It be
Talk Like A Pirate Day! Which be a fine reason for running this here entry up the mast. So *insert pirate phrase here*.
Been listening to
Pandora some more and I really feel like it is either missing something or I am not using it correctly. Maybe I stay on one station too long ... or don't add enough diversity to the stations I do listen to.
I'm working on a project that I am not interested in at work. So I need to come up with creative ways to get work done on it. So far, I'm trying to just leave the code up in the hopes that part of it will catch my eye or I'll just feel compelled to dig into it if it is more easily available. We'll see what works ...
Rachel and I had a good conversation and finally broke through the false reasons we were putting up around it. It felt really good to be able to understand and articulate what is really going on. Not to say that the superficial reasons were entirely wrong, but they didn't really begin to scratch the surface. Doubly interesting that what I was interpreting as my frustration was mostly worry and hurt. Hurt's not quite the right word...
So ... what more personally has been going on lately? We added a new member to our irregular Thursday night board/RPG gaming group. He runs his own nerd site - Apparently it has a following of sorts and some pull. Not being into the board and indie game scene, I didn't really know about it. Regardless, he's a good guy to game with! We played an amazing game of
Universalis the other night and got to tell a pretty interesting collaborative story. Which ended, in an awesome way, with the antagonist's mother scolding the main villain while the protagonists managed to overcome their mind control and everyone won in the end. Even the semi-sentient train. It goes without saying that the system is pretty cool. The only down side is that it is pretty creatively draining - it requires some serious energy to come up with every aspect of setting, character, plot, and conflict.
My brother came out last month and visited Rachel and I. I'm glad he was able to - he got to meet my fiancee and see my expensive purchases (house, large TV). The more I touch on it, the more I realize that it is pretty much impossible for anyone else to be the kind of friends we are for each other. I hope that's healthy. ;)
Hey, I've tweaked
this station pretty well while typing this. Either that or there are few songs like White Rose Movement's Cruella ...
Note: From my tags, apparently gaming is what is most on my mind. I guess that's what you get with a public journal.