Of presents and shoes

May 03, 2011 20:53

1) THANK YOU secret_secret!!!!

Your parcel took me totally by surprise, but... thank you ^______________^

Though my first reaction was "AHHHHHHHHH! Ostergras! HÜLFÄÄÄÄ!" (crying for help while facing the artificial eastergras), because some years ago vc_mel and I used it and we found traces of it all over the place until September or so ^^;;;;

The chocolate is very tasty too *.*


2) And then I went and bought two new pair of shoes for the summer. Which I totally needed because currently the temperatures are below 4 °C in the morning -.-;;;;

I fell in love with this pair at first sight. It's so perfect for summer ♥ (oh, and HERE is the pair in the online shop - much better pictures ^^;;;)
Don't mind the stickers still in the shoes, they just wanted to stick there -.-;

I couldn't find this pair online, but well... flats with flowers *g*

shopping, friends

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