LOG: Y'Take It?

Nov 30, 2008 20:14

Date: Day 4, Month 5, Turn 18
Location: Star Stones, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: After his talk with I'daur, K'del seeks out Rascela.

Star Stones, High Reaches Weyr
High on the southeastern edge of the Weyr, the Star Stones cast their long shadows over the sheared stone plateau that holds them. Here, a watchrider stands guard day and night, Pass or Interval, keeping an eye out for incoming visitors and inclement weather. The stocky, rectangular shape of the Eye Rock stands firm against the tests of time, the circular aperture that punches through it from side to side providing a frame for the view beyond, waiting for the Red Star's approach. Two dragonlengths south, the silent column of the Finger Rock awaits the balancing of the sun on its tip at the solstice to warn of the imminence of Thread. Between the two and set out slightly to the side is the squat shape of the actual Star Stone, inscribed with an arrow pointing to each of the other two stones.
The view from the Star Stones is unparalleled, its closest match that from the southern rim. A full circle around the Weyr can be seen from the Snowy Wastes to the north, to Keogh in the east, the peaks of the Western Range and Tillek Bay to the south, Pars and River Bend to the west. The only way up or down from the Star Stones is a-dragonback.

Nighttime brings with it a chill wind and a star-shot sky of velvet darkness. It also seems to bring with it a flying weyrling pair, a duo destined to seek solace at the Star Stones. Uanth's claws strike stone, wings folding with an audible snap; a moment later and the other part of the pair is dismounting, boots scuffing on the ground. Her jacket is resettled about her shoulders and Rascela moves away from the moon-pale beast that stands sentinel behind her; her eyes aren't for him, but for the skies, with a gloved hand aimed to rest on the Eye Rock.

It's not long after the brown pair arrive at the Star Stones that Cadejoth stretches out a silvery coil of chain to nudge at his mind, flicking it about as if using it to knock on a door. There's excitement in his touch, eagerness. << Uanth? K'del wants to know where yours is. Wants to talk to her. >> Were they to be looking, they might see the indistinct figures of the bronze and his rider, down in the bowl, the dragon enthusiastic, the young man fingering his wool cap as he strides aimlessly, directionless.

Raz isn't looking; Uanth is. His head cranes down, slow-spinning gaze fixed on the shapes so far below. Cadejoth's greeting is met with a coil of mist and then all-too-familiar chittering as the creatures in the depths of his mind come bubbling forth to welcome him. Perhaps there's some delay in answering, but soon enough he does, though not with words, but images: the Eye Rock made manifest ... and then the image of stone warped with the image of a real eye in the middle.

In answer, then, a metallic ripple, like fine wires jangling together: noted. And of the eye - mild revulsion and definite intrigue. Eeew, but /also/ interesting. Down below, the rider turns, mounting the bronze, who throws himself into the sky, as he always does, in a surge of kinetic energy. Their flight upwards is uneventful, ending a few moments later when the bronze lands not far from the brown, and his rider slides down to solid ground. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, Raz," says K'del.

It's the combination of revulsion and intrigue that sets Uanth's chittering-self to pleased laughter. While he doesn't intrude into the bronze's mind, he offers up playthings of various sorts in his own mental 'scape; things which have no name and shapes barely within the realm of description. The diversion is sufficient that he isn't compelled to move, to interject when Rascela releases her hold on the rock and half-turns to note the arrival of the pair. "Nah, ain't interruptin'." There's a slight pause, then she turns, moving to rest her shoulder against the rock while facing K'del. "Somethin' goin' on?"

As always, Cadejoth is fascinated by these offerings, reaching to inspect them with knucklebone-like tendrils, to poke and play and rejoice in their very, bizarre presence. << You always have such /good/ things, >> enthuses the bronze. Kas tucks his cap back onto his bare head, then digs his hands into his pockets as he moves to clear the distance between himself and the other weyrling. "I'daur called me into his office, earlier," he says, after blowing out a long breath. "It was really weird. Maybe... maybe a test, or something?"

Naturally, the creations -- or, rather, the sharing of them -- delights the brown. His tone is musing, satisfied, as he remarks, << They are things everyone can have, if they know where to look. >> Which he does, of course. Insectile chitterlings dance along the tendrils, fluttering here and there. Rascela quirks an eyebrow slowly, weighing the words before deciding, "Prob'ly. Seems like they like throwin' tests 'round." It might not be an overt request for more information, but she does look at him expectantly as he closes the distance between them.

<< Where? Where do you look, Uanth? >> Cadejoth wants to know, eager, his voice nearly zinging in excitement and anticipation. He tries to 'catch' one of the creatures, with that silken chain, but only half-heartedly: it is the playing, their very presence, that excites him. K'del lets out another long breath. "Reckon so," he agrees. "He offered me a place in the leadership program." Beat. "Your place."

A gentle creaking of branches suffices for the clucking of a tongue; the creatures continue their flirtations with that chain, though one is soon entangled -- if only of its own accord. To be examined, to be seen. << There are places in the darkest depths of where minds meet. But they must be lured out carefully, >> Uanth explains in a hushed rustling of leaves. Rascela just listens, though, unmoving figure that she is. "Y'take it?" is what she wants to know with, with the raised eyebrow lowering and her attention shifting to an even, appraising look at him.

And Cadejoth does examine it, breathless and awe-filled, eventually nudging it free to continue the dance. /Oh/. << You mean... slowly? >> This is disappointing; Cadejoth is well aware of his own impatience and eagerness. "No," says K'del, meeting Rascela's gaze squarely. "Told him if he wanted me in, it wouldn't be at the expense of anyone else, not unless they were going to failing out anyway." He pauses, then adds, quickly, "I'm not telling you this because I want you to be grateful, or anything. I just... I don't know. It's strange."

<< Slowly, yes. >> Uanth laments, his own presence barely tangible, but still /there/. The things are scintillating and iridescent, lucid insects merged with human forms. Others are more like dragons, glowing and swirling like stars. << You must have the right bait. The right method. Else, you might find something else. >> Raz listens further, keeping her words until the other weyrling is done and perhaps for a beat or two longer than even that. Impassive. Unreadable. But, eventually, she nods to him, a nod that snags briefly when her head tips down. "'ppreciate it," she finally says, though she adds, with a slightly distorted smile as a result of both thoughtfulness and something else, something /tired/. "Coulda, though. Woulda understood."

Ah, /slowly/, alas. Alas, alas, alas. Ever in motion, even in his disappointment, his chains clink thoughtfully, weaving their own little playful traps for the creatures present. << Something else? >> he wants to know, << Like what? >> K'del's lips part ruefully, though his head shakes. "Won't take things, at the expense of others. /Won't/. No good leader would, right? But - it's okay. He told me to be at the meeting, tomorrow." Beat. "Like I said, a test, I think."

And the things flit and weave, slipping through the links or perching atop them. << Something awful, >> and his voice is low, a hushed sound that crackles like fire. << So awful that there are not words to describe it. >> Awful enough that a shiver sets the threes to shivering. Rascela just lifts her chin a little at K'del, silent but with some modicum of pride in the set of her mouth. An arm is extended for him, an invitation for a quick hug in appreciation. "Yeah, prob'ly. Be good if they letcha in. Deserve it."

The rattle of bones, eerie, and matched with the light howl of Cadejoth's tenor voice, mark the bronze's response. << That awful. /Oh/. No wonder so few do it-- you must be very brave, and very careful, Uanth! I do no think... I might do it wrong. You are better at this. >> K'del meets Rascela's gaze, his head inclining in a short nod, as that brief smile crosses his face again. He leans into the hug, squeezing her easily. "Thanks. Hope-- we'll see. Will work hard. Reckon I can do it, though."

There's a certain vehemence in Uanth's mental voice, a bracing, earthy presence that supports Cadejoth. << I believe you can, if you are willing to learn, >> he replies, words constructed of sublime confidence. << Whenever you would care to, we can hunt them together. >> Raz leans right back, giving a reciprocal squeeze, and then starts to pull away. "Reckon you'll do fine. Yer tryin' harder'n most th' others are now." Likely with herself included in that.

<< You do? >> Cadejoth is pleased by this, coiling up his mental chains in thought, keeping as still as he can manage - though there's an ever present motion to his touch, even without those swinging ribbons of metal. << I should like this. I will learn. I /can/ be still and quiet, if I need to be. >> It takes a great force of will, but he /tries/. K'del looks pleased with Rascela's praise, nodding, as he draws his hands into his pockets again, though he admits, "I started working hard because I wanted to prove myself, mostly, though. And I can keep doing that, but... Bet I wouldn't have, if they'd picked me immediately. Maybe that's why they didn't. We can study together, though, if you like."

<< I sense that in you, >> Uanth reassures, a low rumble of both the mental and physical sorts being given. The trees are still, the air is still; all is calm and quiet, with even the chitterlings falling silent and retreating. Just to share the feeling; to share calm. Rascela's hands are shoved in her pockets as well, shoulders lifting just a bit. "Yeah. Could be. Would be interestin' if they'd answer, if y'asked." The last bit, though, that gives her pause. And then there's a nod, confirming: "Be good. Thankya."

Cadejoth strains into the calm, taking Uanth's praise as a forceful incentive to enjoy this stillness. Yeeeees, he breathes, without verbalising the word, even his tail stilling, though it slides every so often, as if it moves of its own volition, heedless of his instruction. "Doubt they would. I'daur wasn't forthcoming with much... not much for words, is he? And doesn't come out with anything straight. Anyway. That'd be good. Need to catch up a bit, still. Missed out on stuff, even with your notes."

He could remain like that forever, in that state of perpetual silence and calm. His satisfaction in Cadejoth and his attempt to be likewise is an intangible thing, but a thing that cannot be mistaken for anything else. "Hnh. Yeah. Ain't chatty; don't need t'be, though." Or so she figures. Shoulders rise, then fall, and she flicks a look to the two dragons. A moment later and it's back to K'del. "Ain't much y'missed, I figure."

Cadejoth tries, tries /so/ hard, but he's unable to keep it quite as well as Uanth, and, eventually, the slinking sound of his chains, returning to their natural movement, just quietly, slowly, but still: movement. His sigh is exaggerated, but earnest. << I shall have to practice, >> he says, sadly. "Suppose he doesn't, either," agrees K'del. "But. Can be hard to read." His gaze follows Rascela's towards the dragons, then back. "Hope not. Will manage, anyway. Going to make it work." Pause. "Anyway. I'daur confirmed we get our weyrs soon. Warned me not to expect much, but... don't need much. Never had a place of my own before."

<< You did well. That is enough, for now. Next time, we will try to see what comes forth at our call. >> A promise, spoken on the wind and etched in stone. Uanth doesn't retract his presence, merely settles into an observational, open thing. His physical stance is unmoving, of course, eyes shut. "Yeah." A slight nod to his next words, a grunted, "Good. Try t'help as much as I can." And then silence, while Rascela parses the last. "Be somethin', won't it? Better'n what we got. Better'n ... anythin'. Even if it ain't th' cleanest."

Again, pleased with the praise, even if he remains disappointed in himself, Cadejoth extends an image of his own - the creatures they /might/ find. Not as good as Uanth's, but he's trying. Could be, could be. << I should like that, >> he says. << I will practice. >> His tail flicks against the ground, twitching, constantly in motion. "Thanks," says K'del, smiling again. "Appreciate it. We'll be fine. Make good leaders, one day." He reaches a hand under his cap, scratching at the faint fuzz beginning to grow. "Can always clean 'em. The space I care about. Exactly. Hope it's really soon."

The brown revels in the other creatures, expressing his amusement by allowing his to join with them. And that will continue, with the brown's wordless reassurances and fey things mingling easily with Cadejoth's own. Rascela nods, silent for a long time before murmuring, "Hope so." And then silence persists, periodically broken by conversation of weyrs and things, until there's an eventual need for one, the other, or both to depart.

|k'del, cadejoth, $i'daur, @hrw, !weyrling, uanth, rascela

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