I really, really should stop reading Spiegel Online

Sep 30, 2010 09:53

And this time I'm not even annoyed about the people in the forum there.
It's the authors themselves. In one article they kept mispelling "Luxemburg" as "Luxenburg". What the...????
Once is a typo, twice and more is stupidity.

Granted, I have no idea how they finance the Spiegel homepage and the authors writing articles there, but the pay can't be that low that they cannot afford people who know how to use a spell-check program any longer ;_;

What you write there will be read by tons of people *grrrr*
Is is really that difficult to spell the names of our neighbouring countries correctly? There are only nine of them -.-

Where do they find their "authors"?

Ah, and then I commented in the forum on that article and told them about their failure and? My entry didn't get displayed. They check the comments before they put them up for everyone to see and mine obviously didn't make it.
But at least they managed to erase their mistake.

ranting, internet

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