Ranting about rants in a German online forum (Spiegel Online)

Sep 22, 2010 09:51

So, we have this article (and the importance of kindergarten teachers and that we don't have enough by far).

People in the forum go and rant about the low payment of kindergarten teachers and all the resposibilitly they have and it's no wonder people don't want to work in that job.
And then somebody comes along that in the 1960s and 1970s etc. it was enough if the husband worked and the wife stayed at home and took care of the kids.
Maybe I'm wrong here, but if you want to have a life like in those years, I think that is still possible.

Which means to mean:
- Hardly any holidays.
- Husband works six days a week.
- Only one TV (if at all)
- Certainly no high-tech games, PCs, cell phones etc.
- Forget about all the take-out food, McDonalds, pizza delivery... instead you can basically cook everything yourself, without using all the helpers we are using right now.
- Get yourself an annual abo for the library?
- Much less clothes to wear! Brands? Forget about them!

Again, maybe it's just me, but people who present this "one income was enough" phrase, always seem to forget that way back people did have less things at home and their nutrition was different.

EDIT: Society, life and personal demands were different back then and people forget that.


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