Groupon (again) ^^;;;

Jul 06, 2011 08:40

For those, who can display proper Japanese on their screens (which I can't, here at work...)

How does this sound?

8 courses, among them A5 beef (from which prefecture? Google translate fails big time here) and all for 3500 Yen.
Sounds fair, doesn't it?

food, japan

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Comments 6

ina July 6 2011, 07:17:29 UTC
I didn't think about getting a groupon voucher for Japan. O_O My japanese is not good enough to translate that anyway.
What is A5 beef?

Will you buy that?


karu_chan July 6 2011, 07:23:00 UTC
I'll check it out tonight again, when I can actually READ it _._

A5 seems to be the best beef that is available on the market. For whatever strange reasons, the Kobe/Wagyu beef is classified with A1 to A5; A5 being the most delicious one.
I picked that up when checking out restaurants, but can't find it on wiki right now ;_;

Usually I abuse translating tools to check out just what exactly the voucher offers ^^;;;

And yes, I do consider buying it, if it offers what I assume - and then I'll let the hotel staff handle the reservation -.-;;;;


dilettantka July 6 2011, 11:00:13 UTC
Hmm it doesn't say anything about prefecture...? well I skimmed and didn't see anything and then did a control-F 県 and there was nothing. what part are you asking about?

I have no idea if it's a good price, I don't comparison shop, I just randomly eat and buy stuff :)


karu_chan July 6 2011, 11:23:29 UTC
I think it's in (the?) Ginza - when I checked the map at the bottom.

I was wondering what the 8 courses where and just how many of them included the good meat.
There is a soup, I think? (And just why keeps Google translate mention "Silver" about five times??? _._ )

I'd LOVE it if this PC could display Japanese, but I don't even have the rights to install Acrobat Reader.

I just randomly eat and buy stuff
Same with me. I think a normal lunch in a restaurant should be between 650 and 1200 Yen, for dinner... 1500+? *fails*


dilettantka July 6 2011, 11:31:28 UTC
idk, I don't see it anywhere and if you mean the address it's 東京都 lol.

・キムチ盛り合わせ kimchee assortment
・ナムル盛り合わせ namuru (Korean vegetables) assortment
・サラダ 1種 salad 1 type
・一品料理 1種 one other a la carte dish 1 type
・銀兵衛厳選黒毛和牛盛り合わせ 5種 Ginbe special select black-haired wagyuu assortment 5 types
・銀兵衛特選ホルモン盛り合わせ 4種 Ginbe special select hormon (innards) assortment 4 types
・石焼ビビンバor冷麺orチゲ(この中から1種類)stone dish bibinba or cold noodles or chige (Korean hot soup) - you can choose 1
・デザート dessert

They keep mentioning silver because of the name of the place lol, Ginbe (銀兵衛) and Ginza (銀座)

that's a bit cheap but it depends on if it's a special event or not I guess.


karu_chan July 6 2011, 11:59:15 UTC
*FAILS* Prefecture =/= location of the restaurant!
I really, really need to learn to read what people write!

Thank you for the transcription/translation ^_^
But... sounds as if we'd be really stuffed after eating that much! 8 courses are 8 courses *eyeroll* (though I'd skip the innards _._ )

Ah @Ginbe, that explains the Google confusion. Poor tool ^^;


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