Sep 10, 2007 09:21
And yet.. I haven't posted in a while. So, what's been goin on with me. Well not much, just working as usual and chillin and relaxing at home.
This month, I posted a challenge for myself. I'm going to bring my lunch everyday for the month of September. So far Ive been very good and brought my lunch. I've been study Japanese Bento lunches and this has inspired me to bring my lunch. I need more containers though and a maybe a nice lunch bag. I've also been cooking more at home too. So I hope I'm actually saving money. I spent a shit load of money at the grocery store, so I'm gonna use up as much food as I can and try not to waste to much. Sis and I waste alot of food, but buying stuff and then letting it just sit there and go bad. So I'm trying to cook and use it.
Over the weekend, I was invited to ECU vs UNC game. I'm glad I went to this game, at first, I just wanted to be my usual lazy ass self and do nothing, but hell I need to get out more. So I went and had a wonderful time. ECU won at the last 6 seconds by scoring a field goal. It was like a emotional rollercoaster. ECU kept making lots of mistakes but in the end, they pulled it out and won the game.
Still waiting for my knight in shining polyester to come by and pick me up and wisk me away. But alas, I only get middle age older mine to stalk me all the time. *sniff sniff* I guess Jensen Ackles is never coming this way to NC and see me walking down the street and just so happen to ask me out. *huge sigh*
My hair has gotten longer, right at my shoulders now. I'm comtemplating if I want to get it cut or just let it grow out. but I know if I let it grow out, I will just put in a ponytail all the time or braid it or just let it hang loose. I just don't have the skill or the time to really do something to it. But when it is short. I can try to style it. Flat iron it, pull it to the side. Use some baretts or something.
I'm just rambling here. o.O
I'm thinking of getting lasik surgery cause I'm tired of wearing glasses or contacts, but I gotta see damn it. I just wish it didn't cost so damn much.
I have to research more on this, see if I can afford it. Plus I work on computers like 15 or so hours a day. Everyday, I'm always on this thing. So I'm wondering if it is even worth getting it.
Well, it's just like ever other damn time I post here that it takes me practically almost all day to post. So I'm gonna end it here.
Oh BTW.. Tiff and I are planning to to go Anime USA this fall. I believe it is Nov 16 - 18. Actually looking forward to this one. They have a couple of Japanese musical guest and some other pretty cool guest too. Unfortunately, they moved it to the Crystal City Hyatt. Which this is the place we went to one time for Katsucon and got stuck in a freaking blizzard. This hotel is so outragous but I guess Anime USA is just getting bigger.
I'm actually thinking of heading back to Japan too in the spring. That would be kick ass awesome if I could afford to go. I gotta check out the finances and see what I can do. I think we went to go during Cherry Blossom season time.
So I'm gonna really end it here now.
Dean Winchester kicks so much ass and loves doing it!