LOG: That's Gross

Nov 23, 2008 09:12

Date: Day 11, Month 4, Turn 18
Location: Weyrling Barracks, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis P'ax finally gets his first kiss. K'del is not amused.

Weyrling Barracks, High Reaches Weyr(#395RAs)
Tucked off the back of the training room, the barracks are a huge, high cavern that stretches far back into the stone of the Weyr. Both of the longer walls are lined with couches for the dragons, enough for a couple of Pass-sized clutches at once, each matched with a cot and press for the weyrling dragonrider. In this day and age, however, the couches in the back have been allowed to grow dusty with long disuse. Hearths are spaced between every few couches to heat the big room.
For decoration, there are a number of tapestries on the walls, looking almost as beat-up as the couches out in the training room, but scattered flower pots with their bright blooming contents provide a cheery touch. Additionally, some of the couches have had graffiti scratched into them over the Turns that were never quite cleaned off: smears of chalk messages or even rough pictures, some not fit for young eyes. In many cases names and dates have been painstakingly carved into the rock, a record of those that once made their home here.

It's just after dinner, about two or three days after Kas and Rascela made out in the baths, and the bronze weyrling is perched on his cot, flicking through hides with such intense concentration that even Cadejoth's flicking tail doesn't seem to be bothering him. The bronze is watching him, always in motion, head tilting to this way and that, but doesn't seem too fussed for once, at this lack of action. A page turns, K'del shifts slightly, but then, back to reading.

P'ax has been a little weird lately. Perhaps weirder than usual, though the distinction is very fine. If anyone has noticed the odd moments when P'ax transitions from staring fixedly at K'del's back when he's not paying attention to completely avoiding the other weyrling, nobody has said anything. Perhaps the behavior hasn't gotten too noticable yet. But now here he is, ducking into the barracks in an almost furtive way with Yyth on his heels. Blue eyes dart quickly, assessing who is around. Noticing K'del, he clears his throat and strides purposefully down the aisle between cots, probably heading for his own.

K'del, for one, hasn't noticed. Nor does he notice the approach of P'ax and Yyth this time. Another page flicks, Cadejoth swats the stone beneath his tail once more - but then he turns, head inclining towards the approaching pair, a low rumble escaping from the back of his throat. Kas doesn't even seem to notice this - flick, flick, flick, another page turns.

Yyth lifts her head to warble shrilly at Cadejoth, extending her nose towards him in greeting. P'ax hesitates, glancing twitchilly towards K'del. "Hi," he says in a choked kind of way, one foot rolling up onto the outter edge.

Cadejoth shuffles forward to push his own nose against Yyth's, whuffling in her direction with the enthusiasm of a small dog, tail flicking faster than ever. Hi, Yyth! K'del, meanwhile, finally looks up. "Hnh-- huuh?" Pause. "Oh. Hi."

Yyth sends a smug wash of blood towards Cadejoth, bumping his jaw playfully. P'ax continues to shift nervously, his weight passing from foot to foot. And then he takes a few steps forward, shuffling towards K'del's cot. "What are you looking for?"

Cadejoth tastes more metallic than bloody, in his mindvoice, but the sensations are complimentary. He bumps her jaw back, here, and there, making a game out of it, whuffling in delight. Can't catch me! Kas eyes P'ax, warily, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considers the other weyrling. "Just going through some notes," he says, slowly, as if he's still trying to determine what the other boy wants. "What do you need, P'ax? I'm pretty busy."

P'ax glances aside, momentarily distracted as Yyth makes to playfully nip at Cadejoth, all lip and very little tooth. His eyes roll up for a moment and he mutters, "Damn the consequences, right?" And then his eyes lower to focus on K'del. "Just - just this." And as if he's acting before he might loose his nerve, his hands reach out for K'del's face. Oh yes, he's going to kiss the poor boy if he doesn't figure out what's going on and duck away fast enough.

"Huh?" says K'del, brow furrowing even further as he attempts to parse that mutter. Whether he manages to or not, he has no time to further respond to this, because there are suddenly hands on his face, and before he has time to respond to that, lips on his. Kas is, in fact, /so/ surprised that it takes him several seconds to actually manage to push the other boy away - he does so hard, shoving with all of his might. Cadejoth seems to take the nipping is all part of the game, accepting it graciously, though he doesn't reciprocate; his rider's violent reaction, however, does result in him turning his head, to see what's going on.

P'ax is red, oh is he red. He stumbles back and stands there stupidly for a second and then jams his hands in his pocket and says weakly, "Yep, that was... that was all I wanted. Yeah." His head tips towards his green, who is just as surprised by the pushing as her playmate. She lifts her wings to rub together and clicks her jaw a few times before giving Cadejoth one last friendly headbutt and turning to walk calmly off, following her lifemate who has taken off now at a run.

Cadejoth seems most disappointed in losing his playmate, rumbling after her plaintively. But K'del, wiping his lips off, looking downright disgusted, is clearly relieved to see them go. "What was that for, you idiot? So gross! I can't /believe/ you did that." He spits, swats at his lips, punches the bed. "That's /gross/."

Yyth turns to look over her shoulder and comments in a slip of sour acid, << I can play later. Mine must flee before yours stabs him. I think it would be more fun if he just let himself be stabbed though. >> A pause, and then, relayed: << Tell yours, mine says : Now he has kissed someone. They are even. >>

<< I don't know if he /would/ stab someone, >> muses Cadejoth, disappointed, but accepting of this. << Not even yours. He doesn't like yours much, though! Wishes I wouldn't play with you. >> Silly riders. << K'del seems to think it wasn't necessary to kiss /him/ to be even. Also, don't you dare come near me again, you freak. >> That last bit is surely word for word. He sounds - sad.

Yyth sits down at the entrance to the barracks, tail flicking. << But you will still play with me, right? I am pretty, and wonderful, and fun. Of course you would not forget about me. >> Satisfied with this answer, she rubs hard against the doorway. << Mine laughs. Do not be sad, Cadejoth. We will play. Come outside. The sun feels good. >>

Cadejoth stands on the edge of his couch, forepaws up on the edge, watching Yyth balefully. His head inclines into a nod - a yes? Then: << Of course I will. I wouldn't abandon you, Yyth. >> He takes his time before responding to that last bit. << Mine does not. He's glaring at his *book*. But I will come in a minute. Promise, Yyth! >> And he will.

|k'del, cadejoth, @hrw, yyth, !weyrling, p'ax

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