あげる / くれる / もらう

Apr 20, 2009 20:46

I've got a question for the Japanese speaking people on my f-list.
I'm currently at the chapter with give/receive and then there is this little quiz

I'm getting 9 out of 10 question right, but the last one I simply don't see how their answer can be correct


1)くれて / あげた
2)あげて / やった
3)もらって / くれた
4)あげて / くれた

The book says it's no. 4.
And at this point I'm lost.

So far the book said "morau" = receive, "kureru" = to give, "ageru" if saying that person A gave something to person B.
To me, that would make it answer no. 3.

So either book is wrong or I need someone to explain it to me m(_ _)m


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