LOG: Lingering

Oct 11, 2010 15:41

Date: Day 28, Month 12, Turn 23
Location: Hatching Galleries, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del and Teris skirt around issues, but mostly manage to communicate. For better or for worse.

Hatching Galleries, High Reaches Weyr
Ringing the southwestern side of the hatching sands are ample tiers of carved stone benches, the lowest of which is some six feet off the ground -- just high enough to separate wayward hatchlings from unwary viewers, and vice versa. A metal railing on the outside helps prevent anyone from falling off; it also extends up the stairs that lead the way higher into the galleries. While most of the area is open seating, ropes section off some of the closer tiers when dignitaries are expected; those areas even feature cushions in the Weyr's blue and black.
The higher one climbs, the more apparent the immense scale of the entire cavern becomes. The dragon-sized entrance on the ground is dwarfed by the expansive golden sands that glitter in the light. Everything on them is easily visible from the galleries, whether that's a clutch of eggs and a broody queen, or simply its emptiness and the handful of darker tunnels that lead to more private areas than the bowl. Wherever one sits or looks, however, one thing is constant: the overwhelming, suffocating heat.

It's not quite dinner time yet and Teris has spent most of her time today doing her work in the galleries to keep an eye on her lifemate. Someone has to make sure that Iskiveth is giving her eggs some semblance of attention now that they've become rather less interesting to her. Right now the pointy queen is digging a shallow hole in the sand a little ways off from where the eggs actually are and Teris is sitting in the VIP section with her attention on the work in her lap.

K'del's boots crunch old snow into the entranceway, along with, no doubt, the snow that has already been tramped in this far. The Weyrleader hesitates, almost as though he's rethinking his presence, but after a couple of movements, he continues on in, heading directly for the VIP section, and Teris. Whether or not she notices him initially, whether or not she reacts, he sinks himself into a seat a row back from her, leaning forward with his arms on his knees.

There have been people coming and going all day so one more doesn't really draw the blonde's attention overly much. It's clear enough that Teris keeps track of them, though, as she tilts her head without quite glancing over her shoulder once they're seated a row back. Not many have come that close today, after all. She returns her attention to the ledger she's going over but says, "You could have sat up here."

"Didn't want to intrude," is K'del's explanation and excuse, followed, a moment later, by the admission, "Though I guess having someone behind you doesn't help all that much, either." For which he sounds apologetic, at least. "How're you doing? How's she doing?" He's watching the back of her head.

"Not very much, no." Teris continues with her work easily while she talks but she doesn't sound as though she actually minds him behind her or anything. "I'm perfectly fine," she assures him reflexively. For Iskiveth, though, she glances up at the gold scooping sand out of her dig site then shrugs a shoulder. "She's bored. Eggs take too long to hatch, she's told me. Otherwise she's fine, too."

K'del seems to relax, somewhat, perhaps because for now, it doesn't look like Teris is going to leave. Or imply that he should. He stretches out his legs, and leans back, settling in comfortably. "Mm," he agrees. "Guess I'd be pretty bored, too, if it were me. Hopefully, it won't be /too/ much longer." That last remark seems pretty neutral: no insinuations, no concerns, nothing /audible/ to suggest that they might not hatch.

"I prefer to sit at a table or desk but I can manage well enough in here," continues Teris a little absently. "Not too much longer, though, no. And then it will be over." And she's very obviously looking forward to that, one way or the other. "How are you doing?" she asks him in much the same tone she'd responded to his same question. She still hasn't looked back at him but she seems relaxed, to the extent that Teris relaxes.

K'del's "Yeah," holds heavy emphasis, though he doesn't specify exactly what he's agreeing to. His long arms wrap around his knees, as though he's giving himself a long distance hug, even if he's otherwise leaning backwards. Her question makes him pause, but his response is neutral enough in the end; evidently, he's thought better of whatever his /initial/ answer might have been. "I'm okay. Been getting in some work on that history of mine."

Even if he doesn't say it, Teris can probably guess at things that might not be entirely okay. But she doesn't voice them. Not right now, at least. "Oh? That's good. Not sure where you find the time but it's good to keep yourself occupied and everything." She finally signs off on the hide she's been comparing to the ledger and sets both of them aside. Then, finally, she turns sideways and looks back at him to study his face.

K'del's expression, when she turns back, is mostly impassive, though he puts on a smile as he catches her eye. He sounds cheerful enough as he responds, too, despite what no doubt lies beneath all of this. "Guess my evenings are pretty free, these days. Lot of the time, anyway. It's good to take a break after working all day-- even if just for an hour or two."

"Even I'm inclined to say that taking a break to do more work isn't really much of a break, hmm?" Just because Teris is a workaholic doesn't mean she can't tell these things. "But if you're enjoying it, then that's all that matters really. And I'm sure your evenings /are/ rather free now." There's a hint of doubt there but only a the hint. K'del has a reputation after all.

K'del is quick to insist, "It's pleasure, not work. Enjoy it." He seems to believe it, at least, but his grin suggests he's well aware of the realities of it. He's silent for a moment after saying that, and his expression, now, is distinctly less cheerful. "Not saying they're /all/ free-- but some of them. Bunch of them, really." He's not mournful about it, nor pleased: it just is what it is, apparently. "You're spending at least /some/ time away from your work, aren't you?"

For now Teris doesn't seem to be looking for buttons to push just for the sake of pushing them but neither does she look as though she'd be very sympathetic even if there were any hint that he'd want that. "I sleep and eat and care for myself and I'm not really sure how what I do in my spare time is any of your business anyway." It's not defensive exactly, just stubborn.

Silence. Then, after a long sigh, K'del shrugs his shoulders. "Just making conversation, Teris - that's all." He doesn't seem to have much to say after that, and so, lapses into silence.

Teris studies him for several more moments, eyes narrowing slightly as she does so. And then she gives her own echo of his sigh, rolls her eyes and faces forward again to watch Iskiveth inspect the hole she'd made that looks a bit like a wallow.

Once Teris turns back around, K'del's eyes linger on her; his expression is unreadable. Finally, after some more silence, he remarks, "Giorda seems to be handling things okay. Suppose she's got lots of experience. Reckon she'll end up taking the role permanently?" It's still up in the air at this point: 'Acting' Headwoman.

For a few moments there's absolutely no reaction from Teris in response to K'del's comments. But just after it seems as though she might not say anything at all, she says, "I'd have no problem with it. She knows what she's doing and we work well enough together. I can't speak for Tiriana but she seems the most likely candidate, hmm?"

"She does," agrees K'del, firmly; talking about work is /so/ much easier, apparently. "Guess it all depends on whether Tiriana wants to make her mark on things, or just go with what Milani thought." Milani. At least he mentions the name in a work-related context. "Guess it's up to her, though. Reckon they're all pretty competent."

"She could have replaced Milani at any time she liked," Teris points out without turning back around. "Any of them, really. And she never did. There's no reason to think she's going to want someone else just so it's someone else." Which isn't really true and she's probably perfectly aware. But so long as whoever it is is competent, she probably doesn't care who it is.

K'del considers this answer for a moment, silent. Then; "Guess you're right. Guess we'll see." He seems to have run out of things to say again, after that, so settles back into silence. At least, this time, he seems a little more comfortable with that silence.

"Maybe someone else will come along to become headwoman and let you pick up with her where you left off with Milani." The words aren't really meant to be kind or unkind. Just words. Maybe her own attempt at something conversational. Or maybe not. Teris is still watching Iskiveth as she starts nudging eggs closer to that wallow so her expression remains hidden.

"That's--" K'del doesn't seem to be able to finish that sentence, but he definitely doesn't seem pleased. "No." Just... no. He purses his lips together, then shakes his head. "Reckon Iskiveth intends to bury them?" Safer topic. /Much/ safer.

"No?" prompts Teris airily, her tone more rhetorical and 'if you say so' than actually asking him anything. "I don't think so. I mean, she's already tried that so I wouldn't think she'd try it again." But she's watching in any case, sounding more and more bored herself.

Rhetorical or not, K'del answers again, firmly: "No. Anyway, Milani'll come back." So there? "Not looking to replace her." For once Iskiveth is an easier topic, and his gaze focuses out there on her, thoughtful. "At least some of 'em are kind of pretty. /Like/ treasure." Soon-to-be-buried treasure?

Teris shrugs her thoughts to his answer and evidently decides against saying them out loud even if she'd probably really like to. "Some are, yeah. She's still protective of them but they don't /do/ anything so she's been... entertaining herself. She stays gentle so I haven't interfered too much." Iskiveth nudges that first egg into the wallow carefully, makes sure everything is fine, then moves to start nudging another closer.

Teris may not be able to see it, but K'del nods approvingly at the indication that Iskiveth is gentle with the eggs; phew. "Can't blame her. Guess even human mothers get restless, and they aren't stuck on the sands watching their offspring for ages and ages." The other topic? He abandons that one.

"I would. It was bad enough when she was egg heavy. She didn't care for that much, either. Especially not being able to between. I think the only reason she wanted to is because she couldn't." Teris abandons the other as well, evidently not entirely up to purposefully upsetting the Weyrleader right now.

"Reckon," says K'del after a moment, "half the time people want to do things is because they can't. Grass is always greener-- that kind of thing. Not being able to have something makes it more attractive." Beat. "'least it's Interval. Could be turns and turns before she rises again."

"That's not entirely true," counters Teris, finally twisting back to look at him again. "I mean, you never really seemed to care that you couldn't have me." It's difficult to tell whether or not she's trying to be funny but she does hitch an eyebrow up at him curiously before nodding. "I'm hoping it is turns and turns. Not in a hurry to repeat any of that."

K'del meets Teris' gaze, and raises his eyebrows in turn: /he/ seems to find this claim dubious. Of Iskiveth, "No, guess you wouldn't be. Well-- /ought/ to be turns and turns." And for the rest? He's quiet when he says it, mostly under his breath, but still audible given the small distance between them. "I did care. Do. You really believe that I didn't care?" Or... /don't/ care?

Iskiveth is more careful is pushing the other egg into the wallow so that they don't hit each other or anything. Once it's there, she inspects everything again, scooping out another paw-ful of sand and then going to get another. Teris shrugs yet again. "I'm just saying, you couldn't have me. It never seemed to make you want me anymore even if you were perfectly willing when you could."

K'del has forgotten Iskiveth, in the wake of this trend in the conversation. He sighs. "Dunno about that, either. Only a bastard would push and push for a girl he couldn't have. You made it pretty clear, what was what, so what was the point? Didn't mean I didn't still want you. Didn't think about you." He's silent, and then, quietly, "Or that I don't desperately regret that I let all that get in the way of our friendship. Half convinced if you'd be instantly willing and interested, none of it would've mattered as much. But I dunno about that."

"Oh, stop trying to come off like you're better than any of the other guys around here, K'del." There's a slightly frustrated quality to Teris' voice but there's almost something hurt in her expression before she turns her back to him again. "If we had it all to do over again, you can't tell me that it would have been any different than it was." She seems certain of that. "No point lingering on it now."

"Is that what you think of me?" K'del counters. "Someone who can't take 'no' for an answer? Someone who'd push himself on a person even if they weren't willing or interested? Glad my gender fares so well by you." He sounds disgusted. "I dunno if it would've been different. Maybe not. Doesn't mean I don't regret it." He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, his voice coming out low and unhappy, now. "Just because I couldn't be the person you wanted me to be doesn't mean I don't wish it could've worked. That's all."

"I never said that. You're not /all/ completely rotten but you're all similar enough. You might not push yourself on people but you've still slept with practically the entire Weyr." It's difficult for Teris to say much of anything to the rest of what K'del says beyond a long-resigned, "I wished it could have, too."

K'del can't deny that he's slept with-- well, not /the entire/ weyr, but enough. But; "And? What's wrong with it, if people are willing, if it doesn't hurt anyone." He's unrepentent on that, though his last comment, made ever so quietly, is, "Glad you're doing well, though. It's good to see."

"You're the Weyrleader, K'del. Do you know how many girls would /willingly/ sleep with you for the chance to get some sort of recognition, real or imagined?" Beat. "Of course you know." Teris rises to her feet, starts gathering up papers and stuff to bring back to her weyr. "I suppose I ought to get something to eat. I'm glad you're doing well, too, K'del." And she does sound genuine about that.

K'del makes a face, admitting, "Sure, I get that. But--" But Teris is excusing herself, and however reluctantly, he bobs his head towards her. "Have a good night, Teris. Don't--" He pauses. "If you ever feel like it, drop in for a drink or something, hey? But no pressure."

Nodding her head, her actual words remain noncommittal, "Sure. Maybe I'll do that sometime. You have a good night, too." And that's where Teris leave it before she slips into her coat and starts toward the stairs to the bowl so she can do some of that taking care of herself business. Iskiveth has paused with the egg moving to track her rider's progress. Maybe she can take a break from them, too!

!avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, teris, |k'del, $tiriana, $milani, $giorda, iskiveth

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