Shopping at eBay or How to annoy the hell out of me

Oct 29, 2010 21:06

I'll make this story as short as possible, so I'll give you a run-down in keywords.

1) Move into a new flat in April.
2) Change your address in your eBay profile.
3) Buy things from eBay in September and have them delivered to your new address.
4) Buy several things from eBay in October and notice per chance that there is still your old address in the system. (Somehow I had only changed the preferred delivery address)
5) Pay for the new items you have just bought in the traditional way = send money to the bank account, which takes a day or three.
6) Meanwhile change your "real" address in your eBay profile too.
7) Hope and wait that you get your items.
8) Receive a few items and wait for the others.
9) Receive an email from a seller going "the parcel just came back and there must be a fault with the address, most likely a typo on your side. So give me the address with correct spelling + money for sending it again"
10) Go "WTF? Why should I pay again, just because you can't read" in your head and start searching around.

The German eBay page says that once I buy something the seller receives my address, but they point out that a seller can check if there are other addresses available.
I don't understand either why other people managed to send things to me and she failed -.- (and she's not going to be only person I will have that problem with. Hmpf!)

So, who is at fault now? Those sellers who didn't check? Me, for not noticing there are at least three different address on your eBay profile you need to change? The eBay system itself?

Oh - and we are talking about the horrendous amount of 1,65 € here. But there are still the other items I have mentioned and it might add up to 15 € total, if they are all going to be like this seller.

I offered the seller from above the 50:50 solution, as she was just blind, but so was I and... we'll see how this is going to end, once she replies.

ranting, ebay

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