LOG: Reckon It Don't Matter

Aug 15, 2010 15:36

Date: Day 25, Month 6, Turn 23
Location: Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: High Reachians enjoy the summer weather. Taikrin is weird.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
The rest of the bowl may be barren, grass barely surviving at best, but here by the lake, it's brilliantly green in the warmer months: thickening and thriving in the silty, boulder-dotted soil just before it transitions to soft sand and thence to the cool, clear water itself.
A large freshwater lake fed by a low waterfall, it not only provides warm-weather bathing space for humans and dragons, but has one end fenced off as a watering hole for the livestock in the feeding grounds. The water there is often muddier than the rest of the clear lake, whose shallows drop off abruptly several yards out into deep water, and whose edge undulates against the coarse-hewn bowl wall: here close enough to just be bramble-covered rocks, there far enough away that a narrow land bridge divides the main lake from a smallish pond. Between are several rocky outcroppings that form excellent makeshift diving points, though only one -- across the bridge -- has a set of narrow, slippery, quite possibly tempting stairs.
Warm sunshine and cloudless skies make for a beautiful day and pleasantly warm evening. A breeze tempers the heat with no humidity lingering in the air.

At any other time of the turn, it'd be dark and cold by now, but the days are long in High Reaches summers, and despite the hour, there's still sun in the sky. It's no wonder, then, that the denizens of the weyr are out en masse: there are children swimming, teenagers sunbathing; in general, people doing just about anything you can imagine. Out in the middle of the lake, Cadejoth has provided himself as a climbing structure and diving board for a group of kids; his rider is more sedate, lounging atop one of the boulders at the shoreline shirtless and damp.

Among the kids that K'del is entertaining is Palia, Milani's niece, who is being quite the little dare-devil and doing a lot of cannon-balling off of Cadejoth's back. Millie herself is not quite at full on waddling stage yet, but is getting a bit of sway in her hips as that baby bump of hers starts to make itself more known out front. She draws up to K'del's rock and rests an arm there, grins up at the Weyrleader. "Hey there. Have they managed to drown themselves yet?" she asks humorously of the group of laughing kids.

Neither Szadath nor Taikrin have been prominently in sight today: the former has barely even left his ledge, while the latter has been skulking around on the periphrery of all the lakeside fun. At some point she must have been in the water, because her skimpy clothing is still quite damp as she plops herself down on a nearby boulder with a wary eye for K'del and Milani. She's just watching, really, minding her own business... even if she is readily within earshot.

The smile K'del aims at Milani is utterly fond, even if his answer to her question is much more inclined towards the playful. "Not yet," he reports, "But there's been at least one false alarm, and that one resulted in tears." His nose wrinkles: not his favourite part of the 'game'. In turning his head towards the Headwoman, he must have seen Taikrin, because his gaze slides past Milani and towards the brownrider for a moment, though there's no visible change to his expression, and no remark.

"Good, it'd make a quick end to a really nice day," Milani remarks jokingly and reaches over to give K'del's knee a fond squeeze. The direction of his gaze turns her head and she too spots Taikrin. Sociable is Millie and she lifts a hand to wave. "Hey there! How was the water?" she asks the brownrider in friendly fashion, making assumptions based on damp skimpy clothing.

"Uh." Taikrin has to look around, brow furrowed, for that /other/ person Milani must surely be addressing. But no, it's her, so-- "Uh, good. Little cool, nice 'cause it's hot out here an' all." Wary gaze remains mostly on K'del as she replies, though she takes pains to make the way she's sprawled out on the rock look casual and totally at ease. "Kinda crowded though, y'know?"

K'del's rapid nod is agreement to Milani's joking remark; his hand reaches down to sit atop hers and squeeze it in turn, though it doesn't linger. He seems-- surprised? Perhaps, at the way Milani draws Taikrin into the conversation, and his eyebrows raise slightly at the brownrider's wary gaze upon him. But; "Mm, gets that way, sometimes, when the weather's this nice. Guess even with the people who head elsewhere, there's loads of us. Still. Nice to get this kind of weather."

"Sounds nice, I'll probably go dip my toes in for a little bit, take the weight off," Milani says cheerily, either oblivious or ignoring certain undercurrents at least for now. Her hand turns though, fingers threading through K'del's as he takes it. "I like summer here," Millie says decisively. "Though visiting other places that are warm in winter is always nice too and it /is/ a little crowded today. The kids seem to be having fun regardless."

That handsqueeze draws Taikrin's attention momentarily, consternation evident as she can't help but notice Milani's bulk. "Yeah, well-- reckon that must feel weird. With the--" She doesn't quite gesture at Milani's stomach, though that's only because the motion is caught at the last possible minute and redirected into a swipe through her short-cropped hair. "Lot of, uh, little kids around. An' babies, I guess. Mostly just tryin' t'avoid 'em, y'know? Lot of screaming an' tryin' t'get themselves killed, looks like t'me." She will incline her head towards Cadejoth and his pack, briefly.

Oh, yes. Pregnant belly! And doesn't K'del look smug and proud as attention is drawn towards it? He laughs, putting in, "Got to admit, reckon it'd be awful uncomfortable - glad it's not me." Poor Milani. "Kids're like that, though, Taikrin. Love the 'danger' of it, the thrill. And Cadejoth loves playing with them. Never let any of them get hurt-- he likes them too much." His gaze does slide out towards the group of kids and his dragon, and, okay, he looks fonder still. Such a softy. "Can't blame you for avoiding them, though. Can be nice to have the place to yourself."

"One of the downsides of being pregnant," Milani agrees and drops her free hand to pat at the top of that bump. "It feels better in the water," she notes with a little shrug and a grin then looks over at Cadejoth and laughs. "My niece looks like she's leading some of that screaming charge," the headwoman remarks. "She's the little curly-haired one," Millie points the girl in question out. "Did you get to play like that when you were little?" she inquires of Taikrin.

"Yeah, well, kids're pretty dumb about stuff," Taikrin pronounces while she frowns over at the screaming herd. "Not knowin' how t'not get in trouble or what's good for 'em." Poor Taikrin, such a fuddy-duddy. She swings herself into a seated position, folding her legs beneath her with only a hint of stiffness. "Niece, huh?" Dutifully, she'll pick out the curly-haired child, though her tone is noncommital. "Not like this. We was busy, an' carryin' on like that ain't right when everyone's tired from workin' so hard. We were... different. Dunno. Mostly I had work t'do all day anyways 'specially when it's so hot, 'cause the guys all needed a lot of water an' stuff."

K'del's remark is probably not precisely aimed at Taikrin, and yet... "Because we adults are so much better at those things, right?" He's smiling, at least. His gaze, too, narrows in on Palia, but it doesn't linger there, not when he can put in, turning his attention back towards Taikrin, "That's kinda sad. Not like we didn't have plenty of work to do where I grew up, too, but there was still /some/ time for play. We had a pond, and a tree with a rope strung from it so we could swing into the water-- it was good fun." His expression is kind of vacant for the recollection, though he adds, after a moment, "'course, there were fewer of us. And different kids were free at different times."

"Sounds like a pretty tough way to grow up," is Milani's take on what Taikrin describes. "Like not really having time to be a kid," the headwoman says thoughtfully and considers Taikrin for a moment. "I'll readily admit to being spoiled rotten here at the Weyr," she says with a little grin. "Not that we didn't have chores, but I was very good at getting out of them to go fishing instead."

"Lotta work t'do in a minehold, ain't time for foolin' around. Ain't so bad now, but they was hard-pressed after the Pass t'expand th'mines and stuff, so we was all workin'. Anyone about yea high who wasn't an idiot had t'help." Taikrin gestures with her hand at a level about the height of your average six year old. "We had fun when we had time, but we didn't have, y'know, all this foolin' or book learnin' y'all do over here." She shrugs philosophically. "If y'didn't do yer share, maybe y'didn't eat or maybe y'get a good clout. None of this prankin' an' skivving off business. Learned /discipline/."

"My child," K'del tells Milani, firmly, but not without a note of teasing in his voice, "is not going to be spoilt rotten like that. Like-- like Taikrin said. /Discipline/. He or she is going to--" He breaks off, looking, it must be said, somewhat abashed; his head shakes. "I dunno. Just. There were advantages, I think, to /having/ to work, not just do chores. Playing is good, but--" His gaze slides back towards Taikrin, and he aims a nod in her direction. "Balance, I guess. Between work and play."

"Oh really?" Milani asks K'del, amused, though she gives his hand another fond squeeze. "I'll keep that in mind, when this one arrives. Discipline from day one," she teases him fondly. "And my mother would agree about balance between the two," she states, looking back toward Taikrin.

Taikrin's gaze darts from the hands to Milani's belly and back again, and she blurts, "S'/really/ is yer-- huh." Unease settles once more across her features, and she subtly edges backwards. "Sure whatever y'do with it's gonna be fine, uh-- I guess? I don't-- kids ain't my thing, y'know? Ain't any of my business, regardless. Place seems like an okay place for kids t'do-- whatever. I guess. Learn stuff." Patently uncomfortable, her hand scrubs through her hair again before she blurts, "When y'supposed t'have it, anyways?"

"That's right," says K'del, approvingly (teasingly). "This baby is totally going to know not to cry at night, and not to keep mama and daddy awake, and--" Taikrin's question seems to surprise him, enough that he breaks off to turn his gaze back on the brownrider. "What? Really my kid? Yes, it's really my kid. Why wouldn't it be?" It obviously rankles him at least a little bit.

Taikrin's question about paternity also surprises Milani a little and she nods. "Yes, we've been together for a while," the headwoman says of the relationship in question. "Finally getting around to having kids," she jokes a little and gives K'del's hand a little reassuring squeeze when he rankles. "I think the Reaches was a great place to grow up, but I'm really biased," Milani muses then smiles. "In the fall. Right around tithe time, inconveniently enough."

"I dunno, I just heard-- reckon it don't matter." Taikrin's voice is noticibly higher, her anxiety clear. "Y'know, people just talkin', I didn't know. Just surprised, 'cause-- uh. Didn't reckon on riders an' not-- y'know, whatever. Thought it was kind of a thing." Her gaze cuts towards the water, with its hordes of screaming children, then back again. "Sure y'all'll be real happy, come fall. Good times, right?"

It's obvious that Milani's hand-squeeze calms K'del at least enough that the glance he gives Taikrin after this is more bewildered than angry or upset. "What, riders and non-riders? Pah. Plenty of riders have non-rider partners. Where'd you hear a stupid thing like that? What's up with you, Taikrin?" Though he's obvious eager for an answer on that one, he does add, to Milani, "Reckon it'll be good for your assistants, taking the lead on stuff. This once. It's all going to be fine."

That string of disconnected thoughts seems to pose a bit of a problem for Milani to follow, but she does focus intently on Taikrin to give it her best shot. "A thing?" she finally latches onto that part of it all and then nods along with K'del as he seems to do a better job of piecing things together. "Mm, Giorda and Alieva will get some good practice in," Milani affirms to K'del about the state of the lower caverns when the baby's due to make an appearance.

"Nothin's up!" Taikrin is very quick to protest, popping to her feet to emphasize the statement. "Just, y'know, talk about how it don't work right, if y'ain't both got a dragon 'cause of-- things. Dumb stuff. Sure it ain't true, now I had y'all t'set me straight." She edges back towards the edge of the boulder, her intent to escape obvious. "But reckon I shouldn't be botherin' you two no more, an' prolly Szadath's lookin' for me so--"

Caverns-talk gets put aside as K'del attempts, apparently without great success, to work out more details on what it is that has Taikrin so-- weird. Weirder. "Reckon it's no harder than any other relationship, s'long as you're on the same page," he declares, stoutly. After a moment more, given Taikrin's obvious intentions, he offers, "Not really a bother--?" But it's not exactly pushy: if she wants to go, he's not going to argue.

What Taikrin is seeing, perplexes Milani visibly. "Really? Hm. I suppose some people might feel that way, but there's plenty of successful rider-non-rider couples at the Reaches," the headwoman offers over reassuringly as Taikrin continues to seem bothered and jumpy. "And I'm not feeling bothered either, it's been a while since we've talked," Millie says to the brownrider. "How is Szadath anyway?"

"No, really, it's fine-- sure I get it now, an' I'll just tell her-- tell the, uh, person I heard it from, s'no big deal." There's a smile flashed, too-wide, and then she's hopping down off her sunning stone with a wave that looks suspiciously like a salute. "Weyrleader, Headwoman, if y'all will excuse me, Szadath wants t'go over some drills he's been thinkin' about so I ought t'get movin'." And move she will, hot-footing it across the bowl to where, yes, a squat brown is hunkered down waiting.

K'del's silent for several moments after Taikrin runs off like that, his brow furrowed enough to give him an outright bewildered expression. "Any idea what's got into /her/. Wonder which 'her' she's talking about, his ideas like that." He breaks off from that, breaks off from watching after the departing brownrider, to turn his attention back onto Milani. "Guess she always has been a bit strange. Not surprising, maybe, given... givens."

"Of course, have a good afternoon, Taikrin," Milani wishes sincerely. "And I hope Szadath has fun with the drill review," she concludes, gives a little wave as the brownrider runs off and then looks over at K'del, head shaking. "I have /no/ idea, honestly," she admits. "Though it's pretty sad if people are still putting around those old tired rumors about riders. It's /frustrating/." Huff. "Strange? I guess, mostly just a little different."

"It is," agrees K'del, firmly. "It's as though-- like, people see the individual pieces of a rider's life, and decide that no one could possibly work around that. Guess maybe it wouldn't work for everyone, but if you really want it?" He breaks off from that, pushing a smile, instead, onto his face. "Maybe just different. I dunno. Half the time I've no idea what's going on in her head. Seemed like she thought I ought to be congratulating her for beating up some kid, while back. Doens't make sense to me."

"I guess maybe it's a difference between growing up inside a Weyr and outside too. Because it doesn't seem that odd when you're weyrbred," Milani says with a little shrug. "It's just different ways of living and one is easier for some and another is easier for others. And yes," she smiles up at him, "if you really want it, you can make it work." She leans against him a little then, head aiming to rest against his arm. "Wait ... what? Really?"

One of K'del's hands reaches to play, idly, with Milani's hair as she leans up against him; his touch is fond. "Mm," he begins, obviously intending to agree with her summary of weyr life. But it's her question he actually answers, looking rueful. "Think it was something about teaching him a lesson? He dumped water on her, or something, and wouldn't back down. Regardless: told her it's not appropriate, we don't go beating up on people. Think there're still some things she needs to get used to, around here."

"I suppose ... some habits die hard?" Milani says slowly, brows knitting together as she considers this revelation. "Mm. Maybe, though you know it's not like we have the best role models in the world. After all, Tiriana will punch people who piss her off, so if it's okay for the Weyrwoman ..." she trails off meaningfully, cocks a look up at K'del.

"She's better about that than she used to be," says K'del, more thoughtfully than defensively, turning his gaze down so that he can meet Milani's upraised look. "But. Take your point, I guess. Sometimes, it's not an easy environment to try and convince people to be good, upright model citizens in, mm? 'least it's quiet, these days. No disasters, no convicts, no-- nothing."

"I know she is, but it's a reputation she's earned," Milani points out. "Once you've made a rep for yourself, it can be hard to change it. I mean shells, how many people still call me slut, to my face or to my back?" Brows lift in a 'get the drift' way. "I think that depends on who you are and what you do here," the headwoman answers, voice thoughtful while her niece does a flip off of Cadejoth's back and she smiles fondly. "Now see, that's a girl after my own heart," she interrupts the current line of thought then shakes her head and comes back to it. "It has been quiet lately and I can't say that I'm unhappy about it. It's a lot easier to take care of people when they're not having to face the sky falling every other week."

K'del sucks in a breath, nodding. "True," he allows, wrinkling his nose thoughtfully. "And I'll always be the kid to some people. Makes it hard, huh?" His gaze follows Milani's towards Palia's antics, and he laughs. "Lot like you were at that age? Can't say I'm unhappy about it, either. It could stay quiet forever, and I'd only be glad for it. Feels like... this is the what the Interval is supposed to be, you know? People happy and healthy and unconcerned."

"Exactly," Milani agrees though her expression is sympathetically fond as she shifts so she can thread her arm aroudn his waist. "Some. She's a lot more serious than I ever was. Actually pays attention to harper lessons. And well ...honestly, she's /scary/ smart, K'del. The things that kid picks up on." She makes big eyes at him. "But she does have a it of that daredevil streak of mine." She looks up at him again, nodding. "Just living."

K'del reaches out his arm to wrap about Milani's shoulder in turn, snuggling in to her. "Hm," he says, eyes seeking out Palia again. "Must make for interesting times, I guess. Being smart like that. But-- ah yes, the daredevil streak. Of course." He lets a low breath escape, contentedly. "Just living. Exactly right. It's nice. This summer... it's just nice."

"It does. I think she pulls the wool over my brother's eyes more than he realizes. But at the same time she adores him, so I don't think she does it as often as she could, if that makes any sense." She tiptoes upward to plant a kiss to the edge of his jaw. "Feel up to hitting a midsummer gather this coming seven? It's safe for me to go Between and I'm not so big yet that I can't haul myself up onto Cadejoth's back when I need to."

"It does," K'del confirms, with a laugh. "Shells. Kind of intimidates me, thinking about it. What's ahead for /us/. Parenthood." He lets that hang for a few moments, before leaning in to match her jaw-kiss with a forehead one. "I'd like that," he murmurs, softly. "It'd be fun. Let's."

"You'll be fine," Milani says with a laugh. "At the daddy thing. I mean it's coming right up for Avey," the headwoman says and tilts her head to rest against him again. "Okay then, midsummer it is and we can dance some, though not as much as usual, because I get tired too soon," she says with a hint of regret in her voice.

"I hope so," says K'del, earnestly, with that note of trepidation still audible - not to mention visible on his face. He manages a smile, though, squeezing her shoulder. "Of course. Only as much as you can. Next summer-- we'll dance more, next summer. Or at turnover. Or whenever you like, really, after the baby's born. Promise."

Milani reaches up to curve her palm to K'del's cheek gently. Reassurance in the gesture. "I know we will," she says for dancing and smiles at him brilliantly. "For now though, I think we should watch those kids be nuts and then corral them inside for dinner. I'll be over later, okay?" Another kiss follows that statement.

K'del mms, contentedly, in the wake of that kiss, and the reassuring gesture. "I know," he tells her, as firmly as he can manage - and with a smile that's more than a little rueful. "I'll just have to get used to it. The reality of it." His head bobs rapidly, more cheerful as he agrees, "Probably is time to start hooking them back in. But-- later. Look forward to it."

ANother little pat is given for K'del's knee and Milani smiles up at him. "Mm. It's getting on towards supper and their parents and fosterers won't be happy if they don't come settle." The character of her smile changes at his last and she waggles her brows at him. "I'll bring something special to wear," is the further promise, before she leans against him again, to watch the kids for a little while longer, until it's time to go in.

K'del looks /terribly/ pleased at the idea of something special to wear, but restrains himself - mostly. Until later, at any rate.

Uh huh.

cadejoth, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, taikrin, $baby2, $palia, |k'del, $tiriana, milani

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