LOG: Not The End Of The World.

Mar 30, 2010 15:32

Date: Day 3, month 5, turn 22
Location: Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Kas and Millie catch up on this and that including rocks, former candidates and new goldriders. They are also /totally/ cute.

Totally stolen from milaninc.

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
The Snowasis is rarely quiet, and even then, the high-ceilinged former weyr is kept from echoing by the fantastical booths tucked into its convoluted perimeter. The secluded seating spaces have been shaped from the truncated stalagmites that escaped the smoothing of the main floor, and are both softened and separated by colorful hangings that are thick and opaque enough to make each corner its own private nook.
Some of the smaller stalactites still roam the ceiling, their jagged teeth tracing a bumpy, inverted spine to the hearth. There, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches sit, their upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and clear, rich hues for winter. Small tables litter the rest of the cavern, enough to fit up to four people each, while stools stand along the smooth wooden bar behind which is the passthrough window to the kitchen. Glass-paneled cabinetry behind the bar provides a clear view of the available liquors, the many colors reflecting the soft light of glows tucked into strategic niches around the cavern.

Curled up in one of the slightly more secluded booths, Milani's been consulting the menu for a little bit, no work in sight for once, imagine that and she's dressed up juust a little bit more than usual, hair swept up off her neck and prettily arranged, nice dress, brings out the color of her eyes. And yet she just has to sit all folded up, with one knee bent beneath her and her foot wagging off the side of her chair. The Snowasis is relatively busy this evening, but a good chunk of the custom is outside enjoying the change in the weather - dry, not wet.

'Dry, not wet' is probably a good part of the reason why K'del makes his way into the Snowasis from the ledge, and not the internal door-- it's quicker to come across the bowl, but not so much fun in inclement weather. He's dressed well, too, with a silky blue shirt over black trousers, and for once, he bypasses the bar to head towards the booths, coming to Milani's in quick order. "You look beautiful," he says, as he comes up alongside, then swings into the seat across from her. "A bit like one of those pretzel-things... but beautiful."

Milani looks up at the Weyrleader's greeting and gives him big round eyes briefly then starts laughing. "My mother never could cure me of sitting less-than-properly," she jokes and smiles across the way fondly, reaches over to give K'del's hand a squeeze. "But thank you, you look nice too. Great color," the headwoman continues blithely then props the menu upright. "Look at all these choices. I swear, I won't ever be able to decide. I'll have to just stab one with my finger." Breath out and she sets the menu down again, folds hands under chin. "How's your day been?"

K'del winks at the Headwoman as she laughes, curving his fingers around her hand to squeeze it in return. "If it's comfortable--" he suggests, of the sitting, apparently entirely unconcerned. Picking up his own menu, he gives it a frowning glance as he continues, "Thanks. Nice to get the nice things out for something-- not related to the weyr, I guess." Just them. He grins at her, probably for emphasis. "Been good. Went down to inspect the eye rock, and the building site and all. It's nice to see progress, you know?" Without pausing, he adds, "Maybe the fish? I dunno. It's weird, having choices."

"I think it's comfortable, but I guess a lot of people wouldn't." Milani's head tilts to the side as she considers his shirt further. "I is at that, here's hoping for gathers this summer too. We should run away to some," she adopts an overly innocent expression, "you know, like we used to." And a breath out, with a nod. "It /is/ looking a lot tidier, out there and is the eye rock /really/ close to ready?" Hopeful. "I'd heard a rumor or two ..." eyes back to the menu, if only briefly. "I'm thinking very hearty, probably the noodles. Or we could each get something we both want to try and then swap plates."

"/Gathers/." Okay, there's no denying what K'del thinks of that: he looks positively delighted. "Let's. Bet we can manage the time, this turn." His expression turns fondly - and maybe slightly naughtily - nostalgic for the thought, though it doesn't stop him from adding, more seriously, "It looks pretty... eye rocky, I guess? So that's got to be a good sign. Reckon it may be able to go up in a few more weeks. They think so, anyway. Noodles sound good. You get those and I'll..." He points a finger down the list, finally deciding, "The lamb. Unless you've an aversion to that?"

That only increases the dance of mischief in Milani's gaze and her teeth catch at her bottom liip, a couple of quick nods probably confirming more than one idea wandering through the Weyrleader's brain. "I'll bet we can. /This/ turn," she agrees with much emphasis. "Eye rocky, she echoes next an re-props her chin. "I'll take that to mean it's going well and that it'll work, though shells, how do you ever /test/ something like that?" She waits while he picks and then nods. "Sounds good. That sauce description is yummy and nooo, I'm not picky."

K'del, looking pleased and smug, lets out a contented sigh. "Good! That's settled, then. Gathers and more gathers." Setting down the menu now that that's all decided, he rolls his shoulders back, adding, "That's the thing, isn't it? Who knows if it will-- may be that, you know, great grandchildren or whatever will curse us when it /doesn't/. But the Starsmiths seem pretty confident." Breaking off from that, he asks, "Anyway. How about your day? Good?"

Giggling: "Lots of gathers," Milani says and gathers up both menus and stacks them on top of each other then shoots a little wave server-wards. Yes they're ready now, pretty please. "Yeah ... they can't just ... rig up a fake Red Star to see if it shines through the rock right," the headwoman says with a shake of her head. "But hopefull you know, when the Pass comes around, they can just look at the other ones and do some ... tweaking?" She slides hands along the table's edge, then folds her arms beneath her, resting there, weight balanced forward slightly. "Fairly busy, but not killer. A few more of the candidates from out of the Weyr decided to stay. I've hooked one up with Stores so far, two with stables and another with the seamstresses for jobs."

"That would make sense," agrees K'del. "Tweak it, then. And it's not as though we've the /only/ set of Stones. So it's not the end of the world, if it doesn't work straight of. It's just... you know, not ideal." He bobs his head along to the rest of what she has to say, concluding, pleased, "I'm glad. That they want to stay, and we can find them good work. Feel-- pretty awful for them, you know?" And it shades his expression, albeit not for long, since that's about the moment when the server heads their way to take the order. K'del reels it off, adding, "And I'll have a beer. Millie?"

"Exactly! So ... maybe just ... leave a note for future generations," Milani suggests with a little wave of her hand and then puffs out her cheeks, nodding. "Oh it's always so tough when they're left standing. Especially when they're all so /hopeful/," she says with a sympathetic look. "Vyshani - did you meet her? She's from Boll. Or Gar. No wait it's in between the waystation she's from. Anyway, she's the one for stores. I think she might actually have skills that miiight suit being on headwoman's staff. So. We'll see. But I think we'll get along regardless." Pause. Breath. "We both talk a lot." But. Server and she sits up a bit, beams at said server. "The noodles in cream sauce and some red wine. Because someone told me once that if you're having heavy cheesey cream sauce, you should always cut it with red wine!"

"An excellent choice," says the server, writing down both orders and then taking the menus away. Left alone again, K'del grins, turning his attention back to Milani. "Vyshani," he says, tasting the name, but shakes his head. "Not sure I did. Glad, though, that you get along so well... and you know, the rest. Good." It's rambly, and he seems to know it. He pauses, takes a breath, then adds, "Least we'll have two producing queens in a couple of turns. Give people more chances, you know?"

Beam. For the server some more and then Milani's re-situating herself, feet dropped to the floor for now. "Pretty too. Surprised she /didn't/ catch your eye at least once," the headwoman teases him fondly and re-perches chin in hands. "Mm - though won't they just ... keep slowing down as time goes on? Get farther apart? Not that it /won't/ be good to have two and hopefully one that'll /stick/."

Playing at being offended, K'del straightens, sniffing visibly. "/Try/ not to stare at candidates like that, thank you very much." Beat. Then, grinning, "Just 'cause I don't know her name, doesn't mean I haven't noticed her." There's a quick bob of his head to the rest of what the Headwoman's said; he says, then, "Sure, I guess. Just... Yeah. Maybe it's just relief at hving two again. Guess we won't likely see more clutches of twenty like that." Does someone look proud? Oh yes, someone does.

"Looking and touching ... two ve-ry different things," Milani points out. "After all, I kept my hands off of /you/ until you weren't a candidate anymore." Oh the sweet grin. "Mm. Dark hair, cute smile, flippy skirts. Bet you might've." And she sobers a little, thumbs pressing against each other as she laces fingers between fingers. "It's good to have two, yes. And two weyrwomen. Both young and healthy."

K'del's expression waxes fond, interrupted briefly though it is by the arrival of the drinks. Once the server has gone again, he admits, "There's that. And looking-- isn't all bad." Beat. "Flippy skirts sounds familiar. Think I /do/ know the one you're referring to, and she /is/ cute." Wrapping fingers around his mug, he agrees, firmly, "Feels much... safer. Didn't like it, being down to one. Know we could always've called someone in, if it came down to it, but... Still."

"No, it isn't, not at all. And even touching isn't either, just ... it's the whole crossing ranks thing, I think, that gets complicated," Milani points out after the server's gone and she's picked up her glass to take a few sips. "Very flippy skirts. Very cute." Her eyes drop to the table top for a few moments, head bobbing. "Yeah. It just hasn't worked out all that well so far, is all. Something about you know -- home being home."

K'del wrinkles his nose, agreeing with a bob of the head. "Right," he agrees, firmly. "Just... hard. And weird." He draws his own mug up for a sip, then, and makes another face. "Home being home. Yes. Must be pretty awful, getting sent somewhere else with no real choice about it. And having to lead, too. Hard to win loyalty like that, I guess."

"Yes," Milani agrees, making a little face of her own. "It's just safer all around not to get too far into the weird zone." And then she's making big eyes. "Shells, yes. I don't even like to think about it much." There's a little pause. "A'son ... had to do that. At Ista. I was tough. I guess it can tear a person apart a little." And briefly, she looks troubled, then she shakes it off, smiles. "The food is coming out." And there's the server with plates.

"Definitely," agrees K'del, firmly-- which bypasses the fact that, of course, /he/ was still a weyrling when /they/ started sleeping together. His seriousness draws a slow nod of the head, and a low, escaped breath as he adds, "Reckon it would. Could, anyway. Can." But if he intended to say more, it gets distracted by the arrival of the food. Which: "Looks /amazing/."

Which likely doesn't fall too far into /Milani's/ personal weird zone. Candidates though ... But she's sitting up a little, eyeing the food and sniffing the air. "It /does/. And smells it too. And we're probably going to need all that," she remarks breezily. "For later." Now if that's not a promise ...

If that's not a promise, K'del is in for a big disappointment, because he certainly takes it as such. Winking at her, merrily, he reaches for his fork. "Hold you to that. Guess we'd better get started then, else we'll run out of time to-- use all the energy." Beam.

Picking up cutlery in turn as her plate is set down before her, Milani tucks her chair in a little closer and gives K'del's foot a fond nudge beneath the table. "As if," she counters merrily and sets to eating and in between bites, relating lighter gossip and bits of chatter from her day around the caverns for the rest of the meal. And later ... a promise to keep.

!avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, |k'del, $tiriana, $teris, $a'son, milani, $vyshani

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