I'm back

Jun 15, 2011 21:19

Not that anybody noticed, but... I was away the past few days (Schwerin + Stralsund, pictures will follow)
and WOW did things happen.

Almost the moment we arrived here we were flooded with MSN and calls:
- Dream Boys dates confirmed (I still think they'll add some more shows...) (ina, in case it was you who updated our file: Thank you very, very much!)
- my cousin kind of saw the clip about our company in her workplace (which means it'll be aired sooner or later)
- my cousin is also looking for someone who'll go to Nippon Convention in Bremen this weekend for a report about cosplay. HELP?
- June Bride!
- SMAP x Kinki Kids

For my holidays I
- bought a new dress and some underwear
- did some sightseeing in my hometown, Stralsund and on Rügen *g*
- got lost for a second while jogging in Stralsund (went too far from the area I know and was confused just WHERE I ended up. Forests in cities can be evil!)

musicals, holidays

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