LOG: Spring Gather Part 2

Jul 31, 2011 17:56

Date: Day 11, Month 5, Turn 26
Location: Orchards, High Reaches Hold
Synopsis: Weyrfolk attend High Reaches Hold's gather en masse.

Orchards, High Reaches Hold
Sheltered from the winds while still open to the sunlight, High Reaches Hold's orchards provide ordered row after ordered row of carefully cultivated fruit trees. Even here, inland from the main hold, the faint tang of salt is recognisable in the air, mingling with sweeter scents from the fruit; on fine days, this can be a pleasant spot indeed to spend a few hours.
Today, the spaces between the trees have been filled to overflowing with tents and tables, as craftsmen of all kinds take to the outdoors to sell their wares. Although the dancing and most of the music is set up in the courtyards outside the main hold, the sound of merriment is still audible amidst the bustle of shoppers and salesmen, as are the mingled aromas of food and drink.

Only after Lord Aughan turns does Azaylia go back to clinging to the Weyrleader's arm. Knees made useless, there's the real threat of her dragging him down with her as the apprentice scambles to stay standing. His apology is answered with a whimper of disbelief, eyes twice their normal size and lips shrunken into a tense line. Visibly flinching as Emmeline rightfully unleashes onto her fellow exile, there's the faintest murmur. "She w-was very pretty." But is she going to redirect Emmeline's ire onto herself? Not for all the baby animals in High Reaches. Thoroughly shaken up, Azaylia has been drained of that social frivolity, reverting back to her usual, painfully shy self. That doesn't mean she'll leave their company, but while looking at stalls it may be some time before the apprentice speaks (or squeaks) again.

"However pretty she is, she's a Lady," explains K'del, patiently, to Khorde, though there's an edge of exasperation nonetheless. "And she's going to marry Lord Aughan, who is--" he's very careful to lower his voice. "who can be a difficult man to deal with. Don't be so obvious." That doesn't mean he's not vaguely amused at Emmeline's reaction, a smile threatening to escape despite his best efforts. At least Aughan is moving away, and not glancing back: for today, for /now/, everything is… okay. Or at least appears to be. "Yes, let's go and have a look at things." His other arm is offered back towards Emmeline, but only loosely: she can take it if she wants, or wander nearby; he's not concerned. "I might even have a few marks left to spend-- one never knows."

"Yes Rhae?" The smith candidate asks, watching the male leave. She studies the dress that Rhaelyn has managed to catch for the occasion with a smile. "I bet Elgin had some pretty complements for that dress, It suits you well." Yup she's had plenty of wine. "Enjoying seeing all the 'plumped bodies'?" The girl asks.

There's a pause here, and if Khorde could get any more red, he'd be having a stroke. "I'm sorry!" he repeats, defensive this time, trying to put something -- anything -- between him and Emmeline, or him and the weyrleader. Dejection comes quickly to the young man, on the heels of that defensiveness; slump again, shoulders do. For K'del, his voice is quiet, apologetic. "I'll try not to stare next time." Next time? /Next time/?

Since Nathalia drove away the man with the marks to buy the drinks, Rhaelyn has only the bit of wine left in her glass to last her, however long. She gives the glass a wobble to slosh the drink slightly and regards Nathalia's remark, "Elgin?" Her nose crinkles slightly, "He's not wearing the dress, I'm not sure why anyone would compliment him. Ylynna paraded me around all morning in it and I'm sure she will when she finds me again." Her cold eyes zip around in case the candidate is surfacing nearby again. "Hhhmm? OH, I guess it's alright--not really paying much attention to the bodies though. I'd like to see that Lord Crom, I hear he's a big sloppy hog." Lucky for her, she wasn't in the group that did have that run in. "How about you? What have you been doing so far? Aside from drinking that is."

Emmeline is going to pretend that Khorde didn't say 'next time'. She's going to pretend soooooooo hard that she'll totaly ignore that and indeed take back K'del's offered arm so that the group can merrily go looking at things that nobody can really afford to buy. "So those wooden things were called mobiles." Yes, she will keep up a steady stream of chatter until and unless someone or something shuts her up.

By now, K'del is starting to look guilty, Khorde's reaction clearly having an impact on him. "It's okay," he assures the younger man, hurriedly. "It's really fine; don't worry about it." Maybe he missed the 'next time'. Maybe he's pretending he didn't hear it. To Emmeline, as he begins leading the group off through the crowds again, he confirms, "Mobiles. I think. Anyway - that's what /I/ thought to call them. It should be just around here--" And there it is: a stall full of the hanging toys, some designed to make noise, others just designed to move in the wind.

Nathalia laughs "I meant complements for you silly." She frowns, "Or didn't you two come together?" There's a laugh as Lord Crom is mentioned and a sheepish smile, "Well I was visiting the stalls with Warucori. I had a lot of commissions this Turn, so I thought I might treat myself to a few things and buy some presents." She eyes the wine glass a moment, "If you like, I can buy you a drink, or even something from one of the stalls?" An apology maybe for chasing off the male, or for something else who can say. "Perhaps you can help me pick out some things for the little ones in the Nursery?"

Khorde follows after K'del and Emmeline and Azaylia, likely in a manner that indicates he's going to keep quiet and only make appropriate sounds when they are appropriate to do so. And he's /refusing/ to look at /anyone/ closely. The toys manage to draw him out again, however, as he stares with fascination at the crafted objects. "What are these?" It's too easy to call him simple-minded, fascinated by baby-toys as he currently is.

Rhaelyn's shoulder lifts at Nathalia's questions about her arrival status with or without Elgin. "The dress is Ylynna's." SHe says to Nathalia, eyebrows lifting much like the shoulder, trying to judge just what the other girl thought it came from. "I just did some adjustments." She gives an bob of her head about what Nathalia has been up to and admits, "I'd rather go look around at the stalls. Jibal just happened upon Phedre and I and we got a drink out of the deal." She gets up from her seat, taking the wine with her. "Which littles are you getting gifts for? Turnday gifts?" She guesses.

At least this time Emmeline is as fascinated as Khorde is. K'del has done his job well - occupy the exiles so that they don't cause any (more) trouble! When they reach the stall, she's quick to toy with the mobiles that make noise of course, listening to some of them chime gently. And others of them clang loudly. With not a care for how others might not enjoy the combination of dissonant sounds. Khorde can play with the ones that move. She's totally leaving those for him. "These are *great*!"

K'del, relieved. The woman manning this particular stall clearly remembers him from earlier in the day, because she's delighted to welcome him back: "Weyrleader! I hope those boys of yours didn't break their new toys already." K'del hurriedly shakes his head, explaining, "No, just brought some more people to take a look. They're mobiles, Khorde. You hang them up and they-- well, I guess they're just pretty, mostly, except those ones--" The ones Emmeline is looking at. "Aren't they amazing?"

The source of the dress is as Nathalia expected, or at least the lack of surprise written on her features says as much. "I figured, she seems keen on lending you lots of pretty things. Any way it does suit you." She offers with a shrug, turning to the brighter topic of children. "Most of the toddlers actually, they have been so behaved lately." There's a small pause, "Though I would like to get something really nice for Aella and the other Islander kids." She admits as she lifts a finger to her lips thoughtfully. "I spent a lot of time in a nursery as a kid, and I remember how nice it was to have something of my own." She smiles brightly, as she starts toward the stall where the toys and mobiles are, noticing the group gathered. "Oh that one looks promising."

Things MOVE?! Khorde is currently busy being the child he never really was, pinging different things and watching them circle around one another with an eye of wonderment which hearkens back to the beginning of this incredible day with the /trees/. "They /move/!" Y'know, since K'del obviously doesn't /know/ that...

The goodness of Nathalia is something of suspect to Rhaelyn. "Thank you." Is said, for the compliment first, a hand passing over the front of the bodice but her eyes stay on the candidate. "For Aella hhmm? Well, Elgin will be pleased to hear you're doing that." As for the other islanders, the motive is fuzzy. "Why would you do that? Surely you're not working in the nursery so much." But she trails along to see what might make a good gift for the islanders.

"And they make /sounds/!" Emme tags off of Khorde's comment about how they move. Because yes, they are both now acting like a pair of toddlers that have never seen such toys in their lives. But really, they haven't! "How does it work?" she whispers, peering at every angle of the toy. "Uh... sorry!" she adds hurriedly, trying not to cause another, you know, incident.

The woman manning the stall looks /increasingly/ amused. Hey, K'del was here earlier with a pair of toddlers, and now he's back with… well. Three young people, two of whom are as excitable as those toddlers were. "Yes," he agrees, grinning at Khorde. "They sure do." And the same to Emmeline, mouth twitching with a laugh that he doesn't quite let escape. "Pretty, right? I think--" The woman manning the stall breaks in to explain: "It's the wind. It moves through the tubes, and jangles the strings, making all kinds of different sounds. Like blowing over the top of a bottle."

Khorde is still in awe. "And these are -- do you put these up places? For people to watch? And listen to?" So innocent, those dark eyes, turned upon the lady-merchant this time; marvelling again at the construction of a particular one, how the little things go back and forth and swing in circles counter to one another.

Nat manages a giggle and a wave to the others as they make there way to see these toys which even have teenagers enthralled. "Didn't really plan on telling Elgin about it, he gets kind of touchy on the subject of marks." She notes with an amused frown. "Why shouldn't I do it?" She asks turning to look the Islander woman in the eye, surprised at the question.

The merchants amusement seems to allow Emme to relax some. There's very little embarassment there in her expression though, so she also feels free to make a bit of a face at K'del when he tries not to laugh. "Go ahead, you know you want to." she prompts, before the explanation captures all of her attention. "Wow. And how much are they?" Yes, tis is going to wind up being the One Thing that she hordes marks for until the next gather, assuming she manages to get her hands on any money.

A look of surprise crosses Rhae's face upon running into the Weyrleader with fellow exiles too. All in one place. Cozy. She lifts a hand to wave to them as she tries to see what they are up to. "They need new clothes and boots and better blankets, not more toys. The weyr has plenty of toys for all that idle time children have." It's not said with any heat, just a puzzling over what motive Nat would have. "Like these things, where would an island child hang it?" She doesn't have the same awe or interest in the items.

Turning, K'del catches those waves from Nathalia and Rhaelyn, and smiles cheerfully in their direction. At the same time, he's assuring Emmeline, "It's nice to see people so excited by things. It's-- won't say it's like having children, but you know what I mean? Simple pleasures. It's refreshing." The woman answers Khorde with a cheerful nod, explaining, "Certainly! Some people put them above the cribs of their babies, and dangle them themselves; other people put them up outside, and let the wind do the movement for them. I like making things that make people smile." The price she names to Emmeline is, after a moment's hesitation, probably less than she would normally require, though still not /cheap/. "You'll get a stipend next quarter, same as everyone else, Emmeline. It'd probably cover it… if you were careful."

There is a tiny frown from the Smith as she reflects on that thought. "Yes I suppose that is true too, would take quite a few commissions. . .If I started after the hatching, and bought the items little by little. . ." She seems genuinely to be considering the possibilities, as for the toys there is an easy grin from the girl. "There's always some small spot in a nursery to call your own, you should have seen some of the things I had tucked under my cot growing up. My favorite though was a stuffed animal, a little green cotton dragon I called Flicker." She remembers with a laugh. For K'del there is a rather large wave, and she grins as she listens to the crafter's explination.

Khorde is lost in his own little world, at least for another moment or two -- until he realizes they have company. He draws himself up with a sudden start, perhaps awkwardly reminded of his own awkardness, and moves a step or two closer to Emmeline. She's so much braver than he is, obviously. She can protect him! "These /do/ make noise," and it's almost accusatory towards his fellow exile, as if she somehow kept that information from him. "Over-- cribs?" The dawning realization starts.

Catching the movement of handwaving, Emme turns enough to offer both Rhaelyn and Nathalia a cheerful smile and return wave. And doesn't appear at all ruffled at Rhae's comment about the mobiles. "Don't be so stuffy." she chides. "Toys like this are -fun-." Which, in a roundabout way, means she's in agreement with K'del and his clever way of trying not to call them children and just implying they're as easily entertained as one! "Simple pleasures. Yes." Being so brave, of course, means she can tap one of the noise-making mobiles and give Khorde another exasperated look at the same time, with no shame. "Didn't you hear me playing with this one a few seconds ago? Yeah it makes noise!" The price of the one she's been eyeing just makes her nod thoughtfully back at the merchant. "I've nothing else to spend on, so I should be alright." is replied back, when the stipend is brought up.

Rhaelyn gives Nathalia a look of concern, "If that's what you want to do. " It's a surrender of trying to figure out what the other girl is up to and instead she wanders to another display sparkling as the light catches the spinning bits. "I'm not being stuffy." The girl says quietly to Emme with a curious smirk, "I just didn't think the nursery had much room for all the children to have one dangling over them." She overheard the vendor speaking about what people do with the items and chuckles softly under her breath. "Then again, maybe we'll have a couple hanging over cots in the barracks?"

The merchant hastily assures Khorde, "Some of them. The /simpler/ ones. I think the Weyrleader here is intending to hang his on his dragon's ledge, though, where everyone can enjoy them-- isn't that right?" She gives K'del a hasty, hopeful smile, and the Weyrleader hurriedly nods his agreement. Not just for children, oh no. Really! They're all grouped around a stall that sells mobiles, K'del playing escort for several of the exiles. "Toys are fun," he confirms, cheerfully. "Did--" He hesitates. "I could give you an advance on your stipend," he offers, quietly, with a hesitant glance around as though to make sure that he's not suddenly flocked by /everyone/. "It might be a long time before you can get to another gather. Particularly if you Impress."

The sight of dragons arriving and leaving from Weyrs other than High Reaches is not at all unusual; the most recent being a group from Fort Weyr. There's a mix of riders, a couple of weyrlings, and a few residents amongst the group- several of which immediately split off towards the food, or towards the dance tables. Ali probably stands out, if only because she looks so awkwardly uncomfortable in the dark red dress she's wearing, fingers brushing and adjusting as if unused to wearing it. She's got a brown shawl draped around her shoulders, and she draws it closer in deference to the slightly cooler weather this far north, before getting her bearings and plunging - somewhat hesitantly - into the bustle of people perusing the stalls.

Khorde takes this time, now that Judgmental Face (aka Rhaelyn) has entered the picture, to blend into the scenery. He dissolves into immaterial status soon after -- or, you know, slips trickily away from the group, lest he disappoint or embarass daddy-dawg K'del yet again. Where is he going? That... that is a good question. Away from the group, that's for sure!

There is a Firm nod from Nat at Emme's assertion, and a wide grin for the harper. "Exactly!" At the concerned look Nat just shrugs, If Rhaelyn is looking for an ulterior motive she isn't going to find one. She can't help but giggle a bit as the merchant offers her wares, and there's a warm smile for K'del. "I think a quilt and a stuffed animal for Aella though, don't you think Rhaelyn?" The girl decides finally. "most of these are going to be out of my price range for a while if I impress."

Emmeline either didn't hear Rhae's comment and see her smirk, or she is making her best effort to ignore the other woman's subtle sniping. Even if the chimes /are/ just for children she likes them anyway. Hey, where'd Khorde go? There's a pause when she looks around as if trying to figure out what happened to the other exile, and then she's back to staring and poking at the noisy things. K'del's offer startles her, it seems, since she blinks owlishly at him for a moment. He does have a point though, about future gathers. And, as it would be foolish of her to refuse she smiles brightly. "I'd really appreciate that." she agrees, keeping her voice just as quiet.

Rhaelyn judges and convicts Khorde to his departure? Nah, the dark haired girl is only mingling around among the spinning, whirling items on display here with vague interest. "I wish we could have had things like that when we were children. Stuffed toys. All we had was rocks and sticks." Wait until she's telling that story a few turns from now!! Answering Nat she nods her head, "I think Aella would love that, particularly if it's dragon-like." She may hear the offer the Weyrleader makes to Emmeline, but aside from the lingering look towards them, nothing is said, or done.

Almost certainly, Cadejoth has extended a cheerful greeting to those visiting Fort dragons, even if this isn't /actually/ his home territory. Perhaps that's why K'del glances up from the mobiles to look around, evidently looking - but not immediately finding - for these new faces in the crowd. He's full of smiles for everyone, in the meantime, particularly as he reaches into his belt-pouch to draw out the requisite amount for Emmeline's mobile. It might be a bribe of sorts. It's hard to tell what his intentions are: he just seems so lazily content. "Then it's a done deal," he tells her, firmly. "Though I'll have to keep it for you until you pay me back, just to be sure."

Ali's drawn by the chatter of people near to the mobile stall, their talk eliciting a small frown and a hint of hesitation from the Fortian. While the group of Reachians debate, the woman edges in, peering at all the various displays, then asks the stall holder, "I'm looking for something suitable for a young child-" she half turns, as if suddenly aware she might've pushed in. "Sorry, are you-?" she gestures towards the stall, taking a step back as if to wait her turn, before her gaze flickers between the various women and then K'del. The latter earns a slight widening of eyes and she dips into a curtsy, done so elegantly it's obvious she's had a lot of practice. "Fort's duties to the Reaches."

Nathalia notes the exit of the male but shrugs it off. She does however note K'del paying for the mobile, and eyes the Weyrleader with a mixture of curiosity and puzzlement. Whatever else she might have said or done Rhaelyn's response gets an almost wolfish grin from the girl. "That settles it then, Lets find a weaver stall It looks like it will be stuffed dragons for both you and Aella!" Because everyone deserves to have a stuffed animal all their own right? She was about to ask someone where the nearest one was when the Fortian rider made her greeting.

"Of course. That's fine!" Apparently, the harper-candidate could care less that she won't be in actual posession of the mobile until she can pay back the money. She's happy enough to know that in a few months it will be hers. It just doesn't occur to Emmeline that anyone could see something untoward in the offer. Not yet. Give her a few hours when she's had time to process the lingering look Rhaelyn gave and then she'll be worried. Ali's entrance at the mobile, and her particular manner of greeting, does earn a curious smile though. But she'll likely be far too busy being enchanted by the new purchase to be very talkative for the next while.

The 'exchange' may not get remarked upon, but Rhaelyn's sharp eyes are recording it all. For later. YOu know, with the right ears to fill the juice bits to! Oh yes, she knows about the weyr's 'give and take' *ahem* system. She might just stand there watching except for Nathalia's voice makes listening in too difficult and with a heavy sigh she turns back to the smith-candidate. "That sounds gre...wait. Wait. What?" She must not be hearing this right. If she noticed the Fort rider coming in, she doesn't make note of it, scowling at Nat as she is.

Busy wrapping up Emmeline's purchase with deft fingers, the merchant lifts her head to smile winningly at Ali, head shaking hurriedly as if to excuse - or assure away - the interruption. "Not at all--" she begins, cutting off as the weyrling executes that curtsey, leaving K'del looking briefly awkward, though not, for once, blushing. He studies Ali a moment, then gives her a short half-bow, accompanied with: "And High Reaches' to Fort, too, of course. We were just finishing, I think-- she's all yours." Indeed, the merchant is ready to hand the package over, which K'del tucks safely under his arm. It's a distraction: enough that he misses any glances aimed in his direction.

Ali's totally oblivious to the nuances going around, though it'd be hard to ignore the sudden silence of K'del's harem and the exchange of looks between the girls. It's a good bet that she probably misinterprets the meaning of it, judging by the sudden fluster of color that touches her. "Thank you, sir," she murmurs after a moment, stepping in to barter with the merchant.

Indeed Nathalia is now on a mission of dire importance, and the smith makes to grab Rhaelyn's wrist and drag her along spotting such a stall. "You heard me," The smith grins, her wine induced cheerfullness making it far too easy to ignore the scowl. She offers a wave to K'del and the other rider, grinning like a feline with an avian in its teeth.

Rhaelyn is grabbed. She's even pulled out, her wine sloshing in her glass, "Careful!" The exile barks, almost tripping but at least the drink doesn't spill. Phew! "You better not be getting anything for..." For whatever reason, she doesn't think to yank her arm away, she just falls in step with that crazy Nathalia, leaving K'del without his women-folks-followers! The dark haired girl might even give Ali a look--but then she's out of the booth.

K'del's gaze follows the departure of Nathalia and Rhaelyn quizzically, as though he's not entirely sure what happened. When he glances back, he's suddenly well aware of Ali's fluster, and looks awful for it, hastily stepping forward to stand alongside her as she barters. "You're Ali, aren't you? I saw you Impress at Fort. Cadejoth says she's growing well, your queen." The merchant seems /terribly/ tickled by that piece of information: a repeat-visit Weyrleader, /and/ a goldrider - even a weyrling one, all in one afternoon!

The sudden departure of the other girls goes unnoticed initially by Ali, who is driving a hard bargain indeed. K'del's sudden mention of her name earns a surprised glance, and a quick smile- as much for the mention of her dragon as her name. "Yes, sir. Isyath- she's bigger than most blues now, and still growing strong," and there's that note that all riders have when talking about their dragons, fondness and pride all rolled into one. There's a slight pause, like she seems flustered at the idea he was at the Hatching. Or maybe just because she's noticed the disappearance of his harem. "I've heard your clutch is hardening well, sir. I'm hoping we can attend, if you think your queens would be amenable."

Protests are clearly ignored, as Nat enters the stall. Brightly colored quilts hang over the walls in various colors and patterns while a large assortment of stuffed creatures sit in a pile on the table. The Crafter brightens and waves at the two visitors and Nat momentarily relinquishes her captive to start browsing the wears. "Lets see now, oh I know Sir you don't by chance have any stuffed dragons do you? I am also looking for a dragon quilt a big thick one." Nat enquires looking back to Rhaelyn.

"K'del," corrects the bearer of that name, just lightly, still smiling. "We're at pleasure, not work, surely. Isyath's a lovely name." If he's amused by her fluster, again, it doesn't show in more than the crinkle of his smile; he adds, instead, "We'd be delighted to have you there. Iovniath's been-- protective of her clutch, it's true, but when it comes to them hatching, I reckon the more the merrier." There's a beat, before he adds, "We'll have a new goldrider, afterwards. If your weyrleaders don't mind, it might be nice if we could borrow you to--" He hesitates. "help her adjust? Since you'll have been through something similar, so recently."

Celadion has been at the gather all day. His guard, er, escort, er watcher looks worn thin as he trails after the dark skinned exile. Down one end of the gather and back up to the front they go, but there's no stop at any of the booths. "Listen, if you're just going to walk back and forth, I should just take you home." The rider finally says, growing weary of his short-straw draw. "I could at least be following some girl around." Cela does stop, looking back at the rider, "I thought this is what we were supposed to do." Walk the gather right?

Rhaelyn rolls her eyes only once she's coming into that stall with Nat. Then she shakes off any hands grasping at her. She hisses at the candidate as she comes in closer, "I'm not -doing- anything for that." Just to make it plain right? "I don't want any 'misunderstandings'. I know how these things work." There, that should save her from the embarrassment right? NOw she can go and look at the various stuffed toys.

Ali nods her head as if to confirm K'del's name, though there's a flush of apology. "If I get caught calling a foreign Weyrleader by his first name, we'd be on dawn starstones duties for /another/ sevenday. She- Issy, that is- is cranky enough as is." Her attention is drawn back to the merchant as she leans over to pay the agreed price, accepting the wrapped package with a murmur of thanks. Tucking it under her arm, she readjusts her shawl, first surprise, then pleasure crossing her features. "I would love to," she's quick to agree, "I'm sure Weyrwoman Hattie wouldn't mind at all. Hopefully by then, /I/ would have adjusted," she adds, with a smile.

Nathalia eyes Rhaelyn with the most puzzled expression possible. "I didn't ask you to /do/ anything, Shards and shells woman." The confused reply escapes her. "How what things work exactly?" she asks eyeing the Islander.

Rhaelyn picks up a stuffed crab from the table with an 'oh look at this' look on her face, "Rilka would love this." But then here comes Ylynna, having spotted Rhae being drawn into the both. "There you are. Come now." There's a disgusted look at the toys before motioning for Rhae, "Lady Muni and Unma's ladies would like to have a look at you. Our, civilized exile." If people thought Rhae was a bitch, Ylynna has disregarding people down to an art. The exile drops the crab onto the pile and grits her teeth. Still, this was the deal she must have made. "I'll catch up with you later Nat." And with that the exile is lead away for more people to gawk at.

K'del's eyebrows raise at '/another/ sevenday', and he can't help but smile, remarking, "She sounds as restless as Cadejoth always was. Is. I'll let you forego the name, then." He gives the merchant - a very pleased merchant - another bright smile as the transaction is concluded, though most of his attention remains about Ali herself. Congenially; "Excellent. It-- I hope you will have. It's a difficult transition, from what I can see. We've plenty of other weyrwomen, of course, but even Teris has been riding four turns, now, and she was Tiriana's assistant before that; it's different."

"Staying still is definitely not her strength," Ali laughs, fondness warming her voice. "It's relieving to know I'm not the only one. But also worrying that they don't always grow out of it. She, uh-" the Fortian pauses a bit, shifting her weight, before confessing, "-scared quite a few of the Fort Holders by trying to peek into their windows. Trying to explain that she was just curious didn't go down so well." A warm laugh accompanies the explanation, but there's a hint of lingering embarrassment at the incident, too. She chews her lip slowly, then nods at K'del's talk of his weyrwomen. "I'd never been to a Weyr before, so it's a- an ongoing adjustment. Weyrwoman Hattie is very patient with me." Now that her purchase is tucked safely under her arm, her gaze darts towards the exit. "Would you- I'd like to get something to drink, if you don't mind?"

Celadion slows enough to watch the exile being drawn away and walks over to see what was going on within the booth. "Thank goodness." His guard breaths as the pacing through the isles stops.

The holder candidate must be just itching for a beating, cause even /Rhaelyn/ doesn't deserve being talked to like that, But the exile is ferreted off before the candidate can so much as blink. "Bloods" She spits, before quickly making her selections, deciding to go back to the people /she/ considers /civilized/, and with a stuffed bronze, and gold dragon and a dragon patterned quilt under arm, she makes her way back toward the weyrleader, but Celadion gets her attention first, and a not so happy wave is offered, though not out of any dislike for the Islander male.

"If it helps," K'del is quick to assure, "Cadejoth is much better now than when he was little. He couldn't stand being left behind - couldn't /stand/ not being involved in anything I was doing. He'd be better still if I weren't Weyrleader, I think, just because he'd get more chances to go out and fly; he doesn't really like that I've always got things to do." His voice is warm, too, when talking about his life mate, his expression utterly fond. Understanding, too, can be found there, as he flicks back to: "It's good that she is; it's a big change from a Hold, that's for sure." Beat. "Oh-- er, did you want me to leave you to it? Or-- join you?" It's his turn to be uncertain.

"It does, actually," Ali assures, with a grateful smile to K'del. "Issy doesn't mind being alone so much- she always manages to draw some other dragon into whatever game she got in her head. Even some of the older ones." Rueful resignation is visible in her smile, though finding the similarity in K'del answer appears to have eased her earlier awkward hesitancy. "I- yes, I'd love the company, sir. And the guide, more honestly. I'd probably end up wandering the gather aimlessly otherwise." She hasn't yet noticed Nathalia heading back in their direction, not familiar enough with the woman yet to recognize her.

"Shards and Shells, can't a person just be nice around here without something going impossibly wrong?" Nat mutters as she approaches the pair, looking up and perhaps catching some of the conversation she smiles a bit sheepishly at K'del. "Sorry er Miss, Er Sir. . . I can uh . . . make myself scarce." Maybe she's not reading things correctly, probably not from that blush, but incase she is she seems ready to make off in whatever direction her own escort got off to.

"In that case," says K'del, breezily, "I'm surprised she and Cadejoth haven't worked something up between them already. Though I think he's a bit distracted; he doesn't like being away from the eggs at the moment, even though he /knows/ it's important to make an appearance here." He seems genuinely pleased by her admission, and is just about to indicate the way forward when Nathalia approaches, and his attention shifts towards her, instead. "Hmm? Oh - no, not at all. Nathalia, isn't it?" He must have found /that/ out from somewhere. "Nathalia, this is Ali, from Fort. Ali, this is one of our candidates, Nathalia. We were just going to go get a drink." And by his tone, she's welcome to join them.

"No, she's-" Ali's brief pause is likely attributed to embarrassment. "-back at Fort. One of the assistant weyrlingmasters was kind enough to give me a lift. I've- never been to a gather, and she's-" she breaks off, and is thankfully spared from any further stumbling explanation by Nathalia's arrival, and so she turns her smile on the candidate. "A pleasure, Nathalia. I was just telling your Weyrleader I'm hoping to be able to make it to the Hatching." She, too, nods in agreement with the invitation for Nathalia to join them.

Nathalia grins pleasantly at the girl. "Well met Ali of Fort." She offers with about as much manners as the smith has. She does seem a little surprised to be called by her full name but she just seems content at the moment to tag along. "If you both don't mind." She remarks with a smile. "How's fort doing these days?"

K'del's turn to look embarrassed, too, then, gaze creeping down towards his packages - or maybe his feet - rather than focus upon Ali herself. "Of course," he murmurs, hastily. "I should have realised." At least having Nathalia there is a good distraction, and amidst all of that, he's leading the way off towards the drinks servers. "It should be a good hatching, I think. Have you actually watched one, Ali? Aside from the one you Impressed at?"

"Well, thank you," Ali replies, visibly pleased to be asked about her Weyr, and no doubt grateful for the distraction, too. "The Weyr's mostly recovered from the herdbeast plague we had- which is a good thing, since Issy was getting pretty tired of wherry. A little too stringy, she says," the goldrider gives a wry sort of smile as she falls into step with the two Reachians. She shakes her head at K'del's question, "Never," she confesses, "So I was terrified at mine. If it weren't for T'mitl I probably would've run screaming," there's a ruefulness that hints at a little exaggeration, but it's also probably not that far off the truth. "I'd- I'd heard something about one of your eggs getting damaged. But I'm sure that was just a rumor...?" she glances between her two new companions.

Either Nat doesn't notice the Awkwardness from the pair, or is blatantly ignoring it, but the smith it seems is determined to enjoy the gather. She seems a bit puzzled by K'del's comment though. "There's a such thing as a bad hatching?" a little mischief in her smile at that. "It will be interesting I think, to say the very least." What exactly she means by interesting remains unsaid. There is a very large frown at mention of the damaged egg. "It will be fine, best shelling one of the lot too." The girl asserts almost in a whisper, more to herself than anyone, though she listens to see what the bronze rider has to say on the subject.

"I'm glad to hear that," says K'del, firmly. "Nasty thing, that plague of yours. I'm terribly relieved it didn't quite make it as far as our borders." Sympathetically, as he weaves through the crowds, he adds, "It was the same for me, when I Impressed. Won't say I was terrified, but--" His expression twists. "Maybe I ought to have been. What about you?" That's to Nathalia, curious, idly, though rather than waiting for a response, he adds, "Not a rumour, unfortunately. The shell is hardening in a peculiar way - with a dent. We hope it will be fine, but it'll be impossible to know until it hatches. That's part of the reason Iovniath is so-- edgy, I think. And Cadejoth, too."

At the candidate's words, Ali's eyes widen. "So it was true?" she says, visibly shocked, glancing towards K'del for confirmation, a hand lifting to her mouth for a moment. "That must be- I'm sorry to hear that," she finally says, obviously unsettled. "Yes, I can certainly understand why they'd be edgy. Even Elaruth was nervous about her eggs, and no one had damaged them." She walks on in silence for a moment, adjusting her shawl and giving her a moment to compose herself, glancing towards Nathalia to hear her response to K'del's question.

"Wherry gets old kinda quick." Nathalia agrees. At K'del's question she seems both thoughtful and honest. "I actually considered packing up and heading back to the hall before the hatching. . . but Warucori convinced me to stay." As the damaged egg is discussed the small smith just frowns, apparently sticking by her earlier assertion as illogical as it may be. "I may not know tunnel snakes from firelizards when it comes to eggs, but it seems to me a lot of people are betting on that egg to hatch the best one of the lot." She certainly is, "Ivoniath and Cadejoth being the dragons I have heard about, I wouldn't expect their offspring to be too fragile."

K'del's gaze tracks Ali as she composes herself, briefly, but he rapidly turns his attention back towards Nathalia, expressing curving into a rueful smile. "Warucori mentioned that. I'm glad you decided to stay," he remarks, levelly, leaving that particular topic at that and adding, instead, "Hope you're right, on the egg. Impossible to know right now, frankly - it might not hatch at all. It might hatch fine. It might be hurt. These things do happen." Glancing back at Ali, he adds, "It's rare, though. This was an accident. It'll be fine." Even if he doesn't seem to /entirely/ believe that.

"At least Isyath is quick to forget. I'm not so lucky," Ali adds with a laugh. "I'm planning to eat my fill of herdbeast tonight- just for the novelty of it," she confesses. She nods, slowly, at Nathalia's admission of nearly leaving. "I did, too. I missed my family, and being in a Weyr was so- uncomfortable, for me. I'm glad I didn't, though," she adds, with a warm sort of smile that hints of thoughts of her lifemate. The smile fades, however, at the topic at hand. "One of the eggs from Elaruth's clutch didn't hatch. I didn't see it, but I heard, later. It's a boon, I think, that the dragon's don't recall for long." She moves closer to the other two as the crowds grow bigger as they near where the food and drinks are being served.

The girl lifts that chin up to look the man in the eye when he mentions Warucori, and just studies him a moment. This isn't the time or place to discuss that however. "Haven't lost a bet yet that I didn't mean to lose. I don't mean to lose on this one either." Not that Nathalia has anything to do with whether or not a dragon egg hatches after all. At mention of accidents she just quiets. Happy when Ali speaks up, she continues following along. "I was told that didn't happen very often by one of the Riders who works with Weyrlings." She notes with a sad tone. "Are their memories really that short?" She enquires.

"They really are that short," confirms K'del. "They tend to remember really important things, but-- not a lot of things." He works his way through the crowd towards the end of the queue at the drinks stall, glancing from one woman to the other before he adds, "It doesn't happen often, no. Thankfully. It would break /my/ heart to see." His expression has gone serious at the thought of it; he turns away, hurriedly, considering the menu blazoned far above the stall they're standing in front of. "Wine, ladies?"

"Elaruth had a- she and the former junior fought, so it wasn't a- a normal flight," Ali explains hesitantly after a moment, probably due to the subject matter. At Nathalia's question, she flashes a smile, somewhat wry as she adds on the heels of K'del's words, "It depends on how much impact it has on them, too. Things that are more important to Isyath, she remembers for longer. It's sometimes frustrating, but it's normally for the best." She hesitates for a moment at the offer of wine, but then nods her head in concession. "Please. I don't- I don't drink much, so I'd welcome whatever you recommend."

There is a definite nod from the smith at mention of wine. "Yes please." And she seems thoughtful a moment, remembering the toy stall earlier. "That was very kind, what you did for Emmeline." She notes, apparently /she/ hadn't thought anything scandalous of the transaction. "I am glad that so many of the Islanders are standing." She adds. As Ali speaks she again frowns, but it's not so much sad as thoughtful. "I do not think I would want to ride gold. At least at Reaches it seems to make you. . . Scary?" she notes, though a grin follows for Ali.

K'del's expression turns unhappy at mention of those fateful flights, though he makes no comment on it. Instead: "Wine it is," as he moves forward in the queue. Mention of Emmeline makes him duck his head, though he says, after a moment, "Seemed like the right thing to do. Just hope no one takes exception to it." He'll leave the rest of the conversation to the two women for the moment, however: he's stepping forward to order the drinks, returning, a few moments later, with two glasses of white wine along with a mug of foaming beer for himself.

"Scary?" Ali echoes, looking surprised. "No, I- I don't think so. Well, not at Fort. I mean- I found Weyrwoman Hattie very intimidating at first, but once you get to know her-" she hesitates, then smiles, "I don't think I'm very scary- am I?" She's quiet at the Reachian's exchange, though something Nathalia says earns a furrow of brow. "Islanders? Is that- the exiles? They're here?" the raven-haired Fortian glances around as if expecting them to be obvious enough to stand out at a glance, a hint of anxiousness in the look. As she's offered the wine, she reaches up with her free hand to accept it, bestowing a grateful smile on K'del in thanks, though doesn't immediately take a sip.

Nathalia laughs, and it's a warm rich sound too. "No not at all, then again I haven't managed to accidentally offend you yet either." She gratefully accepts the wine with a smile. "Thank you very much." She seems thoughtful a moment, Nat frowns at the word exile but there is a small nod. "You probably saw them earlier there were a bunch at the toy stall. These are for my friend Elgin's little sister," She indicates the parcels under arm. "He's also from the Island, though I haven't seen him tonight."

"They're harmless," K'del assures Ali, hurriedly. "Honestly, they've all been really good, today, seems like." Which makes them sound like children, or maybe puppies. "And you don't seem scary at all, honestly." He wraps his hands around his mug, now that they're free enough to do so, and adds, "Hattie seems intimidating to me, too, sometimes. Cirse was worse. She terrified me when I was a weyrling and I accidentally, uh, crashed her flight." Guilty smile, even after all these turns.

Ali exhales a pleased little laugh. "I'm glad. I'd had for someone to report to my Weyrwoman I was scary. Not that she'd probably believe it anyway." Dutifully, if anything, she sips at the wine, seems surprised at the taste, and takes another small sip. "I- didn't even notice," she admits, as to the mention of the islanders. "The way people have been talking, I was expecting them to- I don't know, all be seven feet tall, and wearing the skins of freshly killed canines or something." She bites her lower lip, but can't quite keep a little giggle from escaping her at K'del's confession. "Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I never knew Cirse," she admits. "She's down at Southern these days- enjoying the warm weather, no doubt."

Nat may not completely agree with the word harmless, but she keeps that to herself as she listens to the weyr leader. "Crashed her flight?" a lift of those thick brows, in surprise. Nat looks a little shocked though as Ali talks about the islanders. "How have people been talking exactly? I mean sure some are about as prickly as an Igen cactus but they are just people same as anyone else." The girl seems very curious as to what the outside world has to say on the matter.

"I think they'd be more interested in frills and lace, as far as I can tell, than animal skins," laughs K'del, with a vague glance around the immediate crowd. "They're the over-awed ones, mostly. Though I guess there's plenty of people like that, around a gather like this. People talk, Nathalia - that's all. Rumours." He grins at Ali's giggle, shifting awkwardly as he admits, to the pair of them, "Cadejoth's first time chasing another dragon was with Cirse's Peirith. A leadership flight. It figures, right?" Six months later… Well. "Reckon I'd enjoy Southern, too, after the winter we had."

"Well, you know rumors," Ali murmurs, and judging by the way she shifts, readjusting her shawl, she seems a tad uncomfortable. "I mean, I doubt anyone would give it any credit, except that they haven't been out of High Reaches before... today." And she's looking over her shoulder again. It's an involuntary gesture, the sort of reaction you do when you get a shiver down your spine. And when you're not that adept at covering your discomfort. "But I'm sure," she says hastily, with an apologetic look to K'del, "Now that they've been spotted here, all those rumors will die down." She shakes her head in silent surprise. "As a weyrling? That must have been- very off-putting. I must say, I'm grateful I don't have to worry about that sort of thing for at least another Turn. Cadejoth, at least, seems to have done well for himself, in the end," she adds, with a smile, taking another sip of her wine.

Nathalia laughs, frills and lace indeed. "I don't think I have had that much fun looking at wind chimes and Mobiles in a long time." The smith notes. At talk of rumors she just shrugs. "I don't think there's much merit to them, but I haven't been outside reaches in months. I was just curious is all." Nat studies the woman a moment, but doesn't say anything else on the matter. On the topic of flights it seems she has not much else to say either save, "That is one part of impressing I do not look forward to, I hope if I impress, its a male. More fun to chase than to be chased."

Lightly, "Guess that's part of the reason we decided to get them all out here today: a chance for the rest of Pern to see them, too. I hope so, though." Those rumours, dying down is what he seems to mean by that. K'del shifts his mug from one hand to the other, admitting, "It was. Offputting and… awkward, mostly. He's a bit precocious, like that." His expression turns amused for Nathalia's addition, but before he can put anything else into the conversation, his expression turns vague. After a moment: "I'm sorry. I'm being called back to the weyr for something. If you'll both excuse me?"

"Have you spent much time with them, then?" Ali asks Nathalia, curiously. The Fortian chuckles sympathetically at K'del's explanation. She looks about to add something, then pauses as she catches sight of the Weyrleader's expression. Ali gestures as if to clear the way for K'del, "Please, don't let me stop you. I've dominated your time; you've been more than kind. It was lovely to meet you, sir. And thank you, for the drink," she adds, with a grateful smile and a lift of the half drunk glass.

Nat just shrugs, though the talk of flights does not endear her to the thought. Instead she offers a wave. "Thanks for the wine." At Ali's question Nat nods. "I spend quite a bit of time with a few of them, You should meet Elgin or Emmeline sometime, they are both very nice." She notes. "I should probably find my escort though. It was lovely talking with you Ali, I hope to see you again before, if not at the hatching." She smiles downing the last of her wine rather quickly.

"And you, too," says K'del, apparently genuine, pausing to smile brightly at both women before he sweeps off into the crowd, his bundles still tucked carefully under one arm.

Ali murmurs faintly under her breath, like she's repeating the names so she won't forget them. "I- I don't know if that's such a good idea," she says, hesitantly, at the idea of meeting the exiles. "You're escort?" there's surprise as she echoes that, though she merely nods her head. "I do plan to be there, barring other responsibilities. Good evening, Nathalia," she smiles at the candidate, then drifts over to join a group of Fortian riders that have sat down to eat.

celadion, rhaelyn, nathalia, !avalanche, @hrh, !weyrleader, phedre, khorde, $exiles, |k'del, emmeline, ali, s'thyn, azaylia, *party

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