Eventful Sunday

Jul 01, 2012 20:11

Last month: Full attendence! Yeah!

Today was planned as lazy Sunday and turned into some laundry, ironing and turning the bedroom upside-down day.
We threw away some of my OLD completed puzzles, which have been under beds for the past 8 years or even longer. The likelihood of them ever ending up on any wall was below zero (and they looked pretty much like something a teenager would put on their walls), so... off they went. We kept the frames though ^^;;;

We did put the puzzle with the Castle of Schwerin on the wall in the hallway though :-)

Currently there are only two orchids in bloom.

The yellow one, which has a hard time to decide where the best position for a new blossom might be, so it ends up putting them all over one another ^^;;;

And my newest one - somewhat pinkish-purplish...
I got in March? I think, with only five blossoms and now it looks like this :-)

The original blossoms are at the background, the one that opened just last week is much more colourful. Usually the colour does fade a bit within the first two weeks, but this much...? We'll see

plants, daily life

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