Spiegel Online -.-;;

Feb 11, 2013 09:06

I really shouldn't read Spiegel Online (especially not the forum there).
The article is about matcha and how it's now a huge trendy drink in Germany (apparently...)

And the FIRST! comment compares it with bubble tea. Comments continue with how matcha is hyped right now and that it's overpriced, because of the hype etc.
There are some comments inbetween stating that they simply like matcha and it's taste and don't agree with matcha being called a "new trendy drink", but basically people there are commenting on something they never even tried and act like idiots. Oh wait, that's the Spiegel Online forum; it's always the same there. Many idiots and some normal people -.-;;;

It's just that this time it's matcha and I love that stuff very much!

internet, german language

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