Poupee girl shopping

Nov 21, 2011 18:25

Only interesting for Poupee girl users *ggg*

Recently I found out that I've got a SUPER expensive item in my closet, which I don't use at all.
These colour contacts. Oribon says they are worth quite a lot.

First I tried to sell them for 27.777 ribbons but nobody was interested, then I took them off and two days ago I listed them for 22.222 ribbons.
Guess what? This morning I had 20.000 more ribbons to spend *.*

And I spend 11.111 on this bag. 1st Anniversary item *.* (Oribon says 10.555, but only, because someone sold a pair for 30 ribbons?! WTF?! Well, lucky person who bought those *ggg* Usually it's 30.000+)

Another 555 ribbons for this dress (Oribon says 656)

Now I still have another 8.000 ribbons to spend, but at least I got this bag!
I should look for white shirts to wear under jumper skirts. Most shirts are not covered by the upper part of the dress. DUH.

Also, is anyone else under the impression that furima prices are dropping recently? Carsten and I think so.


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