LOG: The Meaning Of 'Get Out'

Dec 17, 2008 08:29

Date: Day 24, Month 6, Turn 18
Location: Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Cadejoth and Uanth indulge in some free-form flight; Kas and Raz talk flights and bed partners, below.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
The rest of the bowl may be barren, grass barely surviving at best, but here by the lake, it's brilliantly green in the warmer months: thickening and thriving in the silty, boulder-dotted soil just before it transitions to soft sand and thence to the cool, clear water itself.
A large freshwater lake fed by a low waterfall, it not only provides warm-weather bathing space for humans and dragons, but has one end fenced off as a watering hole for the livestock in the feeding grounds. The water there is often muddier than the rest of the clear lake, whose shallows drop off abruptly several yards out into deep water, and whose edge undulates against the coarse-hewn bowl wall: here close enough to just be bramble-covered rocks, there far enough away that a narrow land bridge divides the main lake from a smallish pond. Between are several rocky outcroppings that form excellent makeshift diving points, though only one -- across the bridge -- has a set of narrow, slippery, quite possibly tempting stairs.

Realistically, weyrlings should probably be spending this part of the afternoon, after classes have finished and before dinner, catching up, studying, something useful. But it's a beautiful, warm, sunny afternoon, and one particular weyrling - that'd be K'del - has given up on that for a walk along the lakeshore, while Cadejoth soars and loops above. Hands slung slow in pockets, K'del blinks tiredly as he walks, every so often pausing to rub at his eyes. Sleepy.

Ah, yes. Studying. Rascela's definitely avoiding that right now, as can be determined by anyone looking out into the lake -- she's adrift further out, with Uanth nowhere immediately to be seen. But, soon enough, the pale brown is descending from his ledge to land somewhere in the bowl ... where he lingers for a little while before taking wing again to start in on his own aerial dance. Perhaps it's his observation of Cadejoth that spurs his rider to look shoreward -- perhaps it's something else. In either case, there's a barked (but amiably so, if that's possible) "Hey," for the bronze weyrling.

So distracted, so fuzzy-brained, is K'del that despite the length of his amble, he has yet to look lake-wards - or if he has, Rascela slipped by unnoticed. So when she barks out her greeting, it's with surprise that he looks up, then around, and then, finally, /out/, until he's caught her presence, finally, and manages a smile in her direction. "Hey, Raz," he says, taking a few steps closer to the water's edge to allow for easier conversation. "Clearing your head, too, huh?" This might be ambitious; it looks more like avoidance, in both cases. Cadejoth lets out a rumbled trill for the brown, as he swoops down, attempting (but failing) to turn abruptly mid-flight. Too big. Alas.

None of it really escapes her notice, even if her expression doesn't change right away to indicate as much. She paddles closer to shore and at a slight angle, toward a rock where a towel and clothes have been heaped -- the latter, obviously, not needed for this particular venture. "Somethin' like that," Rascela answers, lingering just a little longer in the water before, at long last, there's a slight shift in her expression. An eyebrow lifts. "How y'doin'?" Uanth, of course, is delighted enough to be in the air, if one can describe him as delighted in anything. He tilts on a wing, an odd, almost flute-like trilling being given for Cadejoth. Encouraging and greeting, all at once.

Cadejoth tries it again, this time managing to twist mid-air - lower expectations make this a greater success. It's probably as good as he's going to manage. Uanth's trill is echoed in his own sound, more exhiltation than anything else - what a day to be alive! "Reckon I'd be a good deal better if there were a couple more hours in the day," jokes K'del, more rueful than anything, though his expression is not entirely cheerless. "But I'm okay. You? Nice swim?" One hand disengages from his pocket to slide against his stubbly hair, more a reflexive gesture than anything.

The brown angles upward, carving an arc out in the air; no turning on a wing-tip for him, just a series of curves and crescents as he dips and dives. Uanth might not vocalize his jubilation, but it comes through in his thoughts loudly enough. Rascela nods once to K'del's observation, saying nothing more until he's turning the question around on her. "S'a'right," she replies, finally getting out of the water and crossing to that rock. The towel is wrapped around her quickly, then her fingers set to work through her hair to ruffle it up, then smooth it back. Silent, for now; expectantly so, from the sidelong look she gives.

Pleased with his progress, Cadejoth resumes his own curves, matching Uanth's - pale brown and pale bronze against the cloudless blue sky. His jubilation is mental as well as the physical, the rattling of bone as enthusiastic as a tribal dance, a celebration of the sun. K'del nods for the brownrider's words, without having, apparently, much to add; her expect silence draws some of his own - he blinks at her, thoughtful, perhaps unsure. "What's up?" he wants to know, finally, his hand slinging back into his pocket. "Anything?"

And dancing with that tribal beat are Uanth's creatures, though he continues his flight with ritualistic reverence for the gyres they're creating. Pleased beyond words; the forest of his mind is simply aglow. "Had t'deal with a stupid git of a girl earlier," she finally says, pulling herself onto the rock and perching there. "Didn't know th' meanin' of 'get out' or somethin'." And there's a roll of eyes from Rascela, a roll that lands her eyes squarely back on K'del. "Y'havin' trouble like that yet?"

So you can imagine Cadejoth's joy: he does so love those creatures, and here they are, dancing to his tune, that beat that seems to suffuse his entire /self/, radiating and revelling. Yes, this is a shared joy. "Ah," says K'del, his tone filled with only partially suppressed mirth, as well as a decent measure of understanding. "Outstaying her welcome, huh. Nah, not been too bad, so far. Least all the non-riders need a lift down, so I can just tell them we need to get moving."

"Yeah. Well. Girls, shardin' crazy half th' time; cryin' or screamin' th' rest. Don't know why I bother." She snorts to herself, hunching forward to rest her elbows on her knees in a gargoyle-esque posture. "Th' riders at least ain't stupid." Rascela lifts her chin a little, considering him for a moment or two before shifting topics ever-so-slightly to, "Had t'talk t'the weyrlingmasters yet? 'Bout flights? Heard some of th' others ain't takin' it well."
K'del stands where he is, his hands still slung low, his posture slumped down; tired, relaxed, maybe both. "Some of them aren't too bad," he comments, of girls. "Some of them can keep things... separate. Riders - mm, they're better. Mostly. Not all." As her chin lifts, he meets her gaze, easy, even half smiles. "No," he shakes his head. "Not yet. Don't know what the big fuss is for most of them, but, mm, heard much the same thing. People freaking out. Not that Cadejoth's shown any interest, yet, anyway. Haven't asked him about it, though." His gaze lifts, turns to watch the bronze as he swoops downwards again. "Think he still thinks of chasing as a game."

"Reckon so," is as noncommittal and vague a reply as she can make, though when her eyes meet his, there is a slight smile there for him. Rascela seems comfortable enough for now, not even bothering to look skyward to observe whatever Uanth's up to up there. Instead, she nods, once and grunts. "Yeah. Same. Reckon they figure we don't need t'be told?" she wonders, mouth pulled slightly to a side. She has her doubts, but there's hope in there, all the same. One less lesson to deal with and all. To the last, though, her mouth settles into an enigmatic curve. "He's wantin' t'join. Startin' t'like th' greens more -- a lot more -- but he likes 'em all. Ain't like he's got a favourite. Gets irritated durin' flights. Frustrated."

The corner of K'del's mouth upturns at that smile, his head inclining just slightly. "Probably," he laughs. "Well. You're set. Apparently they tell you to try out a partner of both genders, beforehand, so it's not a surprise. Not sure about that one. But I'm not exactly getting uptight about-- most of it." Just the potential for having to sleep with P'ax that still sits there, in the way, probably. "Oh?" His head inclines, as she talks about Uanth. "Guess he'll probably start actually chasing, before too much longer. The irritation, though, that's no fun. I'm not too fussed; guess Cadejoth will start when he starts. Not like I'm doing without in the meantime, you know?"

"Makes sense," she replies, head canting slightly at the mention of being with both sexes. "Ain't so bad, though. Might as well get 'er done, right?" And then Rascela's smile briefly turns wicked as she adds: "One word for ya, though. Oil." That said, her shoulders rise, then fall, with her head ducking thoughtfully. "S'hard t'explain. Ain't so bad, s'just ... makes it hard. Be good when he can chase. Better if he actually catches somethin'." But it's not a huge issue for her and she nods to him, "Yeah. He'll figure it out, I reckon. Prob'ly be good at it, too." Smirk. "Like rider, like dragon."

"Maybe it's not," agrees K'del, uncertain for once, his head ducking down. "Just not attracted to men, you know? But in a flight - well, you do it because you're not thinking like you, right? So it's different." His lips curve again, wry, amused, at her suggestion. "Yeah, I get that. Frustration's no good for anyone. Least they forget pretty quick." That smirk, and her words, bring another smile. Amused. Pleased. "Reckon they both will. Like their riders." Head tilting. "Need to get back to the books. But. Want to come 'round, later?" It's with reluctance that Cadejoth curtails his final dive, letting himself drop to a landing upon the sandy shore, not too far away.

"So, throw a dress on a fella and don't look down." Easier said than done, to be sure; not so easy to say with a straight face and nearly deadpan, though she manages well enough. She eases off the rock and lands lightly on the ground, hands lifted to adjust the hang of her towel. Rascela does seem to understand with the rest, a slight nod given and then another of her slow smiles surfacing for him. "Figures. Reckon I should study." Should being the operative word in that sentence. It's his request that has her smile go just lopsided enough to betray genuine pleasure at the idea. "Y'ain't even gotta ask," she remarks. "I'd like that, yeah." Uanth, meanwhile, remains a thing of the air, arcing higher and higher now that he's alone and allowing a warble of farewell to trickle down to Cadejoth.

K'del coughs, and this turns into a splutter, at Rascela's suggestion - though his eyes dance with amusement. "I'll keep that in mind," he manages to get out, but he's grinning too much for it to really be effective. "I just need to stop falling asleep over my study. Cadejoth seems to think that means I need to sleep alone more often, but..." He trails off, shrugs. What can you do? He's clearly pleased with her response, both the smile at her words, and nods. "Had to suggest it somehow," he points out. "But. Good. Whenever you like." Cadejoth's farewell is enthusiastic, a rumble that he aims skywards as he waits for his rider to swing back up onto his neck. "Later, Raz," says K'del, and then they're skybound again, if not for very long. Back to the grind. /Not/ back to sleep. Promise. Really.

|k'del, cadejoth, @hrw, $sexual references, !weyrling, uanth, rascela

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