want to explain to me what this is about?"

At least most people can't accuse Teris of not getting straight to the point. She follows K'del toward the seating area and settles herself, one leg crossing over the other, to look at him carefully. Her voice stays quiet. "He's dangerous. He hurts and threatens people. He looks for fights and he's gone so far as to strike /me./ In /public./" It's probably hard to tell which of the last bother her more.

K'del is a good listener, at least as far as appearances are concerned: he focuses all his attention upon Teris as she speaks, apparently unconcerned for the (presumably) sleeping baby on the other side of the room. Which seems unlikely, but, well, that's the way it /looks/, anyway. "Not had any other particular complaints about him," he says, finally. "Not that I don't believe you, Teris, that he hit you. Which I'm sorry about, and absolutely, I'll say something to him. But-- what do you expect me to do? Beyond that?"

"Of course you haven't," murmurs Teris as she gives K'del a look that suggests she thinks he's just as soft as he's always been and she doesn't like it anymore now than she has in the past. "Do you think a lot of people are going to complain when they know he's liable to break their noses if he found out? You should be more than sorry, K'del. You should be furious." Despite the tone she's keeping fairly even, it's clear she's had her moments of fury about this. "I want him out of the Weyr."

That look gets only a pair of raised eyebrows in return, more in resigned 'here we go again' than shock. The shock comes later: that last sentence, which leaves him apparently dumbfounded. "You're kidding. Based on /your/ experience alone, I'm supposed to kick a rider out of this weyr? That's ludicrous, Teris, and if you don't know it, then you're more self-focused than I gave you credit for." His voice has raised in pitch a little; he's careful to lower it again, into an intense, fast whisper. "You make him out to be some bully mastermind, terrorising the weyr. I don't see it. I know you two don't get along, and what he did was inappropriate, and believe me, he'll be called on it, but... shells. You think I'm just going to kick someone out like that?"

"There's nothing mastermind about him. But he /is/ a bully. And you know very well that it's not just my experience alone." Her voice raises somewhat, too, but she seems slightly less concerned about keeping it at that pitch. Fortunately Teris isn't usually the sort to yell and scream. "What /does/ someone have to do for you to consider kicking them out, K'del? Murder? Assaulting someone close to /you?/ There's no benefit of allowing him to remain here."

K'del lets out a sigh that seems to imply he's trying to be patient, here. Trying. Trying /really/ hard. "People hit each other all the time in this weyr, Teris, haven't you noticed that? Like I said - it was inappropriate, what he did to you. Won't let him just walk away from that. But no, he hasn't done anything - that I know of - that warrants being kicked out. He's not the worst rider around here, not by a long shot. Won't let you bully me on this one, Teris."

Her brow furrows at the Weyrleader and after a moment of studying him, Teris glances back in the direction of the cradle. "I could make him want to leave," she assures him. "Or maybe it's me that ought to be looking for a new Weyr to call home. I suppose I could always just bring B'tal with me, hmm?" It's not actually a question but that's when she returns her gaze to the bronzerider, clearly unhappy about his stubbornness.

Ignoring the threat, at least for now, K'del's remark in response to Teris is simply, "Don't know your brother all that well, but I can't imagine he'd want to go with you. He's grown up - he can make his own choices, whatever you think of them." He's still meeting her gaze squarely: his mouth has drawn in a bit, too, giving a pretty good indication of exactly how stubborn he intends to be. "If you try and make him leave, then you're as bad as he is. Worse, maybe."

"You think W'chek lets him make his own decisions?" Teris seems sincere about that question but she doesn't seem to expect an answer. "I don't hurt people," she points out, not really saying whether she's better or worse but firm on that point all the same. Then she rises, evidently assuming this conversation is pretty much over or simply just pointless. "That other junior was onto something," she murmurs, almost more to herself than to K'del.

"I think that whatever the situation is in that relationship, it's /none/ of our business unless one or both of them want it to be." K'del is stern as he says that, leaning forward all the more, despite the fact that Teris is obviously about to leave. "And if you're going to threaten to leave every time something isn't automatically fixed to suit what you want, then maybe we'd be better off without you. Whole world isn't about you, Teris, and what you want." He's raised his voice again, apparently forgetting the baby.

"You really believe that?" Teris snaps back. "What if it was your sister, K'del, hmm? Would you really think it was none of your business when she had bruises every time you talked to her?" There's a flicker of emotion on her face and it'd probably work better if it would actually stay, but she's so used to smoothing them out that it's gone after a moment. "Maybe you would be better off without me. And then you could look forward to my transfer request." Another glance is cast briefly toward the cradle and then Teris turns to show herself out.

K'del opens his mouth to argue, but before he really gets the chance to, Teris is showing herself out, and the baby - whichever baby it is - is opening up his mouth to scream. Caught between the two, he doesn't have all that much of a choice. But as he cares for his son, K'del is, undeniably, fuming.

cadejoth, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, teris, |k'del, $w'chek, $b'tal, iskiveth

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