Women in japan will be forever alone and this is why

Oct 29, 2010 08:17

I need to repost THIS from aramatheydidnt.

In Tokyo, Goo did a ranking of 10 things Japanese men find weird/strange/annoying of their female counterparts.

RankingMy comment 1. They want to lose weight when they don’t need to.True, true (partly a fault of magazines/society, though 60% at best)2. When one says, “Kawaii!” all the others follow. _._ 3. They go to the bathroom in groups.Just because one person saying "I need to go" serves as a reminder, that "oh, actually I should go too" ^^;;;4. Even though they say “I’ll leave it up to you,” they complain about your choice.Dumb women, if they actually complain then 5. They spend a really long time shopping. *ggggggggggggggg*6. They shave their eyebrows just to draw them back on again. Which is something I don't understand either. And drawn-on eyebrows most often look scary too.7. They wear makeup every day. I don't, but for Japanese women this surely is true (at least, very often). 8. They won’t directly say what they’re thinking. Again... society? 9. They’re obsessed with fortune-telling. Okaaaayyyy....???? 10. They have a separate stomach just for dessert. LOL!!! (there is always room for ice cream? ^_~ )


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