Last night was the first night with a new gaming group. We're going to be meeting every other week for many hours to game. Going into this, I knew the GM very well and one other I had met before. The other two were new to me, though the GM knows one of them well. We sat around and talked about gaming styles, game systems, what we liked and disliked, and other sorts of parts of gaming from a meta point of view. We decided to go with the GM's idea for a first short campaign to get people used to style of gaming and used to each other. Then we created some characters for a modern day Cthulhu game.
Character building was very cool. We sort of did an iterative process of developing each character. We had a location, Manhattan, and a time frame, the near future. From there, we had to be somehow related to the Manhattan FBI. Fun stuff - my character is, in short, an early 40s man who was accepted to the FBI very late in their acceptance range - at 31. He has a law degree, a psychiatry degree, a broken marriage, and a teenage daughter who he doesn't understand and rarely sees. I'm really excited about this. Oh, and he only has a sanity rating of 40 (out of 100). He's so fucked. :D
After we were done with character generation, we played an independent game that I had never heard of called
Universalis. It is a game driven entirely by the story. I think we made up some of the rules as wel went along. Basically, the group collectively creates the world, the game dynamics, the rest of the setting, the kind of story that will be told, then creates characters and specific settings and tells out the story. It was weird and crazy and a lot of fun. SingleToof the Orc ended up triumphantly carrying off the Gem of Amen Ra with his chainsaw sword on his hip and his friend Robert CurledTooth at his side.
The only downside to this, really, is that I'm spending another night away from
Rachel. I don't know how to deal with that. But I'm working on it.