Bitchy post goes here

Sep 21, 2009 09:15

So, we have this post about Arashi being on air about 50 hours this on week in November HERE.

And within the first few comments there are at least three comments that go "poor fansubbers"

And my rambling goes here )


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karu_chan September 21 2009, 07:50:35 UTC
Not sure if you've noticed, but apart from the meaning of "poor fansubbers", we agree on most parts there ^^;; (= Du rennst mit deiner Antwort bei mir offene Türen ein)

I understand all of what you said - and some points I've mentioned too. Esp. the problems of learning a language like Japanese.
It's just that too many people in fandom have this demanding attitude that fansubbers should shower them with subs, when producing them is a very much time-eating task. They need to be checked twice at least (for some good quality) yadda yadda. That's "poor fansubbers" too, because their work hardly ever gets the appreciation it deserves.
(Or maybe the people who go around and ask for subs are just a few, but stay in mind because they ask, while the majority, who accepts, that most likely subs will come with time, just never say a thing and thus don't draw attention to them)

But I wanna go *headdesk* if people live for 6 months abroad and come back not having learned much of the language there and then go "I wanna watch this'n'that, but it's not subbed yet, so I'll just be bored, sit around, do nothing and wait for it" and the show is in the language of the country they lived in. And saying to them "go and learn that language" just gives you "but I don't need it" as answer ;_;


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