LOG: Loyalty

May 07, 2011 18:46

Date: Day 8, Month 9, Turn 25
Location: River, Western Island
Synopsis: Water collections turns awkward for poor Seani.

Old habits are hard to shake, so even after months on the island, Raum is still up before dawn and moving about purposefully. Fortunately, this fits in with the island's rhythms, as many others are already up, too. They're cooking breakfast and prepping for the day's fishing and gathering, and Raum, for his part in the daily rituals, has been sent off toward the river to fetch fresh water.

Unable to sleep well, Emmeline has been up bright and early every day for nearly a week now. But, calling her a morning person these days would be a stretch. So to wake herself up it's been a daily trip to the river with a bucket so she can collect cold water to splash her face with. And then go through the ritual of cleaning her arm and applying whatever foul smelling ointment the elders have foisted off on her to try. If her expression is any indication, it doesn't work very well. "Morning Raum." It's mumbled, but audible. And then the water splash. Ugh.

Riorde likes these early mornings when people have not warmed up to a chattering hum, still half-submerged in their sleepiness. She is subdued too, awake but moving slow. It's water she's after too, trailing several lengths behind Raum as she takes her time, leisurely, almost dawdling.

Devaki's already up, and is finishing readying his fishing gear, neatly stacking basket and other equipment in front of the hut he shares with his best friend. He /is/ a morning person, to judge by the cheerful whistling that announces his presence, his purposeful strides quickly catching him up to Riorde, to whom he matches his stride. "Morning," he greets her with a smile. Either he's oblivious to the subdued mood, or deliberately bucking it -- more than likely the latter, knowing him.

It's not - exactly - Tom's kind of work: fetching water. The young man us up and awake, of course, but he lingers about the settlement, apparently inspecting the walls of his hut for leakages. Apparently, because-- well. It's hard to tell how much work is actually being done. He doesn't even glance at his wife as she exits their hut, nor does he respond as she murmurs something to him, before picking up her clay bucket, and heading off down the path towards the river. She falls in step behind the others, keeping her gaze carefully focused downwards.

It's quite the little group of followers Raum's accumulated himself, and he notes it with a faint lift of a brow as he glances over one shoulder. His steps pause while they get a little closer through the dawn gloom, and then he nods to Emmeline since she's the one who actually hails him. "Morning," he offers in return.

Emmeline isn't paying a whole lot of attention to the water-train that has accumulated behind Raum, obviously, because she's not looking that way anymore. "When we all get back from the days' jobs, there's something I'd like to talk to you about." she decides, giving it a moment's thought before having said the words. About to just turn and continue with what she was doing, her eyes spot the rest of the crew coming in and she can't quite stop her blanche in time to completely hide it. But she does a pretty decent poker face a couple seconds later; a perfectly polite and completely fake smile on her face while she considers her options here.

Riorde's eyes flicker to the side, taking in Devaki along with his smile, and gives him the barest of nods back. No overtures of friendliness here, but then Riorde's always been a quiet one, keeps herself to herself, and mornings serve to accentuate her taciturnity. "Morning," she responds eventually, a bit begrudging of the felt need to dip into social niceties. A faint sigh escapes her when she realises that she is one among a small crowd gathering at the stream though she does, at least, lift her hand with a brief wave for Emmeline.

Devaki's gaze is still on Riorde, sidelong, cheerfulness dimmed not in the least bit by his taciturn companion. "I think it's going to be a good fishing day today. You should come, get off the island for a day." The offer's casual indeed, nor does he seem to wait for any response to it -- his gaze drifting over the morning crowd at the river. "Morning Emme," he says easily, with an even sort of look offered Raum -- that usual wariness when he greets the Other non-verbally. Stepping to the water's edge, he crouches and begins splashing water over his face.

All those steps behind, and still, Ani slows down further. Even as she does reach the river, she holds back, warily, as though she's not entirely sure whether she should approach, or perhaps just head further downstream. Finally, straightening her shoulders and taking a deep breath, she shifts her path, angling away from the group so that she can begin dipping her bucket into the water a short distance away. She is not, not, not /not/ looking at Emmeline. Or - any of them, actually.

"Does it involve the feasibility of life without the sea? Because my patience with that one is growing understandably thin," drawls Raum, studying the young woman more thoroughly then. But he starts walking again a moment later, pausing only when he gets to the stream, to kneel down and start filling the buckets. "I'll assume there's some reason for not just spitting it out presently, too. --Devaki." That greeting, and a nod for Riorde, recognizes that pair, too, as they join them.

Emmeline can only choke back a hysterical response to that; ducking her head before she gives a vaguie sort of shrug. "It's more about someone specific. I won't ask any questions about life with or without the sea." she promises, waving at Riorde and tipping her head in a way suggestive of calling the other woman over her way. Devaki, well, he just gets a hurt look. It may have been a few days, but she's stubborn. "That's right, I can't discuss it at the moment." she agrees, and then looks over at Ani. "Good morning, Ani." she greets, purposefully making sure to acknowledge her. Which is more then her own husband does.

Riorde does indeed like fishing. The offer leaves her torn, glance darting to Emmeline, trying to judge if an acceptance makes her a traitor to the solidarity growing up between them. "Water and then tea first," she says, putting off a decision, though desire breaking through her half-guarded expression suggests she'd very much like to. She aims to join Emmeline, breaking her near-silence to remark on what Raum has to say. "Give it another two sevendays and your patience will snap right through. Either a rampage through settlement or half-cracked like Rilka," is her foray into a joke, much better than boring hellos and how are yous.

There's a faintly displeased furrow of brow from Devaki, no doubt due to the fact that Emmeline's talking to the Other with such familiarity. And maybe in part due to Emme's response to his greeting. However, he refrains from saying anything. Although he's undoubtedly listening to the potential plotting, he doesn't get involved. "Of course," he agrees, easily enough with Riorde, perhaps well aware of her hesitance. "Maybe another day when you're more prepared." He turns his attention to the task of thoroughly washing his face and soaking his hair. Taking note of Seani's wary approach, he offers an easy smile in her direction. "How have you been, Ani?"

Ani freezes, expression genuine rabbit-caught-in-the-headlights as she's addressed not only by Emmeline, but by Devaki, too. Pink cheeked, her big brown eyes wide and wary, she says, "Good morning, Emmeline. I, uh-- hope you're well?" Obviously doing her very best not to look at the other woman for long, and in particular, not at her arm, she turns her attention hastily back towards Devaki, though she's no less reticent in her comments to him. "Well, thank you. Tom and I are both well."

Raum snorts. "Rampage, more like," is his opinion. "Don't have much Rilka in me. Though I'd rather avoid the whole issue and not get asked about the desert any more. Seems a mite ungrateful to rampage on the people who rescued me, don't it?" He looks between Emmeline and Riorde, then Devaki, for a moment, though the shift in attention toward Seani pulls his that way, too. He does not, however, greet the woman.

"Don't worry so much, Ani. It'll all be fine." But Emmeline is also very certain that it would only make Ani worse if she were honest about how her arm is doing, all part and parcel with whether she's 'well' and so she skips over the question entirely. And she deliberately looks away at the first hint of a frown from the mind healer. If she doesn't see it, it didn't happen. Ignorance can indeed sometimes be bliss, right? "A rampage through the settlement might shake things up." she agrees with Riorde, and then Raum, her trademarked smirk showing up finally. Though she also leans over to whisper something at her apparent partner in crime. The next is back to her normal voice. "I'll try to find you later then, Raum. Can I walk back with you, Riorde? When you're ready."

Riorde isn't greeting Ani, but more from her own uncommunicativeness than any premeditated decision to let the woman be. "Just want my tea first." Riorde looks at Devaki with mild complaint, protesting too the idea that any decision could be made before getting a hot drink in her. She bends to dip her jug in the river, glancing back over her shoulder at Raum with a trace of a smile that's more like a smirk. "Only if you think this counts as rescue." Her tone is as dry as bleached driftwood. With her fantasies of desert-dreaming dashed, Riorde straightens, water jug cradled in one arm and pulling back her hair with her free hand as she turns a willing ear towards Emmeline. "Of course," she agrees, ostensibly to the suggestion of a walk back.

Devaki certainly doesn't push Riorde for any further answer; his attention is on Seani now, sympathy brief in his gaze before he bends to drink some of the fresh water. Leaning back, he tips his head towards Ani, "I haven't seen my cousin lately; what's he been up to?" he asks, casually, of Tom. If he's aware of the conversation the others are having, he doesn't give any indication of it.

Of rescue, "It's a start." Raum shrugs, apparently undaunted by the destitution of the little settlement. "I can walk back with you too if you like; should get these back to the cooks," he notes with a gesture to the buckets that are now filled and waiting.

Ani, clearly, /does/ worry; though she glances up to give Emmeline a hasty nod, her gaze slides away as fast as it possibly can, as though she's afraid even to look at the other woman. Better to leave her to Raum and Riorde - especially with Devaki providing such a convenient distraction. "He's-- well. He fixed our roof, where it was leaking, and he promised to help me store away the salted fish, this afternoon." Helpful things! Good things! Nothing bad; not her husband. She's set her bucket down, now, and is washing her hands with methodical care.

"I appreciate the company." Emmeline admits, since when her gaze darts over to Seani and Dev she struggles to keep an even keeled expression. Rather then give in to the immature urge to make a face though, she just scoops up her own smaller pail of water to wait. "I need to get ready for the onslaught of children. But tea first." In that, she shares a priority with Riorde.

"Tea first," Riorde tells Devaki again. This time it's the timeline for her joining the fishing expedition. "Off-island would do me good." The promise of tea and breakfast hastens her steps back towards the settlement. "Same direction; can't stop you." She sounds marginally good-humoured though, not actively discouraging Raum from joining her and Emmeline.

"He has?" Devaki's clearly surprised by the news that Tom has done anything, it seems. He straightens, pushing wet hair back from his face, and glances over his shoulder at the departing group headed back to the settlement; Riorde's words earn a smile and an agreeable nod from Devaki. Moving closer to where Ani's washing, he seats himself on a rock nearer her, to make it easier to talk. Except that he doesn't, immediately; just watches her with a tip of head.

With the way many of the exiles seem to feel about Raum, anything shy of active hostility is apparently welcome enough. "After you, then," he tells Emmeline and Riorde, with a nod toward the path back to the camp while he gathers up the water-buckets to follow.

Actually, this conversation is proving almost as troublesome as the one Ani avoided with Emmeline; she flicks a glance at the departing group, though not, at least, longingly. As Devaki sits, she carefully dries her hands on her skirt, not glancing at him until, finally. "He has. I-- he's my husband, Devaki. I don't know what you want me to say about him, but I won't speak against him. I promised loyalty." Even if he has clearly not kept his side of that bargain. "He's making enemies. Not just... like before. Worse." She keeps her voice low: hopefully, those departing won't be able to hear her.

Emmeline is apparently well beyond caring what anyone thinks about anything. Evident by the way she flashes a genuine smile at the Other when he waits for she and Riorde to lead the way. "I want to beat the breakfast rush. And there's no way I'm sitting near that fire or the oven, Riorde. One, well... yeah. And two, the very scent of food is making me nauseous right now. Capiche?" Her glance is pleading, then, and clearly she doesn't hear a word of the conversation going on back at the lake. -Clearly-. Because we can all guess just how much she'd have to say about some of it. "I envy you the chance to go off-island though. Can I live vicariously through you and you'll tell me about it later? I'm stuck near the settlement for now; no field trips for a few sevendays."

Riorde starts off quick, twice as fast on her way back as she was coming down to the river thanks the the joint promises of tea and a day out fishing. "So nothing that smells, then." She hoists her water jug a little higher when it starts to slip. "Sure," she agrees generously. "You could always have your kids make up stories about the day out fishing. Some monster rising up out of the deep and gobbling us all up. Poor Riorde, all that was left of her was a few teeth." She looks back over her shoulder at Raum and adds in a monotone tease, "Didn't want the outsider of course, not enough salt in his bones."

"I'm not asking you to say anything," Devaki says, with a spread of hands, though there's still mute sympathy in his gaze as he studies Ani. "I respect your loyalty, Ani, you know that. But I also know what he can be like. We share Blood," he says, the emphasis on the word faint, but either connotation of the word correct. With a slow exhale of breath, he begins to rise. "Just tell him we need to talk, Ani. The island's too small, and his uncle's position only extends him so much courtesy."

"Suppose if I smelled like dinner, I wouldn't want to smell it myself," muses Raum from the back of the party. A beat; then, "Why would your teeth be left? Wouldn't they go down with the rest of you? Or are island teeth something beyond my mere continental ones?"

Ani lets out a long, low breath. Finally, gaze fastened tightly to Devaki, she nods. There's a lot more meaning in that gesture than in what she says - somehow, she manages to convey quite a bit that confirms everything about her husband. "I'll tell him," she promises, not moving from her kneeling position. "Thank you, Devaki."

"Island teeth are special because they have the power of the sea inside them." Emmeline intones, in her very best spooky voice. She's apparently imitating Shimana somehow. "There has to be something left of her - or else there wouldn't be any story to tell." she admonishes then, warming immediately to the idea of having the children make up wild and crazy stories. "Maybe I should try and arrange a camp out for them one night, and we can do scary island monster stories. Scare the pranks and jokes and hair pulling right out of them. Any takers?" Nobody ever volunteers to help Emme with the kids. Nor can she blame them. But she will continue to try. And one day, long in the future, she may well be successful.

"Bones are brittle, they'll crunch." Riorde makes it up as she goes. "But my teeth are sharp; better to spit them out." She angles another glance back. "Maybe your teeth are softer." Emmeline's impression of their resident sea-shaman makes Riorde snort out laughter. She does not, incidentally, immediately volunteer.

Devaki's expression barely alters, although mute sympathy strengthens somewhat as he returns Ani's gaze. "Take care of yourself, Ani," is all he says, turning to make his way back down the path, headed off to see about breakfast, no doubt.

|seani, emmeline, raum, devaki, #exile, riorde

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