this morning... i decided to actually our bus picked up SO SO many ppl from another bus because their bus broke down and our bus was SO flipping packed it was crazy
we had like all the seats completely filled and 4 ppl sitting in the aisle. lol got to school like 15 min later
i actually wore my kilt for the first time of the year and i wore nylons haha looked real werid.....! and 1st time with my pin up! -'_'-
BIO- did a lab that made my arms real tired it was some enzyme lab and we caught the bubbles in water with graduated cylinders ... lol sounds confusing.. we choose to do the hard section of the lab and we got pretty accurate results.
me and carina had so many ppl ask us if we could be in their groups -_-
in the end... we allowed andrew in our group (this little boy who's still in gr.11 but is taking gr.12 courses)
EXERCISE SCI.- i got like 59 on a test.......o_O so horrible... everyone in the class did horrible because our teacher said .. study pgs 25-31... and it was like 100 diagrams to memorize... so everyone studied their asss off on the diagrams... and turns out on tthe test... what we studied was only 20 marks out of 78 MARKs!
and when i got that test... i didn't study other stuff ... and many ppl were gona complain to him on monday because we had a supply teacher today (mr.defreitas) and i had super super long talks with laaura and lisa =) about like everything lol like from china, 3rd world countries, universities, lol families and it was fun =)
lunch ~ hung out at the beach (aka what we call 3rd floor art lockers) and i haven't hung out with the guys for a while so i felt sorta welcomed and talked alot with them
it was nice =) and we all just laughed
russ talked to me for the 1st time... very very werid lol he was complementing me like crazy about my art... and last year he like hated my best friend and judged me because i was veronica's best friend... werid.
anyways i tried eddie's dr.pepper for the first time... haha and it fizzed all over me... and jason made me draw a design on his shoe... JMT on it lol
they played a little hacky while i did~ and
ART- finally started my sculpture... its so scary cause i'm scared i'm gona mess up on something real bad. i hope it turns out =s
i found out someone else is doing a turtle too =(
and yeahh had some sweet talks with kate and visee about scolosis, physiotheraphy and our future careers...
kate being a writer, me being a photographer (imAgine lol)
lately everyone has been talking about the careers and universities after that university session at school. everyone on spare and lunches came into the art room today and it was packed.
PHILO- NO one in class today... i tried real hard to pay attention but ended up falling asleep... and crowe had to wake me up lol
mr. miki was commenting on me sleeping again but he knows its partly because of my medication
bus, home, took LONg nap, been sick lately. and then went to zellers and bought gum + daniel cookies and developed photo at superstore. not much today
well actually.. lots of arguements about me and university lately.. and family stuff
kinda real frustrating
thank god for my sister <3 she has helped me alot
as much as we can shout and not talk properly.. she helps me so much
and she got me a hollister skirt today~
i like to write my day in full pointless detail lol
i want to be one of those ppl in future who could travel the world and take crazy pictures (like not as a career, but maybe as minor and side job) but something i would wish and die for is to do something crazy just to get a photo and have a crazy story and adventure behind each photo =)
lol after art class today i wanted to travel and photography the world haha
but yeahh choosing univeristy courses are so hard...
i probably want to do something with physiotherapy? help PEOPle. in someway.=) <3
what ppl waste their time doing.. to look good for one photo.
i use to take lots of pics... its so gay... i don't do it as much anymore...
k, ppl can have nice pics... but where are they gona go with this? modeling? haha or they mite just realize later how ppl lovedd their pics and they automatically think and feel accepted/loved but its just ppl who are infactuaated by your picture... but they wasted so much time and they didn't do many other things they could have done... a good example is myspace... a bad addiction and wastes LOTs of time.
i went on it alot for my photography and i always had the camera, got bored and took pics... real bad.i took pics because i got a myspace and it was fun having cool new photos and what not and how i could look ok.decent in a pic but i don't know.. i don't really believe all the comments of omgosh your beautiful... i duno i start to realize how deceiving a photo can be!
so many ppl are just judged and loved by their looks... its sad these days
anyways yeahhh less myspace for me lately~