LOG: "Fell" Into a Puddle

Oct 05, 2010 11:50

Date: Day 10, Month 12, Turn 23
Location: Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del plays good samaritan, and helps out a sopping wet Sho.

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
The Snowasis is rarely quiet, and even then, the high-ceilinged former weyr is kept from echoing by the fantastical booths tucked into its convoluted perimeter. The secluded seating spaces have been shaped from the truncated stalagmites that escaped the smoothing of the main floor, and are both softened and separated by colorful hangings that are thick and opaque enough to make each corner its own private nook.
Some of the smaller stalactites still roam the ceiling, their jagged teeth tracing a bumpy, inverted spine to the hearth. There, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches sit, their upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and clear, rich hues for winter. Small tables litter the rest of the cavern, enough to fit up to four people each, while stools stand along the smooth wooden bar behind which is the passthrough window to the kitchen. Glass-paneled cabinetry behind the bar provides a clear view of the available liquors, the many colors reflecting the soft light of glows tucked into strategic niches around the cavern.

Outside, the wind whips snow about the bowl in an energetic race of cold. Inside the Snowasis, however, it's cozily warm, and full, despite the mid-afternoon hour. K'del is settled near the bar, nursing a glass containing just less than a finger of whiskey; for now, he's in quiet conversation with the girl working the bar, a conversation that sees regular interruptions as she's drawn back to pulling more beers and pouring more spirits.

Into the Snowasis comes a very soaked through and chilled Sho. His arms are crossed over his thin frame and his teeth chatter as he enters, trying to absorb the warmth of the room and immediately heading to crouch in front of the fire place. Apparently the candidate got lucky and received an outdoor duty or two for the day and decided a jacket wasn't necessary...or tripped into a puddle on the way over.

Sho's entrance comes during one of the lulls in K'del's conversation, the girl being busy pouring drinks for a group of riders from Boreal. His eyes track the young man, brows raised slightly, and then, turning back to the bar, he murmurs something quietly to his friend. A moment later, he's traipsing across the room towards the hearth, bearing a steaming mug of something in one hand, and his own whiskey in the other. "Drink this," he says, authoritatively, once he gets close enough to thrust the mug in Sho's direction.

Sho is rubbing his arms to try and warm them through his soaked clothing, muttering a few curses the whole time. The arrival of K'del makes Sho want to stand and salute as has been told to him to do, but he's just do bloody cold. But hey, at least there's a warm mug for him, yep. The boy takes the mug in both hands and huddles close to it, taking a sip of the mixture despite the heat from it. And then another sip...half the mug is gone rather quickly. He must have a mouth for heat. "Yer bein' awfully nice today sir." Sho says after the chattering stops a little. Of course, the last time Sho saw K'del was when he and Taikrin were arguing and everything he tried to add in got blown aside...so he'd just sat there like a lump drinking. "Thank you."

K'del doesn't seem concerned by the lack of salute-- mostly, he seems concerned by /Sho/, and the state of damp he's in. Maybe that's why he sounds less hurt than he might otherwise be as he says, "Like to think I'm /usually/ pretty nice. Anyway, you gave me sugar that time, remember? One good turn-- Shells, though. What happened? You're soaked through. Elli's going to dig up a blanket - won't be a minute." He seems mildly awkward, now, standing there with his whiskey, and nothing else he can realistically do to help.

Sho smirks at K'del's words but his attention remains focused on the fire, and how close he can get without receiving 2nd degree burns. The mug stays clasped in his hands as K'del asks the 'how' question and he stops breathing for a moment, obviously trying to come up with something. "I fell in'a puddle on the way over." He says, trying to sound non-chalant in his lie. Apparently he doesn't realize that any puddles are rather frozen over by now. But anyone who knows Sho well knows that he won't get people in trouble for anything, not even broken bones.

"Fell into a puddle," repeats K'del, dubiousness audible in every syllable; his eyebrows are raised, too, even if Sho can't see them. "Right. Ignoring, for a moment, the logistics of this - liquid water-wise - does one dare to ask if you had assistance? With the falling?" It's not that many turns since K'del was a teenager-- and even a thin, awkward one-- after all. Sho may be in luck, though: the girl from the bar arrives at just that moment to present a blanket; she looks concerned.

Well yeah, that didn't work out so well, that little lie. Sho is sipping some more from the mug when K'del asks if he was helped and he chokes a bit. But here comes a blanket, and that's taken quite welcomingly as he wraps himself in its warmth in front of the fire. Oh yes, now he's quite comfortable. "Thank ya very much." He tells the woman, offering her a smile of thanks. "I promise I'll clean up the water 'soon as I warm up a bit." He adds, looking behind him a little at the mini puddles he left on his way to the fire.

"No, no," says Elli, in a bustling kind of tone that would probably be better suited to a woman some turns older than she - she's probably no older than K'del. "We'll get it taken care of, never you mind. You just look after yourself; get warm." She doesn't linger, not with the Snowasis as busy as it is, but executes a smart nod before she turns away. K'del is still watching Sho, though his tone, when he speaks, is mild. "Won't make you give me details, not unless you want to. But I don't like it-- we don't have so many candidates we can afford to lose any to pneumonia. Not," hastily added, "that that is my only concern. Warming up okay?"

Sho nods to Elli as she leaves, still smiling at her. He keeps the blanket tightly around him as he finally starts to thaw out some and relaxes just a tinge. At K'del's words he looks up at the Weyrleader, smirking at little slip up. "Yah, I'm sure ya got more reasons." He actually teases the weyrleader, tossing in a late, "Sir." Then he bites his lip and shrugs a bit. "I don't want ta get anyone in trouble. I dun even really know who it was. Someone threw a bucket'a water on me when I was on my way here off'a overhang and then ran." Certainly Sho may have bumped heads with a few on the candidates...and other people in the Weyr. "Didn't think water could be so cold." He adds in a mutter, shivering a bit at the rememberance.

K'del manages a rueful little smile for the tease, but it's one he seems to feel he deserves, so it gets no more comment than that. More serious, however, is his slow nod for Sho's explanation. "Okay," he allows, then. "Just... if it happens again? Or you hear of this kind of thing happening more often? Come talk to someone, 'kay? To Gioda," he names the Acting Headwoman, "or Teris, or Tiriana or myself, even. /Someone/. Cold water's no joke, not during a High Reaches winter. Nearly lost a rider, last winter, after his dunk in the river."

Another nod from the boy as K'del is (for once) serious. "Yes'sir, if I hear of it happenin' I'll tell ya." If it happens to him again, well, that's up for grabs, but chances are someone might just get hurt, and it might not be Sho. "It was pretty cold...Even cold'r then the lake when Taikrin made me go swim." Made him...yeah...sure. Another shiver, but he drinks some more of the klah before he squints one eye closed and peers into the almost empty mug. "What was in here?" He asks.

"Good," says K'del, apparently taking Sho's words at face value-- he seems relieved for it, nodding his head solemnly. "Don't want that kind of thing in my weyr." His head shakes, his eyes, briefly, vague, as he admits, "I remember-- what the lake is like in autumn, anyway. It's been six odd turns, but it's hard to forget. Don't envy you /this/ particular bath in the slightest." Which is probably why his expression is still concerned for the Candidate, and perhaps why he takes his time in answering that last question. "Whiskey. Klah and whiskey. Seemed like the quickest way to try and get you warm. You /are/ feeling warmer, right?"

That would explain the slightly tipsy feeling then, ayup. Sho grins at K'del, "Yeah, it worked pretty good. So did the blanket. Didn' think anyone would ever actually give two looks." He admits with a slight shrug from beneath the blanket. Only then does he finish the klah and see to relax, crossing his legs under him and just sitting comfortably by the fire now. "Yeah, it was pretty cold. If it happens again I just might have ta chase someone down."

K'del makes a face at the idea of chasing anyone down, murmuring, "Please-- don't." He doesn't sound terribly confident of the concept, though, as though he doubts he has the power to stop anyone. "What, thought everyone'd just ignore a dripping wet kid wandering into the Snowasis in /winter/?" He seems dubious of that - distinctly so. "We're not all heartless around here. Maybe not everyone'd notice, but plenty would." Of that, he's /definitely/ sure.

Sho looks up at K'del and scrunches his face up at the Weyrleader, then chuckles, "Why not? I'm sure I c'n beat up at least someone in the weyr. Might as well be the one throwin' cold water at me, right?" He asks. He opens the blanket some then to test his clothing. Still wet. Blanket closed again. "I'm sure there's some who wouldn't look twice though." He adds to K'del's last statement, taking a look around the Snowasis for a moment before shrugging. "Well, thanks anyways. I think I'll be 'kay, though it kinda ended my idea ta come here and enjoy a few drinks." He admits.

"Because /I/ would rather there were no beatings in this weyr," is K'del's prompt answer, sounding tired. "Never did understand why everyone seemed so quick to use their fists." He continues without leaving much of a pause, though, adding, "Sure. There'll always be people who won't. But lots of people-- most people are nice. You're welcome, though, anyway." A bob of the head later, and he adds, "Mm. Probably ought not to hang around in wet clothes too long. Might want to take the inside route, too." That's said with a bob towards the inside hallway.

"Yeah, s'pose I should." Sho says as he stands, shivering a bit as the wet clothes make contact with his skin. He glances at the helpful lady, then back at K'del. "Do ya think she'll mind if I borrow this and bring it back later? Dunno that I wanna walk there with just my wet clothes." And, well, on the side of beatings..."If they throw water on ya, do ya just wanna...talk 'em ta death?" He asks, raising a cold (literally) eyebrow at K'del.

K'del's gaze follows Sho's towards the helpful Elli, then slides back towards the Candidate. "Not at all," is his prompt answer. "Just send it to the laundry once you're done, and it'll be fine." And as for the perpetrators of crimes such as this one? "Rather they get punished officially. None of this vigilante stuff-- reckon it only ever seems to make things worse. You try and beat 'em up for retribution, either you win and then they swear to get back at you, or you lose, and you're in a worse place than you were to begin with, /and/ you're still pissed off. More pissed off, even."

Sho takes K'del's words into deep consideration, even frowning a bit as he thinks on it. Finally he just nods a bit, "I guess yer right." He admits finally. Wow, K'del is a wealth of helpfulness today! "Alright, if it happens 'gain I'll let someone know." He promises before wrapping the blanket tight around him to cut short a shiver. "Alright, I'm gonna go change before I freeze ta death." He says, offering a quick salute to K'del before he adds again, "Thank ya sir." And with that he's walking past the weyrleader towards the exit.

K'del, obviously relieved by Sho's admission, bobs his head easily. "Appreciate it," he tells the young man, transferring his glance from one hand to the other. And, as Sho begins to leave, "Look after yourself."

|k'del, sho, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader

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