Hmm... let's see... it's freaking hot outside. My car tried to convince me that it's 34 °C and this time I'm tempted to believe it. I don't even dare to open the windows. Currently it's like 28 °C inside *sniff* TOO HOT
According to the weather forecast it's going to be a little bit colder from tomorrow on. Just some weeks ago it was so cold that I actually had to turn on the heating (in August!!!) and now it's hot, hot, hot. Can't we settle for something like 25 °C all summer?
vc_mel I tried to buy the Christmas cookies today at the supermarket but this one here only had some very simple Lebkuchen. Not the big choice you spoke of. I really wanted to buy the ones we had last year. Guess I still have to wait ^^;; Settled for some water melon instead *g*
Speaking of the supermarket: Tried to buy mirin in ours but couldn't find it (I did not even try to find dashi no moto). Now I have to find an Asia shop in the city...
Ran out of Pockys... I could buy Mikado I think but those with blueberry were so delicious and Mikado only has the simple ones with chocolate, non with fruits *sigh* Anyone who knows an online shop that sells Pocky? I can't always go to Düsseldorf to buy them ^^;;
And I think my "Anwer will come" single arrived today. Have to go to the post office tomorrow to get the parcel but it's the only thing I'm currently expecting. At least I think so ^^;;