10 years ago and now....

Dec 17, 2005 11:30


How old were you: 15
How much did you weigh: 150
What grade were you in: Freshman/Sophomore in HS
Where did you go to school: Moline High School
Where did you work: I took care of the mother of one of my mom's friends

Where did u live: East Moline
Where did you hang out: Clint's Pizza (they used to have a pool table area and bowling, along with No-Name Bread) and South Park Mall (Yes, it really is called that...)
How was your hair style: brown and past my shoulders (my hair looked so much better in H.S for some reason... no hard water, maybe?)WITH bangs...
Did you have a beard: haaaaaaa
Did you wear braces: nope
Did you wear glasses: well i had contacts...
Who was your best friend: A.S
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend: R.G
Who was your celebrity crush: none
Who was your regular-person crush: I had a boyfriend at the time.. what the hell?
How many piercings did you have: 2 in each ear
How many tattoos did you have: none
What was your favorite band: some of those rappers---i cant even remember now who they were.
What was your biggest fear: None--I was young and enjoying life
Had you smoked a cigarette yet: No
Had you gotten drunk or high yet: nope--i was a good girl....
Had you driven yet: I was in driver's ed when i was 15
What kind of car did you have: ME? a car? LOL! i think not.


How old are you: 25
how much do you weigh: 165
What grade are you in: graduated from gally
Where do you go to school: MSSD--as a teacher!
Where do you work: read above
Where do u live: in a house
Where do you hang out: various places
How is your hair style: dyed a weird reddish-brown color and past my shoulders withOUT bangs
Do you have a beard: come on now...
Do you wear braces: No
Who is your best friend: G.M
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend: single for the time being..
Who is your celebrity crush: celebrity crushes are so dumb.
Who is your regular-person crush: not sure yet, still in the process of scoping out the guys..
How many piercings do you have: i haven't added any in 10 years
How many tattoos do you have: read above
Who is your favorite band: don't have a favorite at this time
What is your biggest fear: never getting married and having a family
Have you smoked a cigarette yet: no
Have you gotten drunk or high yet: drunk of course, but NEVER high, NEVER NEVER NEVERRRRRRRRRRRR!
Have you driven yet: Yes, I have...and it wasn't pleasant
What kind of car do you have: DC has an excellent public transportation system....
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