This weekend

Jul 12, 2009 12:26

Starting Friday evening:
Went to see "Ice Age 3", which was lots of fun (only that Mel and me wanted to kill those 2 teenage girls right next to us, who were commenting quite some at the beginning of the movie -.-;;; but luckily it got toned down throughout the movie)

We saw the preview for "Transformer - Revenge" once more and decided to see this movie too. But in order to have a better understanding of the plot, we first needed to see "Transformer". Read: we needed to rent the DVD.
Now, I KNEW that there is a rental store in the district next to ours. I've never been there before, but saw it often when driving home the other way. After quite some time we managed to find it... Just because it says no. 171 on a certain street, it doesn't mean that it's located directly on that street. No, it was in a side street _._ Uhm, yeah... Got the Transformers DVD and "The Broken" (British movie)

We were done with Transformers somewhere around midnight and liked the jokes and the pace and all. But then Mel went "Uhm, great. Now we just watched it in English and tomorrow we'll watch the 2nd part in German..."
Yeah, I knew that, but... I just wanted to know how the voices should be like *ggg*

In the morning we watched "The Broken", which turned out to be a very strange movie with some kind of open end. DUH!
Transformers 2 in the afternoon ♥
Bought two pairs of shoes after that. I'm still looking for a lovely brown pair with heels that I can wear with my skirts...

This pair was for 20 €.

The reduced pair for 9,95€.

Saturday evening:
Watched "Disc World" on TV. I read the book to this movie maybe... 13? years ago, so of course I didn't remember a thing, but I had a good time watching the movie. DEATH = ♥
As I already postet last night, Rina and I did some blind booking, which ended us up in Vienna *ggg*

The blueberry cake for this afternoon is in the fridge. Picture will follow later ^^

shopping, movies, daily life

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