How to fuck up a delivery

Feb 19, 2011 21:48

On Wednesday evening Carsten (= vc_mel [just in case...]) finally ordered the laundry dryer he always wanted to have. The company in question (Neckermann) had a special offer for a FREE 24-h delivery.

We thought, we'd have the dryer by Thursday evening. Now it's Saturday evening and it's still not here

Thursday evening came and went, so I called Neckermann and they explained the rules for the 24-h delivery: "If you order before 2 PM, you'll get your items the next day. If you order after 2 PM, your order will be delivered the day after the next day." That means, in our case, Friday.

The nice lady said to me,  that our dryer would be delivered between 8 AM and 1 PM. Which was BAD!, because people have to go to work -.-;;
Carsten took a day off and waited for it.

Around noon they called and went "Well, tough luck, we're not going to make it today. Sucks to be you! But we'll be there tomorrow before noon."

That would be today. No delivery whatsover. I called the customer service again and they were very confused that the forwarder would even deliver it today.
In the end we left home around 2:30 PM and low and behold... when we came back home, there was a slip in our post box that they were here at 3:10 PM -.-;;; Oh, and they'd try in again on the 22nd (Tuesday), but didn't offer any time just when they'd be here.

As Carsten and I have better things to do than to wait for the forwarder all day long, I called the customer department AGAIN and explained them that I was very much pissed off. Now they can find a way to make the forwarder show up here on Monday evening, after 5 PM. No way in heaven that any of us is going to take another day off nor that I'm going to wait until Tuesday.
The forwarder already called me once, so they have my phone number. If they promise to be here before noon, I expect them to be here before noon and not during the afternoon OR just call me, if they notice, they won't make it in time.

Let's see what is going to happen on Monday ^^;;;

And now the positive news!

In Bremen we have a "Bürgerpark Tombola" (lottery to support a BIG park here in Bremen) every year. My biggest win so far was a bag of potato chips ^^;;; (In other words, I was convinced that I already own one squaremeter of the park with my endless luck of "no win")
Today though, I've won two sessions of an intense workout with a personal trainer at "Secrets Bremen" (value: 38 €).
I guess, I'll just give back my squaremeter of park then ^^;;;

ranting, daily life

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