rockstarling linked an awesome
article about Web 2.0 at some point (must have been recently, as I have been reading it today). It got me thinking about technological evolution and my own personal growth.
I recently started making changes to my life. Well, not so recently at this point, but more recently than other major changes. I also started changing my personal web site. The Web 2.0 article points out the different between a personal web site and a blog, the latter having the ability to generate real conversation and mutual interconnection between people. This can be captured via an
RSS feed. Livejournal itself is an interesting mix of blog and community building machine.
So. Changes. They haven't fully taken hold (or maybe they are just happening slowly), but they are continuing. They will continue until I like the shape in which they end up. You can only go so far not getting what you want (what you need?) without changing something - either the need or the method by which you go about it. Either that or you end up in a dead end job without hope or something.
"And yet ..."
Santas rampaging through Powell's
Photoposting test from FotoBilder or whatever this is.
By the way, here are some Santas in Powell's that I took near the holidays. I got a Really Naughty sticker from them. Livejournal now has photo album capabilities, eh? Probably slicker than
mine but with a lot less space. I tend to go with the easiest option that first presents itself. Uploading massive amounts of files to my webserver and running
album on them works pretty well for me. :-P
Enough rambling for the week. The week's almost over.
Resident Evil 4 is a lot of fun, even if the PS2 cannot run all the visual effects that the Cube version has.