Balcony, presents and... SPORTS

Apr 07, 2009 18:59

Yes, let's start with the latter.
I haven't been jogging since about... October. Today, I ran out of excuses (too dark, too cold, paths too muddy...), because we had 26 °C, it was sunny and about 16:30 in the afternoon.
After returning home, I changed as fast as possible and already then it started to get cloudy. First 1.6 km (1 mile) in almost 14 minutes... bad... but without a break. Then the first drips... and of course the thunder I had preferred to ignore... more drips. I was maybe one minute into round 2 when it got HEAVY -.-;;;
Hence, I did only a small second round and overall it was about 18 minutes, including two minutes of fast running to get back as soon as possible. Oh, well... but at least I can still run that long without problems (even if it was dead slow, but I did something for my stamina ^^;;)


paddyabroad's letter arrived today and it held her presents for me too.
1) JinxJin DJ
2) KAT-TUN photo album, because I really needed one ^^

3) And a rubber. Yes, rubber.
I stared at the thingie for a whole 30 seconds, wondering if the guy on the right is Mizuki or not. Still not sure, it's OLD and the quality isn't the best.

Then I started to wonder how Paddy could figure out that it's Mizuki and buy that thing, if not even I am sure... So I turned it around and there I saw what Paddy must have seen:

Adorable, aren't they? ^^;;;

Last week, Mel and I went to the OBI and bought lots of flowers and plants, which Mel all put into flower boxes, the following day.

Now we have different flowers and herbs (to be), strawberries and salad on the balcony ^^

Let's start with the flowers:

Herbs, in they hand-made "greenhouse". Might take a few weeks until we see the results there.

And the food:
Two types of strawberries: Senga Sengana and Elsanta. We I dubbed them Senga and Tsubasa.

The salad is still tiny. Should hurry up with growing too ^^;;;


And last but now least, I got Wil Wheaton's (yes, of the Star Trek TNG kind) "Hot Cacao Box Sample" today. Let's see how that it *gggggggg*
At least his blog is fun to read!

presents, タッキー&翼, sports, merchandise, plants

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