LOG: Hard To Make Sense Of It

Jan 21, 2010 12:39

Date: Day 23, Month 10, Turn 21
Location: Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del and K'ndro share a few moments, the day K'vas dies.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
The rest of the bowl may be barren, grass barely surviving at best, but here by the lake, it's brilliantly green in the warmer months: thickening and thriving in the silty, boulder-dotted soil just before it transitions to soft sand and thence to the cool, clear water itself.
A large freshwater lake fed by a low waterfall, it not only provides warm-weather bathing space for humans and dragons, but has one end fenced off as a watering hole for the livestock in the feeding grounds. The water there is often muddier than the rest of the clear lake, whose shallows drop off abruptly several yards out into deep water, and whose edge undulates against the coarse-hewn bowl wall: here close enough to just be bramble-covered rocks, there far enough away that a narrow land bridge divides the main lake from a smallish pond. Between are several rocky outcroppings that form excellent makeshift diving points, though only one -- across the bridge -- has a set of narrow, slippery, quite possibly tempting stairs.
A layer of gray clouds covers the sky. The air feels cool and damp, but there is no rainfall today.

It was probably all of an hour ago that K'vas and Tethueth were lost, and perhaps that's why K'del has come out here to the lakeshore, to perch on one of the boulders and stare blankly at what is left of the debris. Plenty of people around the weyr are avoiding the area, now, and now that the clean-up operation is mostly finished, that means it's pretty deserted except for the Weyrleader and his bronze - who is a half-visible form in the lake, his head resting atop the water as his tail makes ripples beyond.

It's probably due to the fact that Xadovith is absolutely filthy, that brings him gliding down to a landing at lake's edge after winging in from beyond the rim, and the state of K'ndro's gear isn't much better than his dragon's hide. Though the bronze is so dark it's hard to tell in places just what is dirt and what isn't. Silence is thick around the pair, only the sounds brought on by movement, by shucking headgear and by the unfastening of buckles and coiling of straps coming from their direction. Then a slap of hand to draconic shoulder, and Xado slinks into the water, quite probably aware of Cadejoth and that could be why he's choosing to head in a different direction and leave the elder his space. Mik for his part watches as his dragon disappears, then unfastens his flight jacket to allow it to fall open before he stoops to gather up all his stuff and start lugging it over towards some boulders. Some boulders with a Weyrleader perched on top. Oops. "Sir."

It's probably fair to say that K'del is more not paying attention, or even outright ignoring the tell-tale signs that his solitude has been interrupted, rather than that he's so deep in his thoughts he doesn't notice. His hands, at least, grip a little tighter to the fabric of his trousers, and his stare grows just a little more determined. Cadejoth's less that way inclined, extending a thread towards the other bronze - a length of chain, as if he's reminding himself, and the other bronze, that they all belong together. Even K'del can't pretend solitude when he's actually addressed, though, which is the point that he lifts his head to consider the other rider. "K'ndro." Beat. Then, maybe a little less stiffly; "Been out at the holds?"

That length of chain is met with a slick, oily sort of darkness, very little light in Xadovith's mind at present. He could perhaps try to deflect, to keep his mind closed and therefore wallow in his preferred solitude. But after the initial little roil, there's the mental equivalent of a bubble popping and a little puff of scent, putrid and foul, the stink of decay. "Aye," K'ndro replies simply, his deep voice still very quiet. It probably looks as if he's intending on making himself at home, finding a convenient space of rock to pile his gear on. Though really, all he wants is to have it someplace off the ground. Brown eyes settle on the younger man for a moment, and for all that Mik is one that prefers the proximity of people, "I'll take a walk, leave you to yourself." So said, he begins to turn away.

Cadejoth doesn't push, doesn't even linger: it's enough for him, apparently, to reassert his claim on the dragons in this weyr. His pack, after all. Retreating, his head slinks under the water, even his tail going still as he sinks downwards. It's all very uncharacteristic. "Don't have to," offers his rider, a few beats after K'ndro begins to turn away. "If you don't want to. Don't mind the company." Beat. "Probably better than sitting here brooding... guess Teris was right on that one." His hands slide towards each other in the space made atop his legs; then they freeze, and he adds, "But you don't have to stay. Whatever. Just saying you don't need to go."

Touched, acknowledged, and if it's uncharacteristic Xadovith probably notices but doesn't appear to care enough to pursue it. But then, he never has been one for being friendly of his own volition. He'll just bathe and brood. K'ndro pauses as K'del speaks again, turns back to consider him with head tilted. "A'right." Mention of Teris brings an odd quirk to his expression, something almost but not quite bemused. "Reckon that one's got an opinion on everything." Casting around for a moment, he finally decides on leaning his hip near to his gear, and folds his arms loosely across his stomach, hands tucked away inside his jacket. Nice and comfy, companionable... only not. It's really friends one needs in times like this, not awkward mostly-strangers. "Hard to make sense of it." The recent destruction, K'vas, either or both? Mik could also just be muttering to himself.

The relative levity of talking about Teris is something K'del latches onto, holding firm: it's better than nothing but doom and gloom. "Reckon she does," he agrees, and it's not that he sounds actively amused or anything, but, well, it's better than nothing. "Even things she knows nothing about. Can't figure out what she's going to decide to think, half the time." The younger bronzerider draws his coat closer around him, as if suddenly conscious of the coolness of the air, then adds, returning - reluctantly, but inevitably - to less easy topics. "Not sure there is any sense to it. Can't find any so far. Keep figuring something good has to happen to balance-- but what? How?" Beat. "Talked with K'vas quite a bit, over the Crom stuff. Used to be a farmcrafter. Liked him a lot. Nice guy."

"Somethin' disparagin' probably," and yes, anything resembling actual vocabulary still sounds weird coming out of K'ndro's mouth, even if he has made a commendable effort at conquering his backwoods burr. "And she'll frown while sayin it too, which is a shame 'cause she's real cute when she smiles." Pretty girls, even abrasive ones, are way better than doom and gloom. A glance up at the leaden sky, even the weather won't cut them a break. And yet Mik too doesn't seem too keen to actually talk about the Bad Stuff, and follows the direction of his Weyrleader's words readily. "Aye, he i-- was." Scruffy jaw tightens for a moment and yet, somehow, he finds a smile somewhere that doesn't look forced. "Always lookin' on the bright side of life he was, and carrying everyone else along with him. He's got-- had, a knack for liftin' folk up." Damn that past tense, anyhow. But clearly, talking about his lost clutchmate as he was in life is much better than dwelling over the unknowns that led to his death.

K'del's recollections lead him to say, with a quiet smile of his own, "He told me, after the Crom deal fell through, that it was okay, because that land wasn't /that/ great to begin with, and we'd just have to find better land." He shakes his head, staring off into the distance ruefully. More quietly, "Cadejoth still remembered that Tethueth was one of his. Surprised me: figured he'd forget that kind of thing, especially once they weren't little anymore. But no." Whatever this thought is drawing in his mind, he pulls away from it to return to the easier topic of Teris. "She is. Teris, I mean. Cute when she smiles. Still don't trust her not to, dunno, knee me in the balls or something if I say the wrong thing, but still: cute. Still not sure I like the idea of her conspiring with Tiriana, though. Dangerous combination, right?" Hey! It's an actual conversation! Sort of.

Nodding, not at all surprised, "And I bet he even had some suggestions on where, and tips for what, to look for, too." The second part does bring K'ndro's brows up in surprise, sends his gaze turning out over the lake contemplatively, to be greeted with the sight of one rakish head peering above the water like 'yeah, and?' "Had to remind Xado that Tethueth was his brother. But he doesn't... form connections. He just thinks--" But what his dragon thinks he clamps his lips shut over and shakes his head, grimacing. Must not be anything pleasant. Adjusting his lean a little, Mik crosses his legs at the ankles as his gaze flicks back towards K'del for a moment before moving on again. "Heh, aye. Though I wonder if she'd be that, uh, direct. I'm more worried about hot klah dumped over my head if she catches me with my back turned, or somethin' like." Been chewing on boot leather, has he? "Shards. Weyrwoman don't need someone with that kind of focus at her side. Least when she's stompin' around callin' us idiots, it's something we can deflect." Or ignore. Although mention of Tiriana stomping around makes his mouth quirk upwards at one corner, even with the annoyed furrow of his brows. Strange combination.

"Yeah," says K'del, in agreement. "Exactly. Full of good ideas. Hoped to take him up on some of them, at some point." But that just takes it all back to depressing thoughts: he shuts his eyes, takes a breath, then draws his shoulders back. His gaze tilts towards K'ndro, considering, as, quietly, he says, "It's been strange. Cadejoth-- turns out, when he really needed to, he could take charge, and be-- not like he usually is. Surprised me. Weird thing, to be surprised by your own dragon, after turns and turns." Less than four, but still. His lips draw in as he says, "Even Tiriana's been short of stomping, lately. Hard to blame anyone, I guess. Too much to do." Beat. "Maybe Teris'll get sick of doing the shit jobs and quit. Last one did. Keep hoping Ezalea might, you know, defuse the two of them a bit, but not so much. Seems like she's kind of sidelined a bit, far as I can see. Voice of reason, at least." K'del, obviously, quite likes Ezalea. That probably hasn't helped the Igenite Weyrwoman much.

"Still can," K'ndro says, deep voice going all the deeper with the solemnity behind those words. "Just 'cause he's gone, doesn't make what he's already offered valueless. And so long as he's remembered, he ain't really gone at all. That's what we believe." Pause. "We, th'Idrozti. My clan." In case that needed clarification. Though promptly after speaking those meant-to-be-comforting words, his expression turns uncomfortable, and he keeps his gaze focused on something very fascinating, very far away. After a clearing of his throat, and a scrubbing of one hand back over his hair, leaving it a half-flopped, half-spiked wreck, he nods a little. "Hard times... bring out the best and worst in people. Brings out things they maybe never knew they had. Reckon th'same holds true for dragons too." Tilting his head a little he glances back, briefly, brows quirking into an odd little squiggle across his forehead. "She don't strike me as a quitter, but maybe. Huh. Don't really know th'new one." And hasn't made an effort to.

K'del is silent, as K'ndro speaks first, though slowly, finally, his head begins to nod. "A good philosophy, that one," he murmurs eventually. He seems perhaps as disquieted and uncomfortable as the other bronzerider as he answers that which is spoken of next. "Expect so." Long pause. All do what we have to. Cadejoth-- well. Suppose it's not so surprising that he's protective of all of them. Just never came up before." His hands slide upwards towards his pockets, hanging loosely from them as he stares off towards the bowl, and the broken, blocked off bit where the stones came down. "No," he adds, finally. "Can't see Teris as a quitter. Bet she'd hold on just out of sheer bloody-mindedness, probably. Guy can dream, though." His gaze slides back around towards the other bronzerider as he adds, "'The new one'. Been here a turn now, just about. Guess she's pretty reserved, though. Nice, but not really-- out there. Good at what she does, though. Glad to have her around."

Yay, awkward! K'ndro'll just let that little whatever-it-was fall behind them and pretend that no, his heart didn't just go out to his Weyrleader. "If any of what's in them gets passed to their young," with a wave of his hand out towards the lake, "more than just y'know, physical traits, I'll say with certainty that no, it's not surprising he's protective." Teris doesn't draw any further comment from him either, just a wry twist of his lips as he nods agreement. A considering tilt of his head and then he shrugs his shoulders, completely unapologetic. "New enough." And at least it's better than 'the outsider.' "Not my place t'mix with any of 'em, anyhow. Shouldn't even--" be out here chatting with K'del, but he doesn't finish that thought. Rephrasing, "Should coax Xadovith out so I can get him oiled and then get my own bath. Ain't no way I'm goin' t'Milandra filthy as I am." Uncrossing his legs and pushing out of his lean, he turns to start gathering up his gear.

Feeling for the Weyrleader? Heaven forbid! Unaware, still being pretty deeply lost in his own thoughts, K'del only laughs at what K'ndro says. "Bet some things do. Not everything. But-- that? Makes sense." That's all said as the other bronzerider starts dismissing himself; he makes a face at the implication of talking to people like K'del or Ezalea being not his place. "Not a hold, K'ndro. Don't hold ourselves above the rest of you, just because, thanks to a twist of fate, we're-- whatever." BUt; "Right, course. Should go in myself. Getting chilly. Have fun with Milandra. And--" Beat. "Congratulations on her, by the way. She's lovely. Was nice to talk to you." Sort of.

"Know it ain't but--" But K'ndro's got his own issues that he's not sharing. Hitching his coiled straps into a higher position over his shoulder, he catches up the last few bits with one hand and then turns to meet K'del's eyes directly, if he can. "Aye, she is. She-- Millie's th'one did all the work." Though he just can't stop that pride that squares his shoulders further, or the totally soppy grin that comes into being as his thoughts turn with more focus on his daughter. No greater balm to soothe a troubled spirit? He takes a breath and hesitates, still considering the younger man, but whatever thought just crossed his mind he leaves it unspoken. With a deep inclination of his chin, "Take care of yourself, sir." And then he's turning and walking away, angling towards the place where Xadovith has finally deigned to slink out of the water. Yes, the poor put-upon bronze has to /walk/ to his oiling.

K'del's brows raise for the but, but he doesn't press. Instead; "Even so. Nice to have such things to think about." At times like this. Not that, even having delivered the complement, K'del doesn't, even just briefly, get a pang of something set into his expression-- envy? Longing? So hard to know. "You, too," he murmurs, after the other bronzerider. It takes him a few moments longer, and then it's his turn, to call back to his bronze, to head back indoors.

cadejoth, !avalanche, @hrw, $crom, !weyrleader, $meteors, $milandra, |k'del, $tiriana, $milani, $teris, $ezalea, $k'vas, xadovith, k'ndro

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