LOG: You're Okay

Jan 04, 2009 15:12

Date: Day 10, Month 8, Turn 18
Location: Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del and P'ax enjoy a summer afternoon. Admissions are made.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
The rest of the bowl may be barren, grass barely surviving at best, but here by the lake, it's brilliantly green in the warmer months: thickening and thriving in the silty, boulder-dotted soil just before it transitions to soft sand and thence to the cool, clear water itself.
A large freshwater lake fed by a low waterfall, it not only provides warm-weather bathing space for humans and dragons, but has one end fenced off as a watering hole for the livestock in the feeding grounds. The water there is often muddier than the rest of the clear lake, whose shallows drop off abruptly several yards out into deep water, and whose edge undulates against the coarse-hewn bowl wall: here close enough to just be bramble-covered rocks, there far enough away that a narrow land bridge divides the main lake from a smallish pond. Between are several rocky outcroppings that form excellent makeshift diving points, though only one -- across the bridge -- has a set of narrow, slippery, quite possibly tempting stairs.

Such nice afternoons at High Reaches are rare. It's therefor reasonable that Yyth and P'ax should be sunning themselves at the lake. P'ax is stretched out on one of the large boulders that sits up against the water, spread eagle in his swimming shorts. Yyth is under the waterfall, her head upturned into the flowing water, letting it pound against her back. She doesn't bother trying to control the broadcasting pleasure and happiness that she gets from the pounding water on her hide. She is pleased, P'ax is pleased. Things are good.

It would be hard to miss Cadejoth's arrival: he all but dive-bombs the lake, landing in it with an enormous splash that half drowns a couple of children playing a game with a ball in the middle, though his tail sneaks out, affectionately, to offer a life-raft to those who need it. The children seem delighted with this new toy, immediately commencing climbing atop it, as K'del, grinning ruefully at them, wet through though still fully clothed, slides down his lifemate's side and into the water with a splash. He begins to make his way to shore, paddling lazily.

P'ax sits up when he's swamped with the tidal wave Cadejoth puts off, wiping the hair out of his eyes and looking to see the cause. He snorts and lays back down when he sees the bronze, sighing. << Very nice, Cadejoth. >> Yyth compliments, turning under the water to get another spot on her hide.

By the time K'del reaches the shore, a few minutes later, he's noticed P'ax, his expression gone - vague, perhaps thoughtful. He swings himself up onto another of the boulders, a short distance from the other weyrling, and pulls off his sodden shirt, squeezing the water out, then stretching it out to dry in the sun. << Thank you, Yyth! >> bugles Cadejoth, startling (again) some of the children, though they're weyr children, and too used to dragons to be too much concerned. One of them slides down his tail; after that, they all want to try. << You look very lovely, in the water. >>

P'ax turns his head to watch K'del. "You sure you feel safe stripping in front of me? I might be a loose cannon. I might run over there, and, you know, be overcome with desire." It's dry, sarcastic, completely teasing. Yyth poses, lifting her chin to show off the length of her neck and the leanness of her torso. << I always look lovely, Cadejoth. But thank you. You look very nice as well. >>

Without looking over, K'del tells P'ax, his own tone amused, very relaxed, "Bigger than you are; I can take you. Anyway, rather take that risk than sit around in wet clothes, even in this weather." Cadejoth's tail flicks up, and the small boy sliding down it gets tipped straight into the water - he lets out a yell of delight. Clearly amused by this, the bronze nonetheless turns his attention towards Yyth. << True, >> he confirms, of her loveliness. << But the water makes you look particularly swell. Do I? Well. Thanks! >>

P'ax pushes up on one elbow, smirking. "I'd risk it. Might be worth it." He shrugs his free shoulder. "I won't complain. I like the view." Yyth comes away from the waterfall, eyeing the children. << To eat? >>

"I can't help that I'm beautiful," K'del returns, turning his head, now, so that he can flutter his eyelashes at the other boy, teasingly. His shoes come off, then his socks, and then he stretches out upon the boulder, his feet dangling down to the water, his eyes shut. << No, >> says Cadejoth, amused by this idea. << They like to play on me. I don't mind, so long as they're careful. >> And they are, his tone seems to suggest; he's affectionate, in his thoughts about them.

P'ax slides off the rock, wading across the water and hauling himself up to sit on the edge of the rock with his back to the other weyrling. "K'del, notorious man-hater, isn't vomiting at the meer idea of being looked at? Who are you, and what have you done with Cadejoth's rider?" Yyth swims out to join the bronze, sniffing at the children. << Hmm. Mine thinks children are distasteful. >>

K'del draws himself up again,as P'ax hauls himself onto the edge of the rock. "Can't stop you looking," he says, philosophical, his shoulders dropping into a shrug. "So there's no point getting all worked up about it, I guess. Doesn't change how I feel about the rest." The children slow their game as Yyth approaches, a few giving her wary looks, a few others calling out in loud voices to stop being so wussy, and just throw the ball already! The ball gets thrown. << Mine doesn't. Reckon he wouldn't mind some, someday. I think that'd be fun! They could play with me. >>

P'ax looks back over his shoulder, laughing. "No? You don't think it'll happen, some time?" He looks back towards the dragons. "I had sex." He says it brightly, triumphantly, even. Yyth bares her teeth at the children who get too close. She is definitely not cool with being climbed all over. << That's fine, if he likes them. >>

"No." K'del's tone is even - completely honest. He glances at P'ax as he says it, and his lips are pursed together, emphasising the tone of his voice. There's a pause, after the green weyrling's next comment, then a shrug. "Good for you. About time." His gaze turns away again, his lips quirking into a grin as Cadejoth 'protects' the children, some of whom scramble behind him at the baring of Yyth's teeth. << Yeah. It'll be good. One day. >> Beat. << You don't /have/ to scare them, you know. They can be fun! And they're just little. >>

P'ax shrugs. "Oh, it's more likely you won't win any, at least, for awhile. But sometime, eventually, he's going to catch some female with a male rider. What'll you do then?" He contemplates the water. "Just something to think on, prepare for as a reality." Yyth splashes some water at the children with her tail. "It was okay. Something was missing, though, you know." << I don't like to be touched, espeically by /little/ things. >>

"That's different," explains K'del, a note in his voice becoming clearer, harder: he still doesn't have to like it. "Won't be my choice. Deal with it, though. Not worried." Much. His head tips slightly, as P'ax talks of his sexual experiences, his brows raise. "Only okay? Or -- did you sleep with a woman? Clearly the wrong choice for you." << Don't have to let them touch you! >> explains Cadejoth, as he allows a little curl to swing herself between his ridges and sit there, like a proper dragonrider. << Just don't try and scare them off! >>

P'ax nods confirmation. "Get it. Yeah, a woman. Um... seemed easier place to start than a guy. Get an idea of what I was supposed to do with..." he waves a hand vaguely towards his thighs. "That." Yyth sighs, sliding down into the water. << Alright, I'll be nice. For you. >>

"Who?" K'del wants to know, curious, but clinically so - he's turned back to face the other weyrling, which will let P'ax see the bulging eyes, coughing, spluttering reaction he has to that gesture. "I'd've thought that-- surely even you-- it's pretty obvious, isn't it?" Cadejoth is pleased, though he extends a tendril towards the green, comforting. << Just this time. Thank you, Yyth. I appreciate it. >> And so, evidently, do the children.

P'ax looks a little sheepish as he turns to look at K'del again. "Milani." He shrugs. "She offered, you know, and it seemed.. okay. I like her, she's nice, and I knew she wouldn't give me a bad time or misunderstand my intentions. And she's not as... rough as Raz. She's kinda... yours, anyways, I guess. You were there first." He clears his throat. "Er, I don't really... do that." He colors all sorts of red. "Would probably have been even worse, you know." Yyth spits a mouthful of water at Cadejoth playfully, mostly ignoring the children.

K'del appears to be neither fussed nor surprised at P'ax's admission, and even goes so far as to nod, noting, "Reckon she's a good choice, for this kind of thing. Good fun, Milani. Probably is a better choice than Raz, for this kind of thing, though... Raz isn't mine. Never claim that over any of the women I've slept with. They can sleep with whoever they choose, same as I can." His gaze is intent, though his head shakes, for the rest of P'ax's words. "No? You really are weird." Cadejoth seems pleased with this new game, spitting a mouthful back, though he's careful not to move too much, so as not to interrupt the children still at play.

"Well, not yours that way. Would just be weird." P'ax admits, and then laughs. "Weird? Wasn't really interested in it til just recently, and then.. well, would /you/ do that in a room full of people?" It seems scandalous to him. He pauses and gives K'del a hard look. "Never mind. Yes you would." Yyth rumbles pleasantly and returns the favor once more, making sure to get it all over his face.

Though he's frowning, K'del nods. "Right." He sounds relieved, that there's no particular misunderstanding, there. For the rest, he manages not to look embarrassed, even as he's the recipient of that hard look. "You can't expect a person to give up their needs for that long," he says, only, calm and unworried by it. "Not like you ever knew, right? So. Why not." Cadejoth's mental chains jingle in eager, enthusiastic happiness at this game, as he lets out another long snort of water - like a waterfall, all for Yyth! The children seem very amused by this - cheering them on. << See. Children /can/ be fun. >>

P'ax snorts, "Of course I didn't know, there were twenty beds between me and anyone else in the barracks. You'd have to have been screaming for me to hear you." He leers just a little at K'del, "Not that that would be bad." Okay, he's done. Yyth shreiks, bounding away from Cadejoth with great gouts of water being splashed in her wake.

"Then it would've been even easier for you," points out K'del, before the leering results in him drawing back in genuine distaste. "If you do that," he notes, "I'm going to walk away, right now." Cadejoth is sort of torn, as Yyth bounds away: on one hand, he's still got children all over him, children that would probably be in danger of falling off if he moved, but on the other hand -- Yyth! He lets out a rumble, sending a wave of water after her with his forelimb, the best he can manage.

P'ax rolls his eyes. "Teasing. I promise, your, ah, innocence is safe with me. I wouldn't do anything we hadn't both agreed on." He turns to sit cross legged. "You know, you're just like everyone else I was ever afraid to be myself with. So afraid that just because I find guys attractive, I'm going to, I don't know, force myself on them or something." Yyth waits a safe distance away, gloating mentally.

K'del turns his head so as to allow himself to meet P'ax's gaze. "Like to remind you of a certain incident in which you forced yourself on my unwilling lips," he points out, his tone kept even, as though he's entirely unphased by the accusation. "Realistically, though, no, I don't think you are. Just don't really like even the suggestion of it. No fun in flirting with someone who's not interested in even so much as returning the flirt." Yyth's gloat puts Cadejoth into an even greater quandry. He huffs into the water, all wriggly again, much to the delight of the children, for whom climbing has just become significantly more challenging. << If you want to play, >> he sends towards the green, << You'll have to play /here/. Otherwise, I'll just play with the children. >>

P'ax snorts in amusement. "That's different. I was proving a point to be an ass, it wasn't about sex." But he sighs. "You're right, it is a little less fun. Though, only slightly, because pissing you off is sort of satisfying." Yyth fans her wings smugly. << Its not my fault you can't catch me. You're too slow, it's okay. >>

"Not about sex? Is anything, really, truly, not about sex?" K'del may or may not be entirely serious about this - he's grinning, but his tone is not all that amused. "Trust you, to get satisfaction out of /that/. Aren't you getting too old for that? I thought you had a turnday." And sixteen, surely, is too old for that. Cadejoth twists, dislodging a girl who dives for the water, emerging with laughter. << I am not. I'm just not chasing. So there. >>

P'ax laughs. "You know, there are other things to life, certainly. Very few things are about sex. We're not all horny weirdos like you." He lays back on the rock, arms behind his head. "I did? What day is it?" His eyebrows furrow, trying to remember. "Guess I did." Yyth cackles, disturbing the water with her tail. << Mmhm, you keep telling yourself that. Slowpoke. >>

"No, some things are about work, too," agrees K'del languidly, his toes stretching towards the water, now that he's dried off enough to be warm under the sun. "It's day 10. Not sure when yours is, just remember that you're only a month or two younger than I am." << I am not! I'm being nice to the little ones. I can't be slow, if I'm not even trying to chase you. >>

P'ax snorts. "Yeah, work, sex, eating, sleeping. Not much more to life." He inhales deeply. "Ah. Day 5, so five days ago. Hm. Happy Turnday to me. Funny, doesn't change anything, a few days ago or now. You don't just grow up because Pern goes around Rukbat again, all the sudden. I definitely don't feel older." Yyth lowers her head coyly. << Oh, it's okay. You are afraid of losing. I understand, certainly. I wouldn't chase, either, if I knew I was just going to lose. >>

K'del offers, after a beat, "Flying, sometimes. Dancing. Talking. Life's pretty good, all told." He's turned his head to look at the other weyrling again, and manages a good-natured grin. "Happy turnday, then. Belatedly. No, suppose it doesn't /really/ change anything. But. It's attitude that matters. I figure I'm grown up, so I'm going to /act/ grown up, you know?" Cadejoth good naturedly lowers himself into the water to allow a smaller boy a better chance at climbing onto his forelimb. The boy seems delighted to have gotten even this high, and jumps, cannonballing into the water. << You're making things up, Yyth, >> Cadejoth tells the green. << Don't be silly. I'd win if I tried. I'm busy, though. >>

P'ax laughs. "Glad your life has been good. Mine's... getting there. Figuring it out, at least." His nose wrinkles. "You know, I've never actually celebrated one? Not since I was really little, at least, and the nannies would make a big deal of it at the nursury. Just like that, huh? Decided something and did it?" He shakes his head in wonder. "Wish it worked that way for me. Got lots of things I'd love to just do." << I never make things up! >> Yyth replies sweetly. << I don't think you'd win. I'll prove it, when you're not busy. >>

"I /make/ my life good," shrugs K'del, with the confidence of youth, magnified by his own personal convictions and self-assurance. "Pretty much. I just decide what I want, and I make it happen. Doesn't always happen right away, but it tends to happen. Why not just do those things you want to do? And... never celebrated your turnday? But..." His brow furrows. "No gifts, nothing? That's lame. My family made a big deal about it, even with the nine of us." Cadejoth submerges himself, letting the children swim right up to his neckridges and cling on - then he rises up again, and they all go flying, splashing back into the water. It's clearly a practiced technique. << I don't mind who wins, >> he tells her, earnest, but not competitive. << I just think it's silly to say that you're winning, when no one else is playing. >>

P'ax shrugs just a little. "Wasn't ever a thing to my parents, you know? They figured I had everything I needed, I guess. Well, I guess that's it, at least. Part of me sort of just thinks that they were disappointed that I was what they got and I was it." He shakes his hair out of his face. "I think I'll try that. Making what I want happen." He nods his head firmly to himself. Yyth sighs patiently, coming back towards the bronze. << Well, if you're the only one playing, who else can win? >>

K'del seems to find this distasteful: he wrinkles his nose, makes a face. "That's pretty lame. Turndays are important, at least in the-- sense of marking that you're getting older. A bit like Turnover. Doesn't change anything, really, but gives you the opportunity for growth. Why were they so disappointed in you?" He slides down the rock, letting his legs dip into the water all the way to his calf, his trouser-legs getting wet again. "Good. Can't hurt, anyway." As Yyth approaches, Cadejoth flicks more water at her, pleased. << True, >> he agrees. << But I can't lose, either, if I'm not playing. >>

P'ax scratches at the new stubble growing on his chin. "I suspect it had a fair bit to do with not wanting to follow in their foot steps. I never really made it a secret that I didn't want to be a Smith. Just because you're decent at something, it doesn't make it a passion, you know?" He gets this intense look in his eyes. "They weren't the greatest parents though, that's all you need to know there to really understand any of the crappy stuff they did." When he's older he might understand that they loved him in their own distant way. Right now he's just sixteen. "Wanna do something?" Yyth snorts water at him again. << But you would, if you were. >>

"Ah," says K'del. "Guess I'm lucky, in that I /couldn't/ really follow in my father's footsteps. No pressure." He watches P'ax, as that passion shows itself, his head tipping just slightly, thoughtful, and perhaps impressed. "Fair enough," he concludes, finally. Then: "Like what?" Cadejoth sweeps a wave of water towards the green, content. << But I wasn't. So it's all moot. >>

P'ax nods his head thoughtfully. "Er, why not? What does your father do?" Genuinely curious. "Uh, I don't know. What do people normally do for fun? I have no clue." Yyth swims closer. << But you will, >> she counters cheerfully.

K'del stands up, wading out into the water, and splashing himself, dampening what was well and truly dry until now. "He's a holder," he explains, trailing hands through the water. "Grows grapes. Only one person can inherit, and that's my brother. So. Had to figure out something else, unless I wanted to work his land for the rest of my life." For the last, he just laughs. "Drink. Go to gathers. Swim. Dive off the cliff. All kinds of things." Cadejoth extends his nose, letting it nuzzle towards Yyth's, if she'll let him. << Probably! >> he agrees. << But not right now. >>

P'ax takes a deep breath. "Ah, one of those situations." He nods as he assimilates this and then turns his head to watch Yyth lean into Cadejoth, nuzzling him in return unabashedly. "Well, drinking's not a good idea. Dunno if there's any gathers Yyth and I could get to. Swimming... well, I guess we're already there."

"Yeah. The age old holder thing. Not the eldest son, or the only daughter? Too bad." K'del doesn't seem bitter about this - then again, he's turned, and his eyes are on Cadejoth, and by extension, Yyth. That, evidently, is quite enough. "Anyway, wouldn't want it. I'd have to get married, and settle down with /one/ girl. Not interested in that." Cadejoth seems pleased with this development, and continues the nuzzling, every so often sending another wave of water over the two of them. "Still don't have a head for it? Mm. No, gathers'll be easier once we're able to Between. Ever jumped off the cliff?" He lifts his hand, to indicate the cliff above them.

P'ax lifts his chin to eye the cliff. "It makes you uncomfortable, doesn't it? Them?" He jerks his head towards the two dragons without looking at them. "Hmm. Never jumped off a cliff, no. Nothing that tall at Telgar overlooking the river." Yyth rumbles, twining her neck around Cadejoth's and settling into a gentle purr.

"It surprises me," corrects K'del. "That they seek each other out like that. There aren't many dragons that he seems to have actual personal relationships with. That's all." But his forehead is wrinkled: he clearly doesn't especially /like/ it. "Come on, then. 'bout time you did." He's already wading towards the far shore, indicating the stairs with his hand. "It's fun." Cadejoth lets out a long, low, aching howl of pleasure, finally slipping away from the disappointed children, to settle in next to Yyth, his neck twined with hers, his tail seeking out hers in a similar fashion.

P'ax nods. "It is surprising," he agrees. "Not on her end, though. It... makes her happy, though, and I'm happy." He slides off the rock to follow K'del like a puppy might. Yyth echoes the bronze's howl and settles in to allow the contact, completely smug and pleased with herself.

"She attracts followers, then?" K'del asks, as he leads the way up the stone steps, to the cliff-top ledge above. The view is spectacular. "As long as you're happy, I guess. Whatever. Anyway. You go first."

P'ax laughs. "I guess you could say that. Maybe she's just hoping." He heads up the steps and stares down, frowning. "Why do I have to go first?" he protests. "Shouldn't you show me ... how?"

"Hoping?" K'del comes to a halt right at the edge of the cliff, and turns this head to laugh at P'ax. "Because I said so. It's not really a matter of being shown how. You just... jump. If you like, run towards the edge, and then jump - that's fun, too. Go on."

P'ax nods. "Hoping maybe it'll happen for me, too. Somebody should probably point out to her that bronzeriders are almost always straight." He curls his lips and eyes the edge of the cliff. "Yeah.. okay." He backs up and shoots K'del a nervous look, and then takes a few quick steps forward and shoves off the edge, giving a creditably manly holler on his way down.

K'del ohs, his face going slightly flat. "Well," he says, but nothing more, instead returning the look with a more encouraging one. After P'ax has gone over, he backs up, then goes into a running jump to join him in the water below with a yell of triumph, followed by a mighty splash.

P'ax laughs as he surfaces, pushing his hair out of his face. "You're right, that was a blast!" He whoops, tipping his head up towards the sky. He turns in the water to see K'del. "Again?"

K'del kicks up, pushing himself out of the water as far as he can, and grins. "Thought you'd like it. Haven't met anyone who hasn't." Scissor-kicking to keep himself above the water level, he laughs. "Sure, if you like. Race you to the shore?" He doesn't want for an answer: he's already turned, and started swimming.

P'ax sputters in protest as K'del takes off without warning. "That's cheating!" he protests, stroaking broadly after the bronzer. He's done a fair bit of swimming, obviously. He climbs out of the water and chases after K'del.

K'del, with his head down, presumably misses hearing that comment, but by the way he grins back at P'ax, once he's hauled himself out of the water, he's not unaware of the sentiment. He doesn't linger, though, not with the steps to scale, two at a time, and then the cliff - and then he jumps off again, clearly well pleased with himself.

P'ax springs up the stairs after K'del and leaps after him. He comes up with a gasp and swims straight for K'del, reaching out a hand for the boy's shoulder. He might be bigger, but in the water, he's fair game. P'ax will shove him under playfully given half the chance.

K'del, taking his time to come up again, is completely caught unawares, and does indeed get shoved under. He recovers quickly, though - once under, he dives, somersaulting, and grabs for P'ax's foot in return, to yank /him/ under.

P'ax has time to yelp before he goes under, blowing bubbles behind him. He opens his eyes, looking to find K'del even as he surfaces again for breath. He swims back a few feet, waiting and watching the water.

K'del evidently has a decent amount of lung capacity, for it takes him a few more seconds to actually emerge again, but nothing can last forever, and up he comes, gasping for breath, a few feet away from the other weyrling. Treading water, he eyes P'ax, wary, and amused.

P'ax tries to look innocent, laying back to float for a second... until he
kicks his legs as hard as he can towards K'del, sending a satisfying wall of water that way.

K'del sinks back under the water in the deluge that follows, disappearing from view entirely, and for some time. Under the water, he swims beneath the other boy, emerging again on the other side, which allows him to dispense his own wall of water quite possibly without him even knowing that he's there.

P'ax braces himself, laughing, as he's hit, holding his arms up to hide his face. "I surrender!" he calls gleefully, peeking out from under his forearm to see if it's safe.

"Hah!" calls out K'del, swimming backwards a short distance to get himself out of range - just in case. "Anyway," he continues, still grinning, "/That/ is what fun is all about."

P'ax relaxes, treading water, and then follows K'del. "Ah, is it now? I am pleased to be enlighted!"

K'del makes his way back towards the shore, at least far enough that he can sit on the bottom of the lake, and still have at least some of his upper body out of the water. "Glad to have helped, of course," he grins.

P'ax swims back until he can touch, walking up the lake bottom and settling down beside K'del, folding his knees up and crossing his arms over his knees. "Ah, who'd have thought?" He looks over at K'del and winks. "Bet you never thought we'd have this conversation."

"Nope," K'del agrees, amused for this thought, his toes digging into the sandy bottom, and making the water cloudy. "Guess I never did. You were a bit of a bastard, though, honestly. Can't blame me for not wanting anything to do with you." He says, of course, nothing about his own part in the whole thing. "Dunno that I'd call you a friend, even now. But. You're okay."

P'ax shrugs loosely. "I'm still a bastard. I just figure it behooves me to be nice to someone who could potentially rip my favorite parts off." He scratches his head thoughtfully and says, "I'm sorry I was so mean. I just didn't know what to say to you."

"Oh. So it's only self-preservation? That's great for my ego." K'del doesn't seem to be serious on this; he tilts his head towards P'ax, looks amused. "Fair enough. Can't all be good with people, I guess. Anyway. Doesn't really matter." Now.

P'ax laughs, "And it's good for my ego that you might rip my gonads off?" He licks his lips and shrugs. "Well. I'll be better, I'll try."

K'del considers this for a moment, and finally decides, "Probably not. But, you know, not sure I really want to /touch/ 'em, so you might be safe." He leans back, letting his hands dig into the sand, as well, and stares off into the distance, the water rippling about his mid-section, thanks to the gentle waves made by those swimming further out. "Good. Figure we'll be okay."

P'ax laughs into the back of his hand. "Yeah, there is that. Saved by proxy. My ego shrivels further." He considers K'del's profile. "Milani said I should talk to someone named... T'mic. But it seems strange to just walk up to someone with the intention." He clears his throat. "Probably will be."

"Poor ego, shriveled up by the disinterest of a normal guy," teases K'del. He's still staring off into the distance, as P'ax brings up T'mic. "Dunno. Not as though I have propositioned girls out of nowhere. Not as though girls haven't propositioned /me/." He looks back. "If she suggested him, bet he'd be cool with it."

P'ax pushes on his lower lip with the tip of his tongue. "Mm, I may die of heartbreak, go figure." He pats his chest emphatically. "You think so? I... maybe. I dunno."

K'del gives P'ax a long look, shakes his head. "If so, your heart is far too fragile, let me tell you. Never broken /mine/. And yeah, I do think so. Figure... Milani's a sensible girl. If she thinks something is a good idea, she's probably right. She knows a lot."

P'ax snorts. "I was being sarcastic. Very sarcastic. My heart isn't even a little wounded." He lets out a slow breath and tips her head to glance at him. "Mm, I guess you're right. Girls proposition you, really?"

"Good." Not that K'del sounds all that relieved - his tone is too relaxed for that. He grins, shrugging his shoulders lazily, stretching out his legs in front of him. "I am. Definitely. And yeah, they do. I mean, often we've been flirting for a while, first, like with Milani, but--" he shrugs again. "Sometimes, it comes out of nowhere."

P'ax lifts his chin and stares across the water. Then he pushes to his feet. "Bit cold," he murmurs by way of explaination. "Oh? Yeah, shoulda figured you'd probably slept with Milani, too." Discomfort flutters across his face. "It's not, weird? Just... out of the blue?"

K'del stays where he is, though he's lifted his head to watch P'ax. "Lots've people have slept with Milani. Which isn't me calling her a slut, because she's not. But she's like me. We have fun." He doesn't seem fussed with P'ax's reaction, giving his own words evenly, relaxed. "It's not weird unless you make it so. Any of it. It's just... just sex. Doesn't have to mean anything, except a good time."

P'ax sits on one of the rocks again, turning his face into the sun. "You're right. It's just a shock. Didn't realize, I guess, that people were so... okay with it. I can't wait til we can Between."

"Were those two statements related, because..." K'del breaks off, turning, so that he can grin across at P'ax. "Something you get used to, I guess. Don't /have/ to see it that way, but it's easier, I reckon."

P'ax quirks an eyebrow. "Should t hey have been? I don't know if they were. Maybe they were. Maybe one thought led to the next. Eh, no, I think it would definitely be easier to see it that way. Nobody's ever done me one better, I can't imagine wanting to be with anyone beyond having fun and feeling good for awhile."

"Sexual liberation, following on to actual freedom, suppose. Mm, can see that. Admit, I'm pretty eager to be able to go Between, too." He lifts his hand, swishing them clean in the water, and shrugs. "Could be someone, out there. Could be someone for all of us. Guess I'm just not looking."

P'ax snorts at K'del. "Your sort of girl, she'd probably be the kind to invite friends to bed," P'ax guesses. "You think that though? You're sorta a romantic, you know that, K'del?"

K'del's expression turns more than a little wicked. "Probably," he admits, openly, with more than a little interest displaying in his tone. "I-- well. Guess I've seen lots of people find someone they want to settle down with. Someone who /fits/. Guess it's possible, you know?"

P'ax smirks. "Alright, even I was impressed enough with one girl to think more than one might be nice." He rubs a hand across his chest. "Guess so. Dunno."

/Were/ you," says K'del, instantly interested. "I mean, not that I blame you, but... Well. Good." Why good? He doesn't elaborate. "Figure it's good for people who do want that special someone to continue having some hope, you know? No skin off my nose."

P'ax snorts. "Not enough to be convinced that I'm not gay," he clarifies and leans forward. "That's fair, I guess. I can appreciate that."

At this, K'del just laughs - and laughs. "Right," he says, finally, drawing himself out of the water, and heading back for the rocks. "I should be getting in. Work to do, before tonight. But - see you in class, I guess, tomorrow, right?"

P'ax nods his head quietly. "Yeah, okay. I'll catch you later. You should talk to Raz. We should go somewhere, celebrate, nice and far away."

K'del gathers up his shirt, glancing over his shoulder for Cadejoth, who, with great reluctance, pulls himself away from Yyth, to join his rider. "Yeah," he agrees. "That'd be good. I will. Later, P'ax." And off they go.

cadejoth, $rascela, @hrw, yyth, |k'del, $milani, $t'mic, p'ax, !weyrling

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