LOG: Don't Know That She Takes Very Well To People.

Apr 20, 2009 12:50

Date: Day 7, Month 7, Turn 19
Location: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del's working on the Patio, and Rimara interrupts him for a chat. He tries to be diplomatic about Tiriana.

Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Partly sheltered by the curving stone overhang, partly exposed to the weather, the wide stone patio serves as a balcony for socializing or just plain drinking on a sizable scale. The repurposed ledge might once have let two large dragons land, but now there's too much furniture for that: two rustic tables with attendant chairs, plus a couple more in particularly good weather, and a wrought iron bench situated to make the most of the view of the western bowl and the lake beyond.
Other changes include rough little niches carved out of the stone walls to hold glows in colored bottles at night, the climbing plant that's being trained to grow up along the overhang, and the blue ceramic pots of flowers that dot the edge of the ledge as a colorful reminder not to fall off.
An archway leads to the Snowasis itself, housed in the ledge's former weyr, while a few wide steps descend along the wall to the bowl.
The sun is high in the sky and there is not a cloud in sight. There's a breeze that tempers the heat with no humidity lingering in the air.

Early evening has cooled the day only slightly, and with the sun not yet set, it's still beautiful out on the Ledge: it's no wonder that there are plenty of folk out and about, and, included in their number, is K'del. The young man has a file files spread out on the table, and is pouring over them in between sips of his beer, which is, by now, mostly gone. His feet are bare, and his jacket long since discarded, leaving him in short sleeves.

Being off work is a glorious thing, and Rimara is taking every advantage of the day. There's even a bit of a bounce in her step as she mounts the steps into the patio. It's fairly obvious she's spent the day down at the lake; if what she wears isn't a dead giveaway, then the bright pink tinge of her cheeks will be. Her feet are bare, and the man's shirt she wears over the swimsuit top is only loosely tied in front. She's carrying that basket of hers, and a flat board with a piece of hide attached to the surface. Looks like she may have been sketching. At any rate, she pauses to glance around, and spots K'del at the table. Strolling casually over, she grins. "Hey, haven't seen you in a while. Should I offer congratulations or condolences?" It's friendly banter, offered with more than a little sympathy for his new position.

K'del's head tilts up and away from his work as Rimara addresses him, and he shades his eyes from the sun as he gives her a glance. "Hey, Rimara," he greets, casually, though he has no particular smile; he's obviously been deep in thought. Still, he sets his papers down, and shrugs. "Can give me either, if you like. Whichever. But thanks. Nice day?"

"A reasonably productive day, if nothing else," Rimara replies, glancing down at the files. "Too busy for company?" she asks, not wanting to disturb the young man. She knows his hasn't been an easy row to hoe lately. "If you are, that's all right, but---" She hesitates a moment, then adds, "---you kind of look like you could use a break. Maybe someone who isn't demanding anything from you." The last is offered with definite sympathy. She shifts the board to her other arm, kind of balancing it on her hip as she waits for his reply. "My duty to Cadejoth, by the way."

"Glad to hear it," replies K'del, sunnily. His pause after this is only momentary, and then he extends his arm to indicate the rest of the seats about the table, a clear enough indication that she's most welcome to join him. "Demanding nothing - except my time." That's a tease, made with a rueful smile as he reaches for his mug again. "Thanks. He says hello."

Drawing board and basket are set on the table, well away from his work. Rimara pulls out a chair and sits, stretching out her legs under the table. "So. At least time doesn't cost anything," she teases back. "And at least I'm prettier than some of your wingleaders." That's also a tease, and she laughs. She's so witty today! One of the waitresses strolls out, and Rimara waves her down. "Give me the dinner special and juice, Ginella," she requests, nodding at K'del. "You want a refill?" K'del is asked by the waitress.

K'del shuffles his papers together, then rests his arms upon them, his feet curled around the feet of his chair. "Guess that's true, though sometimes, I swear, there's not enough hours in the day." He doesn't respond to her comment about prettier, except with an uplifted corner of his mouth, and a half incline of his head, which is probably agreement of some kind. "Not for me, thanks," he tells Ginella.

Ginella nods and ambles away with a decided sway to her hips. Rimara watches, then shakes her head. "I'd be a rich woman if I had hips like those," she remarks looking upwards. "I was blessed with more brains than ... other equipment." She laughs again, reaching over to brush sand off the drawing. If he takes a look, it's obviously a drawing of Tiriana's face, and rather well done. The background is High Reaches Star Stones, with Iovniath flying in the sky. "You know if you need any help writing letters or documents, you only have to ask," she tells K'del in a quiet voice. "I may not be working in the Records Room anymore, but I can still help a friend if need be." It's a genuine offer, and kindly meant.

Unusually, K'del doesn't let his gaze linger on Ginella's hips, nor any of her other attributes, as the woman wanders off, not even with Rimara's comments to draw his attention that way. He laughs, though, glancing at his companion as he says, "We all have our - gifts. I guess." His gaze drops again, and thus, he doesn't appear to notice the drawing of the Weyrwoman; instead, his head shakes. "Nah, nothing like that, though thanks for the offer. Lot of it is confidential, and, well - don't mind bookwork. Just getting my head around what needs doing that's the hard part, and I've got B'sil for that."

"That we do," Rimara says to K'del's mention of gifts. "I think I'd rather have brains, but there are times I just have to envy that girl." She chuckles, shaking her head. "Like every time she gets all the good tips." Another chuckle, and a nod. "Well, I just figured I'd let you know I was available to help out. I wouldn't expect to handle anything confidential." No real disappointment her offers not accepted, just wanting him to know he had help if he needed it. "So." She casts around for a topic, then settles on an innocuous one. "You been taking care of yourself?" Just the concern of a friend.

K'del, the recipient of both brains and looks, just smiles. "Yeah, the tips'd probably drive me nuts, too. Though most of us don't earn any tips. How come you're not still working in the Records Room, anyway?" He tilts his glass, though it is, by now, completely empty, in one hand, thoughtfully, and nods. "And I appreciate the thought. Taking care of myself? Sure. Eating right, sleeping enough, getting outside every so often. Thanks for the concern, Mother."

"It sucks when all my witty repartee goes right over their heads, zoom!" Rimara says, grinning widely. "Well, that's why you get the big bucks, dude," she tells him with a wink, meaning his lack of tips. "If I made what a Weyrleader makes, I'd be set for life. I'd also have a much better wardrobe," she adds, buttoning the shirt up a little higher. It's the question about the Records Room that makes the smile go a little dull. "Oh, I opened my big mouth, and Tiriana fired me. I should've realized she was just baiting me, and said nothing." She nods at the portrait. "That's what this's all about. I'm kind of hoping if she likes the drawing, she'll let me have the job back." She shrugs. "It's worth a try, and at least I still have the job here if she doesn't." As for the "mother" comment? "Har, har, Son. Respect your elders." More teasing.

"Sure it does. Anvori, though - reckon he's not that dumb. Most of the girls, maybe." K'del considers this lightly, flicking his gaze off down the bowl, still lit with the evening sun. "Don't really know what to do with marks, now. Wasn't that long ago I was making next to nothing, and now--" He shrugs. "But most people don't get tips, remember. Most residents. Riders. The rest." If he's aware of the dullness of her smile, he makes no comment; he, however, grimaces. "Ah. Right." Now, he glances at the drawing, considering it. "Don't know that she takes very well to people trying to win her respect through that kind of thing." Something in his voice suggests he might know from personal experience. "But. We'll see." There's a twitch of his lips for her teasing, a rueful smile.

"Well, at least she didn't kick me out of the weyr, which is something positive." Rimara sighs, looking at the drawing again. "You're probably right. This's a bad idea." In a flash, the drawing is pulled from the drawing board and dropped into the basket. "I just thought it was a way to show her I wasn't the stupid bar wench she thinks I am. I did attend Harper Hall, after all, and I only left because of---" She stops. "---because I didn't stop to think things through clearly. If I could go back, I would." She presses her lips together as Ginella comes out with her order. Food and juice are placed on the table, money is handed over, and Ginella leaves. "Any hope you can tell me what to do to get the job back?"

K'del makes a face, looking worried. "Don't just - give it up, because I said so. Not exactly an expert on her, you know. We're not exactly friends." or even civil, for that matter. "Are you sure you couldn't go back to Harper Hall? They might let you back. Don't see why not, really. Tiriana-- look. She's not worth it. Just-- keep out of her way, and it makes everything much easier." He doesn't answer the last question, but then, his words are probably answer enough: he's got nothing.

"Figured I'd ask, at least," Rimara says, smiling at K'del to show she's not upset at his lack of expertise on Tiriana. "I've tried to do just that, stay out of her way. Not always possible, unfortunately." She looks at the drawing. "Oh, don't worry, I won't destroy it. I'll just leave off for a while, see how things develop." As for his questions. "Honestly?---I don't know. I haven't asked them. I've thought about it, but---" A hesitation. "---I didn't tell anyone I was leaving. I just packed a few things and left. I thought it was the right thing to do at the time. It /seemed/ like the right thing, but---" She shrugs. "I'll probably write and ask, if nothing else."

"Never hurts to ask," K'del agrees, spreading his hands loosely over the tabletop, an idle gesture that his gaze pays no heed to. "No, it's not. I get that." There's no force to his words; it's very casually said, almost as though he has no experience with this whatsoever, though he surely can't. "You should. It can't hurt. To know. On that note," he makes a face, drawing his hands back towards his work. "I'm being called off. Meeting. But - good luck. With all of it."

"I know, and that's why I've been thinking about inquiring. It can't hurt to ask," Rimara says, nodding in agreement. As for avoiding Tiriana, she seems to understand that lack of force in his words. "What will be, will be. Not that I think the future's already planned or anything. Just some things are kind of inevitable." When he indicates it's time for him to get to a meeting, she smiles. "It was good to see you again, K'del---and if you ever just need someone to listen, I'm here. You were really nice to me when I first got here, and I won't forget that, Weyrleader." She uses the title not to be pretentious, but out of respect. "Clear skies, and don't let the bastards get you down." After that, she's tucking into her dinner, and letting the man go take care of his work.

K'del looks briefly rueful for reasons unknown, but nods, then smiles, as he gathers up his thinks. "Thanks Rimara," he tells her, and then he's off.

|k'del, $tiriana, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, rimara

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