Dinner and House

Feb 09, 2013 12:04

We had "Hot Sweet Potatoes" yesterday evening (sweet potatoes marinated with olive oil, garlic and some spices and then baked in the oven). As we had run out of curry powder, the dish wasn't as hot as it might have been, but the whole flat smelled like garlic ^^;;;;
It was very easy to prepare though and I liked the taste.

House: The bank sees no problem with giving us the money and now we have two different offers for the whole financing issue and need to decide which one we like best.
For the readers in Germany: How likely is it that the whole Riester thingie will still exist in 25 years? As one of the models relies on getting the 154 € per year (volle Riesterzulage) and getting money back from the tax declaration.

house, food

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