
Jul 27, 2010 15:35

These are the books I've finished since Thursday - all in German, but you get the English titles anyway ^^;;;

1) Diana Gabaldon - A Breath of Snow and Ashes
Vol. 6 of the Outlander ("Cross Stich" in the UK) series.
Left me with a cliffhanger and now I wonder whether I should get vol. 7 as hardcover, but as paddyabroad said: "Patience is good.... for the wallet" ^_~

Kate Fitzgerald has a rare form of leukemia. Her sister, Anna, was conceived to provide a donor match for procedures that become increasingly invasive. At 13, Anna hires a lawyer so that she can sue her parents for the right to make her own decisions about how her body is used when a kidney transplant is planned.

That, was a very interesting and heart-wrenching story - and as the main character "Anna" says at some point in the book "there won't be any winners or loosers in this case".
The book got me hooked and when I checked the other plots of the author, I think I want to read some of those too.
(And... this book was turned into a movie with Cameron Diaz, which is why she's on the cover.)

"Jordan Landau is having a bad life. At twenty-five, she is attractive, smart, funny and talented. But all that doesn't keep her mother from calling her fat, her boss from stealing her ideas, and her boyfriend from cheating on her. Day in and day out, she sits back and watches as everyone walks all over her.
Then one day while riding her bike home from a particularly awful day, Jordan collides with a car door and is knocked clear off her bicycle. Coming to in the hospital, Jordan realizes she has a perfect excuse for a "do-over"; she vows to fake amnesia and reinvent herself.
And it works. Finally, Jordan is able to get the credit she deserves at work, and she stands up to her family and her jerk boyfriend. She's living the life she always dreamed of--until the unthinkable happens. Suddenly Jordan must start over for real, and figure out what really makes her happy--and how to live a truly memorable life."

This is really a nice book for a longer Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Nice love story and nice ending. Nothing special, but still nice to read ^^;;;

Now I'll continue with Wolfgang Hohlbein and some fantasy-kinda-whatever-novel. Or maybe not fantasy. It says something about Druids. I forget the rest atm, but so far his books were just the kind of stuff I fancy ^^;


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