VIGNETTE: It Had All Been Sorted

Feb 21, 2010 08:38

Date: Day 27, Month 13, Turn 21
Location: K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del freaks out about Inviere's news.

As Inviere left, K'del sank into a chair - the nearest one, random, just a chair - and buried his face in his hands. He'd… had it been naive to believe that his conversation with Lord High Reaches, and all the work they'd been doing since would actually solve the problem?

He'd heard the reports of how the Balenese had treated their rider assistants, but still… hand't that been the agreement? They'd make it up in other ways? It had all been sorted.

Evidently not.

He sat there for some time, taking deep, lung-filling breaths and then letting them escape. It being winter, they probably had a little time: it was too hard for the holders to coordinate too much when they were all but snowed in. That was good. But it was hard to know in what direction to go, when, letter or no, he had no idea what they were intending.

That Misty knew, though, that was a bad start. Less snow in Tillek: less in the way of spreading the rumour. Were they looking at a full-scale mutiny? Holders against Weyrfolk?

It was exactly the last thing they needed, given the Interval. He swore, then, cursing Tiriana and her stupid ideas until he calmed down; it took a long time. How could she have been so stupid?

And no doubt she'd find some way to try and pin it all on him. Typical!

He hoisted himself from his chair, grabbing his coat on his way past, and headed out to the ledge. It was empty: Cadejoth much preferred to be able to see his eggs as often as possible, if he had to be not out and doing something (which was a nice change from last time, when he'd barely been willing to leave the weyr at all). It felt empty, too, as though K'del was all alone in this, nevermind that Cadejoth was just a thought away, always present, even if his mind was full of sparking eggs.

The weyr was coming to life, out in the bowl. Drills, already, in some places, and people heading for the caverns for breakfast - or back from the caverns after breakfast - amidst early morning workers, and in the distance, the convicts at the worksite.

And above: the star stones. The lopsided, alien star stones, the ones he'd never grown comfortable with, in all these months.

What were they going to do?

Cadejoth extended a confused tendril towards him, an urgent relaying of another dragon's words: Fierfanth had found a candidate. A convict candidate.

Great. More complications.

!avalanche, @hrw, $inviere, !weyrleader, $balen, |k'del, $tiriana, $high reaches hold, $convicts, ~vignette

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