LOG: Nothing Ever Changes. Ever.

Mar 21, 2009 10:49

Date: Day 18, Month 3, Turn 19
Location: Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: P'ax invites K'del to talk; they give the whole friendship thing another (awkward) shot.

The letter that arrives for K'del on Day 18 of Month 3 in the 19th Turn of
the Interval is written in P'ax's style. It's folded over with just his
name on top, left on his table.


Let's just forget the whole thing. We can still be friends, right?

I'll be having dinner in the Snowasis tonight, if you would care to join


P.S. Nice weyr

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr(#555RJ)
The Snowasis is rarely quiet, and even then, the high-ceilinged former weyr is kept from echoing by the fantastical booths tucked into its convoluted perimeter. The secluded seating spaces have been shaped from the truncated stalagmites that escaped the smoothing of the main floor, and are both softened and separated by colorful hangings that are thick and opaque enough to make each corner its own private nook.
Some of the smaller stalactites still roam the ceiling, their jagged teeth tracing a bumpy, inverted spine to the hearth. There, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches sit, their upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and clear, rich hues for winter. Small tables litter the rest of the cavern, enough to fit up to four people each, while stools stand along the smooth wooden bar behind which is the passthrough window to the kitchen. Glass-paneled cabinetry behind the bar provides a clear view of the available liquors, the many colors reflecting the soft light of glows tucked into strategic niches around the cavern.

As promised, P'ax is here, sitting at an empty table with a tankard and a plate. The tankard is half-empty, the plate has been so mixed up it's hard to tell how much of it has actually been eaten. The reason for it is clear because P'ax is /still/ rearranges the contents of it with his fork. One of the pretty brainless serving girls comes by to check on him and he grins lazily at her and murmurs something that gets a titter of laughter from her. Well...that's odd.

Very odd. Odd enough that it gives the approaching K'del pause; he hesitates on his progression across from the ledge, as if, for a moment, considering a rapid departure. But his jaw squares, he takes a deep breath, and then he continues towards the greenrider. Another deep breath. "Hey."

P'ax glances up at K'del as the serving girl heads away again and for a moment he looks ...surprised. Maybe even stunned. It melts away into a relieved smile. "Hey." He pushes out the chair across from him with his foot and gestures to it. "Was wondering if you'd show."

K'del opens his mouth, as though he intends to say something else, in the wake of P'ax's reaction; his body stiffens, his expression unreadable, until there's that smile, and he matches it, weakly. He sinks into the chair, resting both hands upon the tabletop, and shrugs. "You were the one who changed your mind. So. Here I am."

P'ax shrugs and traces his fingers along the handle of his mug. "Leova and I had a talk. Put some things in...perspective. And, you know, if we're not square, how's Yyth supposed to show Cadejoth all the neat little places we find on sweeps?" It's weak, he knows it. He looks at his hands for a moment and then clears his throat. "Hey, are you hungry? Let me call Tarra back."

K'del's brows raise, just slightly, at mention of Leova, or perhaps it's specifically /talking/ with Leova, and his lips part, though he doesn't, in the end, actually say anything. "Hah," is his comment, eventually, equally weak. "Right. Can't disappoint Yyth or Cadejoth." His gaze slides over the greenrider, towards the far wall, then flicks back again, slowly. "No, I'm good. Ended up getting fed while on sweeps this afternoon; they thought I needed feeding up." Like he's not tall enough already, his expression says, amused.

P'ax waits patiently while K'del works out what he will or will not say. Then it's his turn to struggle with not saying things. He clears his throat and nods his head. "That's nice of them," he says mildly, lifting his tankard to take a gulp of beer. When he sets the cup down his expression is even more guarded. "Things are going well for you in the wing?"

K'del twines his fingers together, then untwines them, and turns his attention towards them directly. Twined. Untwined. Twined again. "It was," he agrees. Nice of them. "Oh. Sure. You know, it's not too taxing. Not so different to what we were doing before, right? When we were weyrlings." Months ago, now. "How about you?"

P'ax lets out a deep sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose for a moment. "That's true," he agrees. "Very similar. But I think that was the point, after all, of all of our training." His lip curves upwards, but it looks like a sneer moreso than a smile. "It goes...much like weyrlinghood."

"Guess so," agrees K'del, easily, though it's not as if his face has relaxed much; nor does it now, especially given that smile-that's-more-like-a-sneer. "Ever worry about whether life is going to be like this forever? A lifetime of sweeps and errands, and nothing ever changes, ever."

"Yes," P'ax whispers, glancing at the table rather than at K'del. "It's the never changing thing I'm worried about. I don't mind tedium. There's something easy about mindlessness. But there's the wonder if after a few turns of this - will I just be a machine?" Her rubs his chin. "I wonder how the others do it."

"I guess that was the benefit of Thread. And," K'del continues, warming to the subject - it's something easy to talk about, presumably, "I guess at first, it's a nice break. When you've been flying Thread all the time. But eventually? Don't know. Will you try and get back into Smithing, perhaps?"

P'ax shakes his head, "The whole point of agreeing to Search was to get /out/ of Smithing. Weaving, if I was going to take up a craft. I already know a little bit." He smooths his palm over th e table cloth. "What about you? What will you take up, now that Thread is gone? Or just going to work harder to get that promotion?"

"Weaving," repeats K'del. He doesn't sound surprised. His hands, finally, still, palms spreading flat upon the tabletop instead. "Suppose that makes sense. Not as though they need all of us to fly sweeps forever, I guess. Me?" He shakes his head. "No crafts for me. Never was anything I intended. Guess I will try for that promotion, over time. And in the meantime... may as well enjoy myself."

P'ax nods his head. "I'm pretty much a fan of enjoying ones self," he agrees. "You ever, uh, get down to see that girl again?" His feet shuffle audibly under the table. "Avey? I think I remember Javeri or T'mic saying something about her. About not liking to speak to people through their dragons. Thought it was weird."

Oh look: a smile! A small one, but still. "Best way to be," he declares. Mention of Avey draws - wow! - another smile, if a little more rueful. "Weird girl, that one," is what he says, clearly in agreement with P'ax. "Her Leisath went up, and Cadejoth chased. Didn't win, though - didn't even get close. Reckon she might have been pissed about that; she'd wanted me to win. But. The way it goes."

P'ax chuckles. "Well. Sorry he didn't win. I mean. Not that you needed that, to get that one into bed. She seemed... pretty eager anyways." Not that it's his business. But it seems to be a safer vein of thought that anywhere else he might go. "Well. Then again, it's you. You don't really have problems."

"No," admits K'del: no, he didn't need to, in order to get her into bed. Not that he looks smug or anything: amused, really, more than anything. "And no, guess I don't. Not that I go out actively looking or anything, but..." He shrugs, lazily.

P'ax folds his fingers together, resting his chin on them. His gray eyes scan away, looking across the room. He lets the conversation lapse into silence again, lacking anything to say beyond that.

This leaves K'del to scramble for something to fill the silence. It's an awkward silence, and, despite his best efforts, it lingers far too long. "How about you? Getting any?" Oh, good.

P'ax presses his lips together for awhile and then he lets out a laugh. "Yes," he assures K'del, very amused. "A couple girls here and there. A few guys a little more regularly."

K'del's eyes honestly pop out of his head: "/Girls/. Didn't think you..."

"I am...revising my opinion... of some women," P'ax admits slowly. "But it's not every girl. But I am picky either way to begin with. So it makes sense, that I would be even pickier where women were concerned." He muses on this for a moment and shrugs. "Could be Yyth. Don't think I liked any girl before she came along."

K'del's lips quirk, just slightly, with honest amusement at this, but he nods, very slowly. "Could be. Maybe she's just... broadening your horizons. Anyway. Better way to be. Able to deal with both." That might be an admission. Or maybe it's just a comment.

P'ax raises his eyebrows at K'del in challenge. "Yeah," he drawls. "Open to new things and all." He looks away, his mouth flattening. But he's trying and so he regains the conversation quickly. "Got plans for your rest day?"

It's not a challenge K'del seems willing to accept; his lips quirk a little, but his comment is more neutral. "Right," he agrees. "Mm, no, not as such. Supposed to head back home and visit my newest niece - my sister-in-law is finally okay with people visiting, the crazy woman. The kid's six sevens old already! But. Not sure what else I'll do."

P'ax doesn't mind his challenge going unanswered. K'del's double-standard passes him by. "Yeah? I hadn't heard. Congratulations, uncle." Smile. "Well. If you're up for it afterwards, there is that place I was mentioning." Or at least hinting at.

"Uncle makes me sound old," grins K'del, though he doesn't look too phased by that. "But this is number four, so it's not exactly a new experience for me. Brennan - that's my brother - is thrilled." He hesitates, and then, with that grin still in place, he concludes, "I'd like that." And so the conversation continues. Stilted, perhaps, at times, but ultimately: better.

!rider, !avalanche, @hrw, |k'del, $avey, ~letter, $t'mic, p'ax, $javeri

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