"WEEkends I Prefer the WEEkends!!....."

Nov 07, 2005 19:23

Yesterday was my birthday!! yay!.... im now 18, so i can vote! too bad its gonna be a while till theres an opportunity to vote, but oh well i dont care. anyways, i had a very awesome party saturday. it was at my house and it was inez, sarah, kevin, karen, robert, cara, and a few of my cousins. well we hung out, watched the game, played our own game of football... i think my team won...HA take that mr. "star quarterback" <<(kevin), we also played capture the flag... which my team won again!, then we had cake, opened presents, the usual thing. of course i had to get a bday whoopin.... they insisted.... or shall i say forced me to lol. but anyways... the crappiest, yet funny, present was from kevin. he decides to dump a whole bucket of cold water over my head. he tried to throw a whole thing of ice water but he missed the first time and had to just get water. it was worse than a water park ride. but hey, his birthday is in like 5 months and payback is hell. *evil laugh* but that about sums up my eventful weekend. gah stupid mondays.....

Here's a quote about mondays from SNL:

Will Ferrell: singing-"Mondays boy I hate mondays, they make me so steamed. WEEKends I prefer the WEEkends!, oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh!"
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