Japan shopping results

Apr 26, 2012 13:37

We didn't have that much time for idol shop shopping or grocery hunting, which is why I'm almost surprised with the amount we ended up. Could have been much worse more though. Our wallets are happy that we almost stayed within our budget!

Let's start with the food!

This is almost all the food we brought back home with us.
I'd especially like to point out the 1 kg bag of pineapple bonbons and the Green Tea Oreos.
The amount of curry should get us through the next year or so :-)

Now onto the fandom stuff:

Basically all my purchases outside of clothes. The Takki clearfile is a present from Carsten who found it in a Mandarake.

Close-up of my goods.

Upper row:
- some R-18 game I found in Mandarake, 
- "Our Future" DVD (finally!),
- "LIFE" manga vol. 1-8 (for 105 yen each from a Book Off),
- 2 T&T DJs and
- this year's chopsticks from Takizawa Kabuki

Front row:
- shoe "straps" in black and silver (let's hope they work as they are supposed to and stop my feet from slipping out of the shoes...)
- freebees that came with taking purikura (cotton buds/deodorizer for the closet), FLAIR = softener that I got when I bought the bra set
- 5 JE shop photos + 2 idol shop photos (now... DID I SAVE MONEY HERE OR WHAT???)

And the things I can actually USE!

Cute little jeans jacket which hopefully goes well with skirts, as it's only waist lenght ^_^

Short-sleeved shirt for office etc.

My new bag. We noticed that my current one will break sooner or later (probably sooner), so my main topic during our holidays was "must get new bag".
It's NOT pink, pink, but a rather toned-down colour. Still pinkish though ;-)

Triumph bra I've bought from one of those "Amo's Style" shops. I can now confirm that whatever cup size you've got in Germany, you can add two sizes and then go shopping in Japan. A normal B cup in Germany will turn out as D cup in Japan. The number stays the same. People who have HUGE difficulties finding a 65 C in Germany will be delighted to walk into a shop in Japan and buy their 65 E there :-)
If your size is outside the H&M range (= E cup and above) in Germany, you'll have to look hard in Japan though. But my, they do sell very cute things in Japan *.*

shopping, japan

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