LOG: Go Slow, Don't Force It

Feb 22, 2009 20:51

Date: Day 20, Month 13, Turn 18
Location: Lake, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: P'ax gives K'del skating lessons. Yyth sows discord.

Stolen from ephara

Dragon> It's tomorrow. Yyth barrels in like a linebacker, bringing in the darkness to force out the light. << You promised. >> Glee. (Yyth to Cadejoth)

Dragon> The light departs, unwilling to stand up to such an onslaught. It's been a brilliantly sunny, if bitterly cold day, and the afternoon is already fading towards darkness - no doubt, the light never stood a chance, anyway. << I did! >> agrees Cadejoth, sounding pleased. << We were taking people places /all day/, but I made sure we came home. We're at the lake. You should come, too! It's all solid and slippery. >> (Cadejoth to Yyth)

Dragon> To Cadejoth, Yyth sighs. << Us as well. I do not like it. I want to lay out in the sun. >> But she'll come to the lake to see him. Hers likes the slippery lake.

Dragon> To Yyth, Cadejoth does not seem quite so disheartened by the transportation; if anything, the ebb and flow of ideas within his mind seems excited by it: all those people! So many interesting places! << I like to be busy. But it's nice to get the sun, sometimes. We were at Ista Hold, today, and the sun there was lovely, even if we didn't get it for long. >> He seems pleased with her intention to join, projecting an image of himself, still on dry ground, his paws sliding over the very edge of the lake, while K'del skates (not very well) further out.

Yyth is getting pretty good at this landing thing. It's about time. Still, the snow flies up under the sweep of her wings and the collision of her body. This doesn't slow P'ax down, as used to it as he is. He already has his skates hung over his shoulder, and he peers out at the lake as he gets down. Yyth is eager to be rid of him, and doesn't spare time once he's dismounted. She drops him off her forelimb as she rises impatiently to her feet, hopping towards the lake to join Cadejoth. He's used to it, he lands on his feet as if he'd jumped. Yyth siddles up to the bronze, croooooning enticingly.

K'del's clearly no expert on his skates, but he seems to have mastered the 'going forward' part, which appears to satisfy him enough for the moment: he's going round and round the lake, toppling every so often, but otherwise, having a wonderful time. At this point in the afternoon, there are a few people out, but there's still plenty of room. Yyth's approach and landing draw him more hastily towards that end of the lake, one hand raised to greet P'ax as he makes that precarious dismount. Cadejoth extends his wing to allow Yyth to shelter beneath it, tail snaking out towards hers as he topples forward, the ice sending his paws sliding once more.

P'ax waves back to K'del and then pulls his skates on in a hurry. "Didn't you guys skate up in Tillek?" he teases, getting to his feet and leaving his boots in the snow. Yyth is unimpressed with Cadejoth's skidding. She rests her head beneath his chin, giving it a gentle butt. << Ahhh, Cadejoth. >> A simple greeting. P'ax steps out onto the lake. Much more graceful and at ease on the ice than K'del is, it would seem.

K'del makes a face for the tease, albeit good-naturedly. "Not in my neck of the woods. Pond was too small." He comes to a wobbling stop while P'ax makes his way onto the ice, catching his breath, cheeks pink with the effort. "So. How's rider-life suiting you?" Cadejoth is suitably chastised by Yyth's nudge of his chin, settling into a more secure position upon the bank, now that he's got her to worry about, too. << Yyth! It's pretty - the ice, I mean. Don't you think? >>

<< Not as pretty as me, >> Yyth's tone is almost a rebuke that Cadejoth would notice it before /her./ And then she allows, << It is well enough. >> P'ax is all grins for K'del. "Well, alright. Though, usually it freezes better the smaller the body of water is. Unless it was /that/ small." He shakes his head. "The Telgar River runs right through the Hall, it freezes pretty good. Lots of practice for me at this." He considers the question. "It's okay. Not much different. I bet you're glad you got into Avalanche, huh? I told you you would!"

<< Of course not! But you're always beautiful, Yyth, >> insists Cadejoth, forever the peacemaker. << It was just a comment. Should we talk about something else, then? >> "Sure," agrees K'del. "It /froze/. But you'd only get to skate a few feet in each direction, and then you'd have to turn around again. We stuck to sledding, most of the time, instead." He /does/ look pleased for mention of Avalanche, nodding rapidly his response, as he attempts to push himself into motion again. "Mm. Yes. Think L'vae'll be good to learn from. You disappointed?"

Yyth considers Cadejoth, twining her neck and her tail with his and leaning close into his body, tucking her smaller frame into his large one. A deep thrum carries through her chest, like a happy feline. << No need, Cadejoth. We can talk about how beautiful I am as long as you want. >> P'ax turns to skate backwards, glancing over his shoulder every once in awhile. The better to talk to K'del, presumably. "Not particularly, it worked out pretty well, as far as I'm concerned."

The thrum carries through Cadejoth, too, and he adds to it, his mental touch radiating contentment. << If that's the case, >> he tells her, a note of amusement nestling in amid the contentment. << I suppose we will have to keep talking about you. >> K'del watches the backwards skating with the faintest hint of envy in his expression, but sounds cheery enough when he responds, "Oh, good. I'm glad, then. Some of the others were gloating about how much less work they have to do, but... It's nice. Drilling. Keeping busy. You know?"

Yyth is more than happy with this arrangement. Her mind is open, a hint of expectation to it. << Proceed. >> P'ax is so intent on K'del's face that he catches the look. "Want to learn?" he offers, his eyes brightening a little. "Busy," he agrees fervently. "Yyth just /hates/ it. Whines in my head the whole time. But the busy, I like that too."

<< Well! >> Cadejoth hesitates a moment, before proceeding. << It's obvious, isn't it? You're beautiful. All dark and pretty. >> Descriptiveness is not his strong point, but the sentiment is clear enough. "Uh--" says K'del, hesitant, but a smile spreads itself across his face. "Yeah. I would." He skates closer to the other boy, wobbling to a halt, and adds, "Bet she does. But... I like getting to see places. Do things. Don't want to spend my life sitting around doing nothing, you know?"

Yyth snorts but accepts his fumbling attempts at praise. << Never mind. You can adore me silently. >> She nuzzles him with a wash of genuine affection. It's almost breathtaking in as uncharacteristic as it is. P'ax's eyes get a little wider when K'del gets nearer and he has to swallow before he can reply. "Yeah, but that's her, you know. Here," he holds his hands out, palm facing K'del at about chest level. "We're going forward first, so you can get the movement down."

Is that relief? Cadejoth doesn't put words to it, and it doesn't last: instead, he expresses his affection silently, and in the twining of his tail against hers, his wing atop her. Her affection he greets like water to a dying man, utterly delighted with it. K'del's brows lift just slightly, but his expression is otherwise patient as P'ax recovers himself. "Mm, I know," he agrees, as he reaches out to grasp the greenrider's hands. "Okay."

P'ax smiles sheepishly at K'del and nods his head. "Alright. So, don't worry about falling, I'll hold you up. I want you to cross your right foot over your left. You're going to use the left foot to push yourself forward." Yyth seems intrigued by his reaction to this rush of feeling. She explores it with probing fingers of darkness, wrapping around it.

K'del's expression turns intense as he listens to P'ax's instructions, his head bobbing very slowly in an apparent gesture of comprehension. He follows the instructions hesitantly, despite the promise of being held up, noting, "Feel a bit stupid. Know this is how it works - I've watched - but still." Cadejoth frees his mind for Yyth's probing fingers, leaving everything open: no secrets. Not from her.

P'ax laughs a little. "Nah, everyone learns some time. You're just older than I was. Nothing wrong with that. I figured it out, but I sucked at it at first." He's as good as his word, he's got strong wrists and he glides backwards, gently taking K'del with him. "Good, keep doing that. Cross over, glide, cross over, glide." He'll let go when he thinks K'del has it. Yyth delves deeper, curiously exploring the way Cadejoth feels about her, and then about others. His rider, other dragons. /Their/ riders.

K'del looks wry, as though he doesn't entirely believe P'ax, but nods all the same. Most of his attention, however, is on his feet: he watches them, as they move, wobbling every so often, but ultimately more or less getting it down before too long. "Cross and glide, cross and glide - right," he murmurs, as much to himself as to P'ax. Cadejoth is an open book, letting her see everything she's after. His feelings for her are obvious: oh, the affection. K'del is his soulmate, the best part of him, instant perfection. Other dragons - Vrianth's sparks, a few other greens with varying interest, Bennath's flying acrobatics. P'ax and K'del, a satisfaction with their friendship. Contentment. Silent concern, that he-and-Yyth might hurt K'del-and-P'ax.

Patiently, P'ax lets K'del get used to the movement. Or maybe he's just really pleased to be touching K'del. Who knows. Either way, he keeps his eyes out for people while the bronzerider watches his feet. Yyth takes each of these in turn. Despite his affection for her, she still grumbles jealously over the other greens and squeazes tighter. He is /hers/. Bennath is glanced at and passed over. Blues hold no interest for her, especially not ones that can outmaneuver her. At their riders, she pauses. Greedy though she is, she still staggers away from /hurting/ what makes him happy outside of herself. If she could scowl, she would. << Why would this hurt them? >> She's clearly not been paying attention. << We are we. They are they. >>

It must be the first time there's been any real physical contact since that kiss, but K'del doesn't seem to notice it. Slowly, he does get used to it, his feet becoming more sure, his head lifting slightly, grin pleased. Cadejoth seems abashed for her grumble over the other greens, quick to assure that none of them mean as much as she does. He's sad as he responds to her last, however, extending an image of the two of them in flight, him chasing. There's no corresponding image of their riders; instead, he explains, << It might impact them. Yours cares too much. Mine... does not want it. >>

P'ax returns K'del's grin with the delight of a teacher. "Think you're ready to try it backwards? Same idea, you're just going to bring your left foot behind and push with your right." Yyth snorts in contempt of Cadejoth's explaination. << He doesn't. >> She can't imagine P'ax caring for anyone but her. It's just not within her scope. << Will you not chase me, then? >>

K'del takes a deep breath before answering the question, but does so with that grin still in place: "Reckon so." His head bobs, echoing his words. "Watch me fall on my butt, though." He'll take a few more forward glides first, though. Just to be sure. << He does. >> Cadejoth doesn't often disagree with Yyth, but this time, he does, his chains jingling sadly. << I don't know. >> There's a quiet note of - is that /lust/? It burns, just barely more than a spark, but there nonetheless. << I want to. I want /you/. But. K'del. >>

P'ax laughs merrily. "Nah, I told you I wasn't going to let you fall." He turns his heels together to bring them both to a stop and then toes forward to get K'del going in reverse. His eyes shift towards the dragons. "It is beyond me why I am her favorite target." Mouth twisting wryly, he gently prompts, "Cross over and glide, just like before. Remember to push off with the other foot though." Yyth is sulking, there's no doubt about it. She's told on Cadejoth, or maybe K'del. Somebody, anybody. She gets surlier when P'ax refuses to take her bait and react. << That's not a good reason. You should do what you want. Mine doesn't want you there either, but it isn't up to him and what he wants. Or K'del. This is about me. >> Everything is.

K'del nods uncertainly, but, as P'ax presses the change in motion, he follows suit. He instantly wobbles, his feet getting tangled; he makes a face. "It's hard, swapping it around," he says, ruefully. "And you're her favourite, because you're the easiest. She can get straight to the point." He doesn't turn to look at them - that would take too much attention from righting his feet again. << You don't ever do things because they'll be better for yours? >> The idea seems horrifying to Cadejoth. << I don't /always/ not do things because K'del doesn't want me to. But it's still better, if I try to make him happy. Protect him. >> He sends her a wave of affection, a reminder that, despite all of this, he still does care.

P'ax is as good as his word, his arms flexing with the strength required to keep K'del from going over while he gets himself untangled. "It's okay, just go slow and don't force it until it feels more natural." His eyes move away. He blushes and laughs, but doesn't share what's so funny. Though maybe K'del can figure it out. "Yeah, never a good thing to have someone who likes pushing your buttons instantly intimate with all of them." << What I want is what's best for him. >> She continues to sulk, but let's it be. << You have time to think about it. When you make up your mind, let me know. >> She sends him back a thin tendril of her own affection, but it's tainted with bitter impatience.

K'del grimaces, but detangles himself, nodding again. "My feet just don't want to work the way they should," he says, managing to grin by the time he finishes talking. His brows raise slightly at the flush, but his lips quirk, too: he probably can figure it out, too. "Mmm. Cadejoth's fault, this time, probably." Cadejoth mentally salutes Yyth, though he seems unhappy with this, like he doesn't /want/ to be forced into this kind of decision. << I'm sorry, Yyth. I don't want to make K'del unhappy. Or yours, by extension. I just want people to get along. >>

P'ax nods his head. "It's alright. You'll get the hang of it, it just takes a little practice." He can be patient when he wants to be, at least. "Probably." He conceeds on whose fault it is. "Yyth isn't wired to like anybody so much. It really irks her. Especially when he doesn't just give in." His eyebrows come together and he looks away. "Did you ask him not to chase Yyth, or did he come up with that one on his own? Or is she just making that one up to goad me?" His face takes on a certain detatchment, a clinical interest in the drama his green is trying to create. Yyth remains aloof. << Yours is being selfish, >> she finally snaps.

"Cadejoth hates arguing with her." Now, K'del does turn his head to glance back at the dragons. "But he doesn't like some of what she has to say. It makes him unhappy." Beat. "No, I didn't ask him. We haven't discussed it." He sounds awkward, and hastily turns his attention back to his feet, making another attempt, which goes slightly better. The bronze is very slow to respond, his unhappy radiating through his touch. << I think, Yyth, >> he tells her, sadly, << That you are being selfish, too. >>

Distracted by Yyth, or K'del, or some combination of the two, P'ax only keeps up the barest hold on the conversation. "Yyth lives for arguing. I'm sorry he's in the middle of her vitrol." He keeps his feet moving, keeps a strong but gentle hold on K'del so he doesn't fall as they move at a snail's pace around the ice. "Better," he comments, head bobbing encouragingly. << You act like this surprises you. >> Yyth's tail tip drums against the snow, packing it down. << Why does mine have to be the one careful all the time? >> Not that she cares who this hurts, even her own. He's just more ammunition to use to get her way. << It would make three of us happy. That's a majority. >>

"She takes advantage of him," says K'del, making a face. "And yet he's always trying to watch out for me, warn me away from people he doesn't think are good for me. But I can't, over her." Pause. "Not trying to be all negative on Yyth, of course." He makes a wry smile for their progress, redoubling his efforts, though his feet get tangled again a moment later. << I don't care if it is a majority, >> says Cadejoth, lifting his head away from Yyth's so that he can better watch their riders out on the ice. << K'del didn't ask yours to want him. Yours knows he doesn't want him in return. I won't hurt their friendship, because of you. >>

"She takes advantage of everyone," P'ax says sourly. "I wonder sometimes if she even loves me." He shakes his head a little. "I'm very sorry." His face turns away again guiltily. "I wish she didn't feel so compelled to have him. Any of them. Take it easy," he reminds when K'del starts getting tangled up again. Yyth just sighs and lowers her head down to her own paws. Sensing that the battle is lost, more likely than being truly upset, she lets him alone, withdrawing herself from his mind.

K'del has more confidence, in his response. "She does. Just doesn't know how to show it in the same way Cadejoth does to me. Cadejoth-- I knew, instantly. I was everything to him." There's a fondness in his expression, though it turns rueful once more as he adds, "Don't be. /He/ lets her do it to him. Too eager to please. Hope she won't try and kill him if he catches another green." He struggles to reposition his feet, nodding, and tries again. Cadejoth reinstates the touch, tentatively, not so much to say anything in particular, but just to be there. Sort of.

P'ax spends more time staring anywhere but at K'del, but his stormy eyes sneak warily towards a point somewhere around his left ear. "I think that she wouldn't care, if she didn't like him so much. Chadamalith turned her down, too. It didn't cut her the way he is. Don't think she'll try to kill him. Probably won't talk to him for a few days until she forgets about it. Won't be pleasant. I'd invest in ear plugs." He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes momentarily. "This is screwed up. I hate women. Why a green?" Yyth accepts the tentative touch with a sigh and stuffs something down into the blackness where he can't see it, a tightly wrapped ball of emotions she has little need for and doesn't care to unravel.

K'del, in contrast, considers P'ax openly, as he continues to practice his skating, each movement of each foot no doubt achingly, frustratingly slow and ungracefaul. "Sounds great," he says, ruefully. "Though, so far, he hasn't gotten anywhere near close to catching any. So." There's a pause, as P'ax continues, and the bronzerider hesitantly squeezes one of his hands. "No idea. But. Maybe she'll mellow." He doesn't seen convinced of the likelihood of this, but his expression is hopeful. Cadejoth sends a tentative chain after that something, curiosity almost palpable, though the rest of his emotions are more gentle: soothing, dedicated, consoling.

P'ax's mouth twists. "I know you'd like it if she left him alone. I could ask her to... if... you would prefer." He gently extracts his hands from K'del's, his face apologetic. He isn't exactly convinced about the possibility of Yyth mellowing either, and he snorts just so his friend knows this. This ball of yarn that Yyth has, a concept no doubt stolen from her rider and his knitting, is a twisted mess of too-bright colors. Love, happiness, desire represent themselves in white and gold and pale blue. Threads of red for pain. These things she doesn't want him to see however, and even while she lets him see this object, she backs away from him, not wanting to know what he thinks, or let him know what she thinks about him knowing.

K'del's head shakes, and he sighs, letting his hands loosely drop towards his sides, his feet coming to an uneasy halt. "Don't want that; he doesn't want that, either. He likes her. Even when she's awful to him." That, his expression says, it what makes it so hard. Cadejoth explores the mess, not exactly trying to tease it all out, but considering it, more quiet and patient than he usually is, letting a soft ripple extend towards her. << You're allowed to feel good things, Yyth, >> he says, finally, as he withdraws most of the way. << You're /allowed/. >>

P'ax lifts his hands, pushing his hair back away from his face with a scowl. "I wish you'd make up your mind." He chips at the ice with the toe pick on his skate, concentrating hard on the rut he's making. Then he sighs and turns, setting off a few feet with his hands folded behind his back. "I don't even know anymore, how I feel about this, you, her, them. Any of it." Yyth sinks into a bad mood. << I don't want to. I don't like those. Leave them alone. >>

"Sorry." K'del does sound genuinely contrite. "Wish I knew what would be best. For him. For all of us." His gaze drops, watching, idly, as P'ax picks that hole in the ice, and finally adds, "Really am sorry. Do you want us to stay away for a bit?" << But they're fine. They're good. /Real/. There's nothing wrong with any of that! >> Cadejoth presses the point with enthusiasm, thoughts positively clanging.

P'ax turns sharply back around, his skates making a sharp grating sound against the ice. "It's okay, K'del. I just can't help wondering why it's so repulsive to you. Well, no, I know /why/, I just didn't think it would go so deep." His mouth puckers up in displeasure. He groans in disgust and throws up his hands. The gesture makes him slide backwards a few inches. "Of course I don't. I'm not kicking my only real friend out of my life because my dragon is a greedy bitch." Speaking of her. << Do. Not. Want. >> Yyth hisses angrily, enunciating each word pointedly and then slamming down on the noise like a hammerstrike.

Is that shame on K'del's face? "Just find it distasteful. I'm... I haven't told Cadejoth not to chase Yyth. And I won't. Nor any green with a male rider. Because it wouldn't be fair. But. I've never won a flight, you know? So I don't know what it'll be like. If it will hurt our friendship, because I--" He breaks off, stares off into the distance. "Okay," he adds. "I'm glad. Would miss you." << Fine, >> says Cadejoth, finally, sad, and withdrawing altogether. << If that's the way you feel. >>

"Not too much different than being with a girl, to be honest." P'ax's eyes wander away again in discomfort. "It's okay, if you wanted to. I think he's already made up his mind anyways. It figures Yyth would go unexpectedly getting mushy over the only dragon on Pern who takes his riders preferences into account." The corner of his mouth twitches up in amusement. This last confession draws his attention. "Would you really?" Now it's Yyth's turn to chase after Cadejoth, practically singing with annoyance that she'd even have to. A golden strand is extracted from the ball, smashed together into a small, lumpy moon and thrust at him. A strange offering, oh how reluctant an offering, but a sure sign of her desperation to keep him. And oddly, it has nothing to do with if he will or will not be with her, though true, the lust is mutual. This is a seed of true affection, true fondness. It could never equal the kind of bond that she has with P'ax. It's not forever, nowhere near permanent. But it is what it is, and he can have it if he wants it. She'll stuff it right back where it came from if he doesn't.

By K'del's expression, he doubts that intensely, but he doesn't seem inclined to actually voice it. "It'll be his choice," he insists, instead, more intense than perhaps he intended it to be. "Not mine. I'll sleep with the people I want to sleep with, and he'll do the same. And yes, I would miss you. Have more female friends than male; it's nice, having you." Cadejoth hesitates, and if he were human, running away, he'd probably turn his head back to look - that's the sense of it. The lumpy moon is accepted with a sense of honour, a knowledge that he is most fortunate - lucky beyond lucky - to have received it. And his wave of affection in return is tsunami-like. << Oh, Yyth. >>

P'ax would know, wouldn't he. "Well, when you're the top, at least, it is." He clears his throat, turning pink. "Just... so you know. Just be on top... if it ever happens... and you probably won't even care about the difference." He jams his hands in his pockets. "Even though I make you uncomfortable, huh?" Yyth just grumbles, grouchy for having to show him how much she cares. << Don't get all... fuzzy on me, >> she says with a sigh and then curls up closer to him, because underneath the grumbling, she really does like him quite a bit.

K'del waves that away, head shaking. "But with a guy? Just not really interested. That's the bit I don't like the idea of." He manages not to flush, but does look away again. "You don't make me that uncomfortable. Not anymore. Just..." Just what? He doesn't say. Cadejoth twines his tail more tightly about Yyth's, a note of amusement seeping through the affection. << Promise, >> he assures her. "I'm getting cold," says K'del, shoving his hands into his pockets. It's getting darker, and the wind has come up. "Want to go in, get some klah or something?"

P'ax laughs. "Just not your favorite subject. I don't blame you." He nods in agreement. "Yeah, let's go in. My feet hurt a little anyways. I think these shoes are getting too small. Going to have to switch the blades onto a bigger pair next winter." He glances over at where the dragons have resumed their cuddling and snorts. "Looks like the spat's over, huh?" But that's all he says there, and he's happy to let them enjoy it. << Good. >>

K'del presses his lips into a tight smile, but doesn't answer the first comment. "Reckon your feet are still growing?" he asks, as he skates towards the side of the lake, rolling his eyes at the two dragons. "Looks like we'll have to hang around a while - they don't seem to want to go /anywhere/." He pulls off his skates, replaces his shoes, and then they'll head on in, for more conversation (and warmer!).

|k'del, !rider, cadejoth, !avalanche, @hrw, yyth, p'ax

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