LETTER: Greatest Day Of My Life

Oct 21, 2008 19:45

Date: About three sevendays after the hatching.
Synopsis: K'del finally gets that letter home finished.

In the end, Kas waited until Cadejoth was asleep one night to finally finish his letter home. Three sevens had passed since the hatching, and he was half convinced his parents would have heard his news already - except that he'd heard nothing from them, and surely they would contact him... right?

He'd scribbled out half a dozen attempts, these past three sevens, and thrown all of them away. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to tell them he'd forgiven them for not being there, or hold it against them. He wanted to get the words right. He...

He had no idea, anymore. Life was different. Everything was different. Even now, with Cadejoth asleep (deeply asleep, the way he always was, having spent so much energy during the day that he simply collapsed - the one time he never moved) he could feel the bronze in his head. Three weeks in, and he still felt awe.

But. The letter. It was late, and he was tired, but he knew he needed to just finish it, get it sent off. Else it would never happen, and then what? He didn't want to be estranged from his family. He wanted to ride in, triumphant, one day.

He picked up his pencil, and stared at the sheet of paper. Finally, with a deep breath, he wrote:

Dear all,

You missed it! It was the greatest day of my life, and you weren't there to see it. You should have been. I suppose a grandchild is good, too, but - I'm your son! And now, the first dragonrider in our family, so far as I know.

His name is Kadayhoth Cadejoth. He's possibly the most handsome dragon ever hatched, and I knew he was mine from the moment his egg cracked. I think he knew it, too! We're now a few sevens into our training, but I won't bore you with those details. Besides, I'm busy, now: no time for long letters.

I hope you'll manage to come and visit me eventually. If you're not too busy.

Bronze Cadejoth's
High Reaches Weyr

He read it back over, grimacing. Still not... But he stopped himself. It would do. It wasn't too bad. Better than the previous attempts. And if it made them feel a little guilty? All the better. Maybe that'd make them send him something. Make them spend some marks on him, maybe.

They'd be proud of them. Of course they'd be proud. It was... he was... It mattered. He mattered. He was, after all, a Bronzerider, now.

|k'del, ~letter, @hrw, $family, !weyrling

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