OOC: Top Five

Jun 13, 2009 16:15

Since it's going around, now...

  1. His family, particularly Nakasha. Despite what he says a lot of the time, Kas loves his family. He may not see them all that much these days, but he goes when he cans, and he still wants to be involved. Nakasha, in particular, was his childhood best friend, and he misses hanging out with her. If she died, he'd be inconsolable.
  2. Milani. It's not love, but it's still a feeling. In this case, it kind of is love, but not in the romantic sense. She's his best friend, his first and foremost lover, and he'd probably do almost anything for her, when it came down to it. Major upset, here.
  3. Tiriana. This one's a weird one. K'del still doesn't like her. He thinks she's hot, and would sleep with her in an instant, but he doesn't like her. However. He feels sort of responsible for her. And I think he'd feel like it really reflected badly on him, if she died, while he was Weyrleader. Losing a Weyrwoman is pretty dumb, after all.
  4. P'ax. They may not talk anymore, but I think K'del probably feels at least a little guilty about that; I'm pretty sure he has an idea that, one day, they'll talk again. So, if P'ax died... well, that'd put paid to that, and he'd not be terribly pleased about it.
  5. Any of K'del's other regular lovers, present or past. K'del doesn't really do not entangled with anyone he's slept with more than once or twice: not relationships, but he still cares about their wellbeing, and about them, at least in a friendly way. So, Phara, Rascela, Yuliye, and a bunch of people like that, come into this category.

Honorable mentions go to people like Leova and A'son, who've been so helpful of late, plus the rest of his clutchmates, and realistically, anyone he is even remotely close to, friendship wise.

$yuliye, $rascela, $phara, ~ooc, |k'del, $tiriana, $milani, $leova, $p'ax, $a'son, $family

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