LOG: The holds don't want you

Jul 15, 2011 15:10

Date: Day 19, Month 3, Turn 26
Location: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del approves of Elgin. Not so much of Devaki.

It was raining, earlier, but the skies have cleared, now, and while the sun isn't /warm/, it has dried out the furniture on the Garden Patio Ledge. Someone has brought all the cushions back out only recently, along with a fire pit, encouraging hardy souls to enjoy the sunshine in relative comfort. Not too many people have taken up the offer, however: K'del sits almost alone, a blanket over his knees and a mug of something hot - and probably alcoholic - held tight between gloved hands.

For Elgin it is like a light calling to a bug. The young man makes his way from the snowasis. He comes prepared with his own drink, spiked klah from the strong scent that emanates from the mug. A smile spreads across his face as he notes that there are relatively few people, and those that have braved the occasion are mostly male, "Weyrleader." Is offered politely with a nod of his head, "Mind if I join?"

K'del's blue eyes have been staring intently into the flames, and flick upward in surprise at the sound of Elgin's approach, not to mention the words that follow. He gives the young man an up-and-down glance, and then smiles, removing one hand from his mug in order to wave it, vaguely, in the direction of the nearby seats. "Course you can join. Plenty of room for everyone. You're--" He trails off, uncertain. "One of the exiles, yes?"

Elgin takes being judged in stride, the look on his face is almost one of amusement. "I appreciate it, didn't want to interupt...Any thought process that was going on." The corners of the males mouth flicker down for a moment but he recovers and grins at the bronzerider, "Yes, I'm one of the islanders...Are we so easy to spot?" His tone is jesting.

"For now," admits K'del, presumably in answer to that last, jesting question; he uses the hand so recently waving at the empty chairs to scratch behind one ear, a reflexive gesture, perhaps. "Give it a little while, and I'll be offending people left, right and centre over that one, probably. Anyway - I'm not thinking on anything too important, I promise. I'm K'del. Which... you probably knew already." Given the title.

"Oh, it's not so offensive. It is accurate, just a preference." Elgin eyes the man thoughtfully, "For now?" is repeated it dawns on him that it was said, the islander raises an eyebrow though he doesn't press. "Well, I am happy that I did not intrude then." The boy smiles and wraps his hands around his mug for warmth, nodding as the other man gives his name, "Yes, they made sure we knew somethings. Elgin." Is offered in return.

"I meant," K'del clarifies, "You're easy to spot for now. Eventually, I'll wonder if someone is an exile, and they won't be, and then I'll look like an idiot." He must have noticed the differentiation between 'exile' and 'islander', but thus far, doesn't seem inclined to follow it. "Elgin. Right. Pleasure to meet you, then. You... settling in all right? No major dramas aside, I guess, from the obvious?"

Elgin nods at his mug at the man's clarification before taking a sip. "I hope that we'll blend in eventually." He adds with a slight grin. "A pleasure to meet you as well, in the flesh, not just being talked about in classes." A chuckle is all the Elgin offers in response to the question at first, "Oh well, aside from the complete shift of reality, and ..." He cuts himself off and turns to offer a smile to show that he, for one, won't show any hard feelings, "Relatively drama free, and what drama there is seems to span both mainlander and islander so it actually makes me feel more at home. How about you? We haven't caused you to go grey or have an health problems have we? If so I'd like to apologize on behalf of all of us."

K'del makes a face at Elgin's mention of 'complete shift of reality', but seems genuinely relieved at the rest of what the younger man has to say. The last makes him almost smile-- /almost/. "I've had better winters," he admits, looking rueful. "But I haven't noticed any grey hairs yet, thankfully. There's no need to apologise: it's all going to be fine. Far as I know, /you/ personally haven't done anything to make my life difficult." The same clearly can't be said about others, but the Weyrleader seems inclined not to venture further down that path. "Got plans for yourself, Elgin?"

"Well, some of us are..." Elgin grins ruefully, "Fiesty. No, I've managed to stay out of trouble mostly. Besides looking for some information from the weyrwoman." He at least is being honest, "And I didn't seem to do too much damage there." There is a pause and another sip of the drink taken before he answers the rest, "Well, I suppose that really depends on what we are allowed to do, and honestly, we don't know much." He raises a hand to allow for a moment to explain, "And I don't just mean that from the weyr, I mean that from the island leadership too. Still, I've talked to the woodcraft, but because I'm older I need to catch up." He shrugs, "I've been trying, reading up on what younger kids would already know, and trying to help work in the shops when they let me. I'm not going to lie and say it isn't harder with the extra classes." He shrugs, "But just got to keep on going, right? Especially now..."

There's something briefly quizzical in K'del's expression at mention of the Weyrwoman, but he doesn't ask; instead, he nods, casually, along with what Elgin says. "Must be really hard," he allows. "I know Emmeline was finding it hard. Being so much older than all the apprentices, and so far behind." He's ever so careful not to remark on those extra classes. Pausing to take a sip, he swallows, exhales, and then adds, "I'm sure it'll get easier. Just got to give it time." The Weyrleader and the Exile are sitting around an oh-so-convenient firepit that's been set up on the ledge. The rain has stopped, the chairs have dried out, and there are pillows and blankets laid out for those who need the extra warmth.

"Harder for some than for others." The islander draws a leg up underneath himself, "It is very different, but there's..." He pauses as he searches for the right wording, "More opportunity here." There is a brief grin, "I fished on the island, not a bad living, it was needed, but there wasn't much a choice in the matter. Here." His tone has a little more enthusiasm, "Here I have a choice. Maybe a chance to have some say in life, in the world, however small, some." He frowns softly, "We can make it easier, but studying the culture, the new ideas. I know some of the others are afraid of losing our culture, but there can be a balance can't there?"

In deference to the weather, Devaki is wearing not only a jacket, but also boots. He's also got that walking stick with him, though how much he's actually using it is debatable at a glance. He steps up onto the ledge, glancing around -- taking stock of the surroundings, maybe -- or just checking who is around. His gaze passes over Weyrleader and islander with a brief pause, and a slight tip of head, before he heads inside -- presumably to get a drink.

K'del's gaze is so intent upon Elgin that he misses Devaki - for now, anyway. The Weyrleader takes in a breath, nodding enthusiastically. "It's not like we want you to forget everything you were," he agrees, firmly. "Shells, we /want/ to study it. Make record. We don't want it to happen again, and knowing... information is important." He seems delighted about something, even eager: he sets down his mug so that he can gesture with both hands as he offers, "If you're interested, I'd like to offer you the chance to Stand for Iovniath and Cadejoth's clutch. Seems like--" Like that kind of attitude would be a good one for the weyr to foster? Or something else?

A passing wave is given to the other islander as he goes by Elgin, though his attention is taken mostely by the Weyrleader, he studies the man quietly for a moment as if trying to decide something, "You want to study it?" But the thought is quickly cut off as K'del starts to gesture excitedly, "Stand..." It takes a minute for the islander to comprehend what is being offered, "You mean, you would chance one of us impressing?" The brief suspicion in his tone, is set aside by something else, a glint of something that doesn't quite match the boys smile is behind his eyes, "I would be honored, Weyrleader."

It's either perfectly good timing, or perfectly bad timing, depending on your point of view -- that Devaki reemerges from inside with a pitcher of beer and an empty glass, just in time to hear the Weyrleader's offer. It's hard to tell, given he has a single glass, whether his intention was to interrupt the pair originally, but there's no doubt of his intention now -- making his way between the chairs towards the two. "Elgin," the other islander receives a familiar nod, and the Weyrleader a sidelong glance as he sinks, uninvited, into a seat aligned more with the other islander. There's only the faintest trace of bruising still visible along his jawline now, though the rumors about that have probably persisted. "Honored?" he echoes, and there's a thread of disbelief there. "You're actually going to buy into-- that?"

K'del seems pleased. /Genuinely/ pleased. But whatever he intended to say gets cut off entirely as Devaki rejoins them; the Weyrleader studies the new arrival, pleasure fading rapidly into discomfort and disapproval at the sound of the other exile's words. Firmly, even to the point of over-emphasising, he says, "I'm glad to hear that, Elgin. It /is/ an honour. You're not the first, but actually, I hope to have a few of you amongst the group: the kind who can really help us bring your people into the world. I think you'll do well."

Elgin's moment is interupted by Devaki's comments, though he does not seem startled by them. Instead he studies the man for a moment silently, "Devaki, I am buying into nothing, what I am doing is choosing to try and do something." His gaze lingers on his fellow islander for a moment before he turns back to the bronzerider, "Thank you Weyrleader, I hope that I can prove beneficial to /both/ sides."

"More than a few of us, from what I'd heard," Devaki returns easily, pouring himself a glass of the ale, the holding the pitcher out in silent invitation -- to both companions, it appears. "You're choosing to do exactly what they want you do, you know. I didn't take you for one to just follow the crowd, Elgin," his tone, if anything, has an air of disappointment, though he seems resigned enough. "Do you really think the only way we'll belong to -- to this world is to ride one of your dragons? Fall under your authority?" the latter's addressed to K'del, not antagonistically so much as curiously.

K'del reaches, now, to pick up his abandoned mug, holding it between both hands almost as though he's using it as armour against Devaki's words. It's also pretty clearly a refusal of the invitation of ale, albeit not an impolite one. "No," he says to Devaki, quiet but firm. "But I think it's an easy way to become part of something. Right now, you're mostly hovering around the edges, and that's to be expected. Impression would change that, though, and the more people who feel like they belong? The better it is for everyone." His gaze flicks towards Elgin, and then back to Devaki. "You have to fall under someone's authority. Why not take the chance at being something more than just a resident? I'm glad for Elgin. Being Searched was one of the great days of my life."

Elgin pauses and raises a hand, "What you say may or may not be true, Devaki." There is a frown, "And in all groups of people there will be some good and some bad, and sometimes those may have a desire for the same end result before different reasons." He a sip is taken out of is mug, "But /I/ am making this decision, if it happens to line up with someone else's desires well that is something else entirely. If not this, than the WoodCraft, and I would still be under someone there, not the same authority, but authority." There is a shrug, "And I was under authority on the island. What would you have me do instead? Sit and gossip with the women all day? It would drive me mad." There is a slight grin, always the jokester. "At least /I/ am making a choice to do something with my life, if not impression then a craft." His attention is turned back to K'del, "What happens now?"

Devaki seems unbothered by the refusal, politely or otherwise, setting the pitcher down and leaning back with his glass, sipping as his gaze settles on the 'Reachian. "I expressed a wish to fall under the authority of the hold of my ancestor's birth. Your Weyrwoman," there's an indelicate and deliberate pause there, "Made it clear that it was not an option. The problem is not lack of motivation, so much as lack of freedom." This seems to be directed as much towards Elgin as K'del. The other islanders words are taken with a twist of lips and a slight shift of shoulders, and he leans back to hear the answer to Elgin's question.

"Exactly," says K'del, at the end of Elgin's speech; he seems most satisfied with what the young man has to say, even to the point of a beaming smile. He pauses, then, to sip at his mug, lowering his gaze to it rather than look at Devaki while the other man speaks of holds and his Weyrwoman. "The holds don't want you," he says, calmly. "We do. We can't make them take you on." Elgin's question, at least is an easy one. "I'll get you to report in to Headwoman Giorda. She'll get you on the chore roster and give you a knot, and all the rest. If you moved out of the candidate dorms, you'd better move back in, I guess. Giorda'll give you all those details, though."

"I know that." Elgin states matter-of-factly to Devaki, "Even if I crafted I would be posted here, even as an apprentince, and /I/ told you why too." The new candidate raises an eyebrow at the other islander, "You act like I'm doing this with knowing what I'm getting into, when I'm the one who was giving you information." He smirks slightly at the way the weyrleader phrases the idea of the weyr wanting them, but says nothing. "Guess that means I get to keep my cot." The grin is genuine, "Giorda." He says quietly as he makes a mental note.

"I've been told," Devaki offers between sips, at K'del's comment about the Holds, "That Lord Rynien is thought of well by his people. That he is fair in his dealings with others. Yet you indicate otherwise?" He gestures with his fingers, as if to encourage K'del to continue. "What does make a fair-minded Lord Holder refuse those with useful skills?" He seems set to muse on this not-so-rhetorical question by sipping on his beer. Elgin's comment earns a thinning of lips. "Having information, and knowing what it means or what to do with it is two different things. They want us to throw out our Traditions as if they mean nothing to us, when they were everything for us. They kept us /alive/."

K'del's expression is faintly amused as he nods in Elgin's direction, confirming what the younger man says cheerfully. To Devaki, he says, calmly, "I've no intention of you throwing away your traditions. In fact, I was saying as much to Elgin not so long ago. I want to learn about them, preserve them. But I want your people to feel like they have a home." Of Rynien, he can only shrug his shoulders. "Don't read minds. This weyr's caverns are open to you-- what more do you need?" He doesn't wait for an answer to that, but rises, instead, taking his mug with him. "If you'll excuse me? I've duties to attend to."

"There /is/ a big difference between having information and understanding it, Devaki." Elgin pauses and stands, "I wouldn't be so sure if I was you, that I didn't know exactly what was going on." He sets down the mug, "If you'll excuse me I have a knot to get."

"Your Weyrwoman has a markedly different opinion. You two should compare notes if you're going make us suspend disbelief," Devaki throws out there, in between gulps of ale. The latter comments earns a furrowing of brow, and he seems set to answer when the Weyrleader rises and leaves. With a twitch of shoulders, he leans back, and glances at Elgin, giving a brief nod as the islander, too, departs.

|k'del, !avalanche, @hrw, devaki, !weyrleader, elgin, $emmeline

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