
Mar 05, 2009 21:34

This week's " Shoujiki Shindoi" with Becky? ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  (It's f-locked though)

"High-tension date" with cosplay-karaoke. You can see how high-tension Tsuyo is ^^;;;;;;;;

So, they arrived in the karaoke bar, still dressed in normal outfits. Becky sings a ballad in a "high-tension" way, that included rap ^^;;;
Tsuyo tries to sing a Mr.Children song (which suddenly sounds like a KinKi Kids ballad) and is not that happy with Becky trying to "liven up" the tempo of the ballad *g*

Then... first change. Becky comes out in a sailor fuku and moves in a "cute" way. Swinging left and right. You get the picture...

Which leads to following expression:

Tsuyo changes too. Say "Helloooo~" to Tsuyo-bunny, singing the opening of Dragonball Z (CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA)
Oh, and he knew the lyrics by heart *g*

Time for a second change with "China deer" Becky and stewardess Tsuyo

Please pay attention to the lovely skirt + boots *dead*

And one close-up ^^;;;

Afterwards they went into a "pet store" and played around with some dogs. Well, Becky played with them. Tsuyo only made fun of a cat ^_~ (and ignored the dogs almost completely)

At the end of the show:
Tsuyo: So, what do you want to do next time?
Becky: Well... I had a meeting with the staff. How about we go to my (parents') home and eat nabe with them?
Tsuyo: *looks baffled* But we can't really intrude on your parents, ne?
Becky: Today everything is fine. (<--- 今日なんでもOKAYです。How far off is my translation? I don't get that answer *sigh*)

I'd die laughing if I ever see him at her parents' home ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;

kinki kids

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