Log: Nice To Actually Meet You.

Apr 05, 2009 07:06

Date: Day 18, Month 5, Turn 19
Location: Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del and T'rev finally get the chance to have a conversation, after a few previous crossed paths.

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr(#555RJ)
The Snowasis is rarely quiet, and even then, the high-ceilinged former weyr is kept from echoing by the fantastical booths tucked into its convoluted perimeter. The secluded seating spaces have been shaped from the truncated stalagmites that escaped the smoothing of the main floor, and are both softened and separated by colorful hangings that are thick and opaque enough to make each corner its own private nook.
Some of the smaller stalactites still roam the ceiling, their jagged teeth tracing a bumpy, inverted spine to the hearth. There, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches sit, their upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and clear, rich hues for winter. Small tables litter the rest of the cavern, enough to fit up to four people each, while stools stand along the smooth wooden bar behind which is the passthrough window to the kitchen. Glass-paneled cabinetry behind the bar provides a clear view of the available liquors, the many colors reflecting the soft light of glows tucked into strategic niches around the cavern.

After a few days of relatively spring-like weather, the snow falling outside (even if it isn't sticking) has driven everyone back inside again. Mid-afternoon finds the Snowasis dealing a roaring trade, and amongst them, a tall young bronzerider indulging in an afternoon beer with a couple of wingmates. "See you later, Kas," says one of them, rolling his eyes at something the youngest of them has said, and he and his companion head off out into the cold, leaving a few empty chairs at the table. K'del twists his lips into a mock grimace after the pair, then turns back to the remains of his beer, giving it dutiful consideration. It's... predictably foamy.

Ducking in out of that snowfall, T'rev's got a grimace on his face as he brushes flakes of the stuff from his hair. "Shells, snow ..." he murmurs under his breath and ambles on into the Reaches' bar, eyes roaming the room, as he passes K'del's table, he slows, drops back a half-step eyeing that beer. "Beggin' your pardon, what's that ale called so's I can ask for one up yonder?" he inquires with a nod to the foamy brew.

K'del's gaze lifts from his beer to the questioner, and considers the Fortian rider for a moment before he answers, "This one? House stout, not bad, as it happens." His head inclines towards T'rev, lips drawing into something akin to a welcoming smile.

"Stout, nice," T'rev drawls back with a markedly Neratian accent. "Y'know L'vae? Brown Bremuth's? He's usually got some good beer about with him. From his cousin. S'good stuff," the Fortian bronzerider says and pulls off gloves to tuck into his pockets. "Ever had that?" brows arch curiously though he has a grin for the other bronzerider.

"Used to be my Wingleader," confirms K'del, though having said this, he shakes his head, drawing both hands away from his glass to rest upon the tabletop. "But not had the pleasure of that one, no. Will have to seek him out to give it a try, though, now I've had the recommendation." After a brief pause, the younger bronzerider adds, "K'del, Cadejoth's. High Reaches' duties, and that."

"Small world," T'rev says with a light laugh and leans across the able a little to offer a hand over. "T'rev, Mecaith's, Fort's right back t'you. If y'ain't got company, mind if I join you? Just need to get that order in. Day like today, a good beer'll go down nice."

"Only so many wings in a weyr," points out K'del, but not without a grin. His grip is firm and confident, despite his obvious youth; there's a flicker of recognition, too, at that name, followed by a short nod. "And please - do. Can't stay too long; things to do. But, while I'm here, you'd be welcome. Nice to actually /meet/ you, T'rev."

"Too true," T'rev agrees about the wings, his own grip not dissimilar. The Fortian's head tilts a fraction to the side though, good-natured humor blending with curiosity on his face. "Y'know someone else I know?" he asks, brows quirking again as he draws his hand back and sheds his jacket onto the back of a chair.

K'del, taking his hand back, retrieves his glass, and nods. "Phara," he explains. "Probably others, but she's spoken of you once or twice." The glass gets drawn towards his mouth, and he takes another sip before his eventual addition, "And I think we've seen each other in passing before. Flights, maybe. Don't know. Either way: still nice to meet you."

That name actually clouds T'rev's features for just a moment, but then his smile re-asserts itself. "Good friend, Phara is. And you're right, have seen you at a flight. Ista, right?" He snaps fingers and grins. "Avey. She wanted your Cadejoth for Leisath didn't she? But hold that thought," finger held up and the wingleader steps over to the bar to place his order then returns, with a full mug of ale and drops into his chair in relaxed fashion. "So. How d'you know Phara then?" Both of his elbows prop on the table, one arm lounging along its surface so his hand can curl around his mug.

There's a twist of K'del's lips for reference to Leisath's flight, but he confirms with a nod before the other bronzerider departs to fetch his drink. While he's gone, Kas takes another sip of his drink, twisting the handle in his hands. "Phara? Met her - when I was a weyrling, running an errand to Fort. Been a good friend to me, too. Looked after me, once." On an occasion he won't be mentioning.

"Ahhh," T'rev drawls out long, nods once. "She's a piece of work, Phara, but real loyal. She's one of my wingriders and we've been pals since we were real young. Stood together at Telgar." His mug travels up to his mouth and drops again, both hands bracing it. "Come down Fort way much?"

"She mentioned as much," agrees K'del, probably in response to the standing together, but, then, could well be in response to all of it. He slinks back in his chair, stretching out his legs beneath the table. "Sometimes. Not so often, really, these days, but - mm, sometimes, sure."

"Mm, whole lotta history there," T'rev says with a fond smile directed more inwards at memory than the other man. He settles back a little in his seat, nodding. "Yeah, tough times up here," he says quietly. "Been tryin' not to step on toes too much, but y'know, worry sometimes about my friends up this way."

Despite the inwards direction of the smile, it gets one in response from K'del, his more knowing, understanding. It doesn't linger, though, not given the shift in topic, his head inclining slightly. "Been a tough time," he agrees. "For a lot of people. Liable to continue, I reckon, for a while longer. People in particular you're worried about?"

"Mm. Not somethin' that passes too easy," T'rev agrees, fingers sliding along the handle of his mug. His smile tugs wryly to the side and he licks a bit of foam off his lip. "Ain't talked to L'vae 'bout it. Saw Leova a little while back, seemed a bit shook up." He says all that slowly and carefully. "But like I said, ain't aimin' to pry or step on toes."

K'del's nod is sort of sharp, but also sort of hesitant - and he is definitely hesitant in actually saying something. But he does, eventually, with a twist of the lips. "For what it's worth, Cadejoth's got an almost constant eye out on Vrianth's ledge. She asked, and he insisted I keep reminding him. Don't know Leova socially so much, though - she was one of my Weyrlingmasters - so I'm not sure how she's doing, at the moment. But." Pause. "Yeah. Must suck pretty hard, being on the outside of it, too."

Quiet over on T'rev's side of the table while K'del speaks, his face not betraying much. "Does help t'know that, thanks K'del. Did come by, that day," he notes mildly. "Very good t'know though that someone's lookin' out for her here." Beat. More softly: "Where it matters."

K'del's mouth stays that twisted kind of expression, awkward, but he nods again. "Good. Glad." He looks - hesitant again, and then reluctant, and sighs. "And I'm going to have to leave you; things to do just became things to do /now/, apparently. Maybe I'll drop in at Fort, sometime, say hello. It was nice to meet you." He drains the last of his drink, and then, he goes.

A lift of T'rev's mug sees K'del off. "You bet, welcome just about any time, nice meetin' you, K'del," the Fortian says sincerely and leans back in his chair again to enjoy the rest of his drink.

|k'del, !rider, $leova, t'rev, !avalanche, @hrw, $l'vae

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