Dinner at Delano's

May 30, 2011 20:29

Recently I've bought two vouchers worth 40 € on Daily Deal (paid 20 €, that's why it's a deal ^_~ ) for the restaurant Delano here in Bremen.
Italian food and lots of drinks and cocktails.

After thoroughly cleaning the tank, visiting Ikea (+ lunch there) and buying fish food, we were finally home again at 5:30 PM. Which gave us about one hour to rest before we left home again and went to above mentioned restaurant. We really deserved that, after the horror that Ikea can be ^^;;;

And with food, I mean cocktails, which we had for starters.
Pina Colada for Carsten and a Pink Elephant for me.

My dinner: Tagliatelle with slices of chicken breast and zucchini in an orange-ginger sauce. I LOVED that combination. So good! (8,90 €)

Carsten's dinner: Tagliatelle with sirloin slices and arugula + fresh parmesan (11,90 €)

Dessert: Carsten had a strawberry... daiquiri? At least I think it was that one and not some other strawberry whatever ^^;;;
Obviously they had filled the glass to the brim and then some, which is why it looks like it looks _._
I had some vanilla ice in orange juice (go URGH! here, if you must), but forgot to take a picture...

The food was really good and delicious and the pizzas there looked WOW, so we'll probably go there again, without any vouchers and have a BIG! pizza *ggg*
All drinks were probably in the 6-7 € range, which is normal for Bremen.

bremen, food

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