Back to the study!

Feb 02, 2011 22:27

Finally, finally, we have moved our desks back to the study ^____________^

Last week vc_mel had an appointment in Bremerhaven. We went there together and afterwards had dinner in a fish restaurant. We had the "Sail Plate", which was LOTS of fish + a salad.

Salad: Cabbage, carrots and yellow beans.
Only when eating the yellow beans I remembered that it must have been AGES since I last had them - and I loved them soooo much as a child ^^;;;

Then the "Sail Plate".
Much, much fish. TOO much fish. I ate the left-overs at work the next day ^^;

And some cheese buns I made today. Quite easy to prepare and they tasted good too (at least in my opinion ^^;;;)

On the WTF?-note
I tried to sew a skirt last weekend - and ended with some hysteric breakdown.
The book I used, from THE sewing company here in Germany (Burda), was soooooooooooo badly written!
I wonder why there was only one other person on Amazon that gave the book a bad review. I seriously wanted to hit the author(s?) with this book. No person can learn sewing with "instructions" that don't even deserve the name -.-

Mel helped me so much m(_ _)m that we (or rather he) finished the skirt in the end, but without any help? No chance. Ever.

So now... I'll sew a small bag, which I'll use to bring my lunch to work. That should be easier. Should _._

sewing, flat, food

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